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The recent researches had indicated the potential of stem cell therapy in the

treatment of autoimmune system. Studies had shown that this can also be used in
pharmacy genomics and regenerative medicine.

Then what the problem could be? Aside of the possibility of tumor growth and
metastasis. The ethical dilemma of human embryos being destructed at expenses
of science. But why is controversy? Because all this speech is all by people’s
moral perspective. Either because the embryo is seen as a potential person or the
embryo being a person already.

The reasons why I do not agree that the use of embryos is immoral, is because its
not implanted into the uterus, thus they do not have psychological or physical
properties that a human have, they are evolved for not develop into a successful
birth since they’re used in the 14th day, when there’s no nervous system.

If we can take organs out of brain dead declared people, we can also use stem cell
embryos that are not even persons. Its incoherent that they rather safe a potential
life before benefit patients that need those treatments that are in fact people.

The embryo itself has no moral. Fertilized human eggs by themselves can’t survive
independently if we destroy them before implantation there’s not harm to any
human. Based in morality, we didn’t destroy something that had desires or

Every year fertility clinics create blastula (embryo that is only composed of cells)
that are throw away because they are made in surplus. Medics believe that these
waste of surplus can be used for research and create medical investments, is
much better than throwing them away.

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