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My description of a tensing hub

I am sitting on a bench in the sun, looking up at the clouds. My arms are stretched
straight out and my palms are flat. I am very relaxed. I feel a strange sensation
through my palms, almost as though something is running between the palms. I look
down my right arm and see a strange webwork of wires pulsating and turning in a
lazy clockwise turn in my hand and wrist. I extend my left arm out and feel the
same strange sensations, but this time it is in my left hand and wrist. I see the
strange webwork pulsating and turning and connecting in my left hand and wrist. I
lower my arms and turn to my right, where I see a bustling buzzing city. A sign
next to me reads exit 146.

I step out of the rattling train and onto a dilapidated station platform. Much of
it is black beneath the grime. I wander along the platform nervously, to take in my
new found surroundings. I prowl down the platform, I see the station is not busy,
with only scraps of rubbish lying around and many more inside empty rubbish bins. A
glaring light from outside catches my eye: I look up at the glass ceiling of the
station, which is glowing a vibrant yellow colour. I am in a tunnel, out of the
sun. I whistle happily, I see a man walking my way. I stand near to the exit, as he
approaches, I hear a shock of static from the tunnel.

And then the man is gone. I look around and there he is, sitting on the bench. I
whistle and extend out my palms, to him I smile and say, "hey I was thinking how
the whole thing gets affected by least resistance has at least one more explanation
for the universe, it is the least energy bound of all forms of energy. The amount
of energy required to produce the least amount of change in velocity of a body is
the minimum amount of energy required to produce the change. It should always be
more energy to change a velocity than it would to keep it the same. The tendency
towards uniformity which always exists. Imagine a particle moving through different
forms of matter, some way more dense than others, and imagine that it consistently
encountered a greater resistance in one than in another. That is the least energy
bound, for chance encounters. But to match it with the gravitation. The gravitation
cannot be less than the least amount of energy bound. In fact, the gravitational
force itself is connected to the least amount of energy bound. The two pull in the
same direction, it is the equation that unites them, namely the weak force and
gravitation. And keep in mind that we are dealing with a thousand times the mass,
matter and space than the atom. Keep this in mind, with all the extents of the
atonosphere, all the variety of matter, the universe is one. This is one thing that
cannot be duplicated to infinity, for it is simply a function of chance. There is
no way to replicate it. I know that this statement can be proved mathematically in
some way, but I cannot remember what it is as of now. I am very tired. And I see
you are looking at me. I see that you want to talk to my hand. Yes, I am holding it
in my palm, pointing at you in a unsettling way. I am sure you have noticed. Prove
it. In an instant you will, I know. There is no time. I have been trying to
explain, but in so many words, which words got left behind. So I just talk without
talking, as a matter of fact as if to speak without opening my mouth. And here it
is, you will learn it for certain." And with that I open my hand near his face and
he sees it. A message inside my hand, calling to him. He looks up at the sky, I see
him getting up, his face turns white and he turns to me and he says, with a
pronounced mind,”this is not interesting.” And with that he collapses.

I look around and there he is lying on the bench, unconscious, werting a fresh mug
of coffee, feeling the mug with the fingers of his left hand. I approach him, I see
shards of glass from the glass ceiling. I sit down next to him I look down at the
ground and sees a strange entity, it looks like one of the stoplight men, but it is
standing and looking at me. It says, in a very posh and concerned tone, "are you
okay. This is a terrible day. I have been watching you for five hours." "What is
this about, who are you? Are you a man?" I ask, very curious. "Yes, I am, I am what
you might call a drone. I am a keeper of the roads. Perhaps, I suppose, you could
call me a kind of robot, of sorts. I am a Sentry-bot. My name is Sentry-4A, Sentry-
4A, Serial Number XYZ, type Sentinel, HX Series. I can tell you are a bit disturbed
by my appearance." I look at the man and say, "yes I am. Quite."

"I see. There is very little to this, my friend. I am here to escort you through
the road. You appear to be lost, I see that you are a bit delirious, perhaps you
are just confused. Then again, while you are here I will fix you." "Yes, I would
like that. I am looking for the exit." "The exit is not the way he foun d, I
believe that you are more in need of a new set of sunglasses. Come with me. I have
an excellent pair of Trolex. They are filtered with a little add-on I installed. I
put one in for you. They are very well valued. They were hand made, in a very poor
village in Ecuador. Which is, by the way, my birthplace. I made them myself, by
hand. I am really good at such things. Follow me and I will give them to you, along
with a helmet headset." "Yes, come with me. It is really very good. You won't even
feel the wind. It is much better than the way you wear it, you know." I look at him
and say, "Will it stop the sound of the Subways from entering my ears long enough
for me to listen to the thoughts of those around me?" "Of course, the helmet
headset can be used for a variety of purposes. One of the uses is to block out
subsonic sounds, like subway noise, chatter of your fellow travelers, static, small
noises that you may have missed. The I-Pod headphone adapter has been added to it,
in order to add the music. It is perfect, I made it myself. You won't even feel
that it is there, until I remove it. I will have a new helmet headset ready for
you. I have an extra pair of safety glasses, I put one in for you, too, it is very
comfortable, especially if you do a bit of painting. Hold on, let me turn off the
noise from outside, it is very rude and disturbing. Here is a pair of them. It is
the best thing there is. Also, you can use the music to smuggle in some other
music, if you like." "Very nice, very nice."

