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Essay on why should we get up early in the morning

So, let’s begin with the first point.

My first point is that waking up early can lead to improved productivity. Now let me explain, By
starting the day earlier, you can have a head start on the typical workday. So this allows you to
get more done before the day becomes hectic. For example, if you wake up at 6 am, you can
spend the first hour or two of the day working on a personal project, exercising, meditating, or
simply enjoying some quiet time to yourself. So, before you start work, you will have already
accomplished something and will feel more energized and focused on your work.

This brings me to the end of the first point.

Moving to the second point that is waking up early can give you better sleep. Now let me clarify
it. Going to bed and getting up early can help you to regulate the sleep-wake cycle and improve
the quality of your sleep. This leads to better overall health and well-being. For example, when
you wake up at 6 am and go to bed at 10 pm, you are likely to feel more rested and alert than if
you stayed up late and slept in until later in the day because this is the best time to sleep and
wake up.

Alright, This leads to the end of the second point .

So, let’s move to the last point.

Waking up early can also have positive impacts on your mental health. But how, so now I will
explain for you. Some research has shown that morning light exposure can improve mood by
giving vitamin d for human, so you will have better mental health. For instance, when you spend
some time outside in the morning light, you are likely to feel more awake, alert, and less anxious
or stressed because you will be affected by vitamin d that is received from the morning light.

This brings me to the end of my presentation.

Waking up early in the morning is a habit that can bring numerous benefits to a person's life.
Here are some of the reasons why people should strive to become early risers, along with
examples to illustrate these points.

First and foremost, waking up early can lead to improved productivity. By starting the day earlier,
you have a head start on the typical workday, allowing you to get more done before the day
becomes hectic. For example, if you wake up at 6 am, you can spend the first hour or two of the
day working on a personal project, exercising, meditating, or simply enjoying some quiet time to
yourself. By the time you start work, you will have already accomplished something and will feel
more energized and focused. Moreover, if you spend some time outside in the morning light,
you are likely to feel more awake, alert, and less anxious or stressed than if you stayed in bed
until later. This can have a positive impact on your mental health because Research has shown
that morning light exposure can improve mood and regulate the sleep-wake cycle, leading to
better overall mental health.

Moreover, if you spend some time outside in the morning light, you are likely to feel more
awake, alert, and less anxious or stressed than if you stayed in bed until later. This can have a
positive impact on your mental health. So, you will become more productive when working or

In addition to improved productivity, waking up early can also have positive impacts on mental
health. Research has shown that morning light exposure can improve mood and regulate the
sleep-wake cycle, leading to better overall mental health. For example, if you wake up at 6 am
and spend some time outside in the morning light, you are likely to feel more awake, alert, and
less anxious or stressed than if you stayed in bed until later.

Waking up early also has physical health benefits. Regular exercise in the morning has been
shown to improve overall physical health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart
disease and diabetes, and even increase lifespan. For example, if you wake up at 6 am and
spend 30 minutes exercising, you will not only feel more energized and focused, but you will
also be taking steps towards improving your physical health.

Increased focus and concentration is another benefit of waking up early. By starting the day
without distractions, you can focus on your most important tasks and be more productive
throughout the day. For example, if you wake up at 6 am and spend the first hour of the day
working on an important project, you will be able to get a lot done before the day becomes busy
and your attention is pulled in different directions.

Finally, waking up early can lead to better sleep. Going to bed early and waking up early can
help regulate the sleep-wake cycle and improve the quality of your sleep. This, in turn, leads to
better overall health and well-being. For example, if you wake up at 6 am and go to bed at 10
pm, you are likely to feel more rested and alert than if you stayed up late and slept in until later
in the day.

In conclusion, waking up early in the morning has numerous benefits that can positively impact
a person's life. Whether it's improved productivity, better mental and physical health, increased
focus and concentration, or better sleep, there are many reasons to make an effort to become
an early riser.

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