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Make up for lost sleep

Making changes to sleeping habits was not enough to help overcome sleep deprivation. You
also need to make up for lost sleep during sleeplessness. Therefore, whenever there is free
time, try to sleep even if only for a while. For example, on the weekends, during holidays, or
simply taking a nap between work hours can also help you pay off your sleep debt. But
remember, when paying this sleep debt, avoid sleeping too long. The reason is, too much
sleep does not match your bedtime can usually change the biological clock. As a result, at
night when you should be sleeping, you are not sleepy at all.

2. Move your body a lot

Maybe this sounds the opposite of a body that is feeling weak due to lack of sleep. However,
when there is an opportunity, use it to move a lot. For example, when going to the office,
choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Then, during lunch you should not be at the
desk. Moving a lot will increase the respiratory rate. This makes oxygen supply more optimal
to flow throughout the body.

3 . Don't multitask
When you're sleep deprived, your brain's memory works less and it's slower to recover if
distractions occur. So, to make the day run smoothly, just do one task at a time.

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