I am starting to feel much better. I have a secret, now, I can read the minds of
whatever is around me, I can watch all the thoughts of all the people, I can keep
up with where I am going, by editing the thoughts of the motorist, I stop feeling
nauseous from the food, I can see what I can eat safely. I don't feel disgust
anymore. My headache is gone, I can't even remember how I got it. I just feel
better. This man is very good at taking care of me. He was right, there was a
reason why I had to remove the helmet headset and read the mind of the man on the
bench. And in a way, I owe him my life. And now, I must go and find where I am
supposed to travel to. I am very grateful for him, the life-saving helmet headset,
the safe food I can eat, the food that does not harm me and the other special
little things he has given me. I have left the Trolex glasses for him, in the hope
that he will make use of them. It would be nice if he could buy a new pair for
himself as well. I am not quite sure he can. But I would like it better if he
could, because that would mean that I saved a lot of effort on his behalf.

The lifeboat of his will surely be very nice also. I don't want to mention it, it
might cost him in a way. He has some good things, and some not-so-good things, so I
can't help but wonder about it. I tell him, "don't worry about it, I know you and I
think you might need it." He looks at me very surprised and says, "well, I could
certainly use a new one, my old one is quite worn out, I need to upgrade. I can't
leave this one in a barn, or even a junk yard." I am gleaming inside, I am glad he
asked me, I was curious whether he would be able to find some new one and figure
out a way. There are way too many wires and screws in there.

We have a long walk ahead of us, we need to reach a certain spot, I wonder whether
I can find us a shortcut. I am the only passenger in this lifeboat, he might not
want me to go there. I do not know if those guards will take me there, they still
may have the need to hurt me, to punish me. But I am curious, we could use it. So I
ask him, "You can ask the guards to stop me, and you can pick me up when we are out
of their ways, so I don't get in trouble. If you do not mind D." "No, no worry, we
will be at a very safe distance from the guards. After that we can go anywhere you
like, you are free to ride anywhere, I have no need to get off." I am very excited.
I am very excited. Who knows, it could lead to some place special. I have never
seen it, the lifeboat is certainly very useful.

"Come on, come on, where is the exit?" I ask him. There is a curious excitement in
him, I wonder if he has ever been there before. But I am curious to be where he is
going. It certainly will be very nice, it will be a joy to have such a special
place to go to. "Come with me, I will show you the way."

The road is a very long one, it does not end. It does not come any closer. I am
tired of walking. I am tired of walking for hours. We have walked a great deal. The
road is a very long one, I knew it was coming. It is not an easy one, it is not one
of those shortcuts I have seen in movies. There is a river, we need water to cross
it. I have to ride on a ferry boat. It is very nice, and comfortable, I will watch
the lifeboat, of course, I could use some time to rest and relax. I will let the
lifeboat move me around. I will sit down. Not only do I get a rest, I get to see
all the way to the other side. And there is nothing there. I can see all the way to
the other side from here. So I know where the other side is. It must be over there,
there is only one another way. You must be really careful about it, I told you so,
it is not easy to do. Probably, you will not be able to go there, without me, it is
not simple. I don't want you to be lost. And if you do, I will have to look for
you. "But where is the other side to that island, where we will have to get off?" I
ask him. "It is an island, you have to be careful, as always, not everybody can go
there, you have to be clever to do it, you can't take it easy." "I'll be careful.
You stopped studying the I-Kore book, didn't you? So what are we going to do?" "We
will not study the I-Kore book, it is far too late for this. We have plenty of time
to play. There is still a lot of time. But now there is more."

I trust him. I know, I can't study the I-Kore book. I will never be able to study,
only those who do all the work can study. My eyes suddenly open. I love it, I want
to go there. I want to know whatever it is that he has on the lifeboat, why it is
that nobody in the world can have it. I am curious about it. I am curious about it.
"Umm, can we go there. And if we can there, what is there? What kind of people are
there? What is there there about these people?" "They have something very nice, you
have to help me. Come on, get up, come and get on the lifeboat. You have to hurry,
the ferry will be leaving soon." "Yes, I'm coming." I think he is strange, he is
getting very nervous and excited. I don't think I want to go there, this thing is
not too nice, I think it will become too busy, too annoying.

We finally reach the ferry. It is very nice inside, it is very nice inside. It is
comfortable, a very comfortable environment. There are a lot of girls around me,
they are pretty. They loved the bicycle. They liked the bicycle very much. They
liked it so much they want to take it. They want to take it, they want me to get
off the bicycle. That's just fine, because I don't need it. I like girls, they want
to take me, they want to take me, they want to take me over there. They are very
pretty, they are very nice, they are very tall and slender. Somebody has to come
with me, because I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I think
I have said hello, a few times. I think I have done what I wanted to do, I am very
happy about it. I think that is all I am going to do.

That is all. I am not going to go there. I have to go to that other place, I have
to look for something very special. I have to go and find it. I have no time, I
have no time to waste. Whoever likes to play, whoever wants to play, let's go. I
don't choose, I can't choose, I don't want to play. So I am going there playing.
Play, play and play. That is the greatest thing in the world, it is very nice, it
is very nice. I like the very nice thing, I like it very much. I like it, I thought
it was going to be nice, but it turned out to be very nice.
So I am going there playing. I am going there playing, I am going there playing. I
am going there. I am going there. I am going there. I am going there. I am going
there. I am going there. I am going there. I am going there. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I
am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it.

Now I am going to go there playing, I am going to go there playing. I am going

there playing. I am going to go there playing. I am going to do it. I am going to
do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to
do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to
do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to
do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. I am going to
do it. I am going to do it.

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