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differentiate fixed from floating cage

Fixed cage is essentially a net bag supported by posts which are anchored to the bottom of a river or
lake. Although they are inexpensive, their use is limited to shallow, protected water with soft substrates.
Floating cages are made from netting supported by a buoyant collar or a stable frame.

what the materials used in installing cages; and

The frame of the cage can be con- structed from wood (preferably redwood or cypress), iron, steel,
aluminum, fiberglass, or PVC. Frames of wood, iron, and steel (unless galvanized) should be coated
with a water-resistant sub- stance like epoxy, or an asphalt- based or swimming pool paint.

Different cage materials can be used for cage farmes. Materials commonly used are High Density Poly
Ethylene (HDPE), Galvanised iron (GI) pipes, PVC pipes, etc. HDPE frames are expensive, but long lasting.
Cost effective epoxy coated Galvanized Iron (GI) frames are recommended for Small groups and
fishermen. GI frames have less life span when compared to HDPE frames.

Nets of varying dimensions and materials were tested for cage culture in India. CMFRI has used braided
and twisted HDPE nets for grow out purpose. It can last for two or more seasons. Nylon net can be used
economically, but since it is light weight, to hold the shape intact more weight has to be loaded in the
ballast pipe. Cost factor has to be taken care while using new netting materials like sapphire or dyneema
materials for net cage. The depth of net ranging from 2 to 5m is ideal. For open sea cage culture,
predator net to prevent attack by predatory organisms is essential.

explain the recommended cultural management and practices involved in cage-

based aquaculture.
Cage culture management must result in optimizing production at minimum cost. The management
should be so efficient that the cultured fish should grow at the expected rate with respect to feeding rate
and stocking density, minimize loss due to disease and predators, monitor environmental parameters and
maintain efficiency of the technical facilities. Physical maintenance of cage structures is also of vital
importance. The net-cages must be routinely inspected. Necessary repairs and adjustments to anchor
ropes and net-cages should be carried out without any delay. Monthly exchange of net should also be
considered, as this ensures a good water exchange in the net, thereby washing away faeces, uneaten
food and to a certain extent reduce the impact of fouling.
How do local growers provide the water requirement (considering the
parameters) of their fishpond?
By understanding the quality of the water the needs of fish and how
to manage water quality factor.Water quality is very important in fish
farming as poor quality water can effect the health and growth of the
fish. By paying attention to the water's chemical and physical factors.
Water quality can quickly decline in fish ponds as fish use the water to live, feed, reproduce, grow
and excrete waste into. 

In terms of the different cultural practices, what do growers need to

practices to guarantee success?
To increase the production in aquaculture, growers need to optimize all material, practices and
knowledge. Most of the time knowledge will need to be optimized farm to farm. This approach could
make huge difference. Ensure you have consistent water quality. Check the water temperature is
suitable for breeding fish.Easy access to the fish pond for harvesting and feeding. Test the water if you
are starting fish farming both bacteriologically and chemically. Understand modern technical ways of
risk management and risk assessment. It is important to locate reliable suppliers for fingerlings, fish
eggs, and fish feed. Learn about the permits and legal compliance required to start a fish farming
business in your area.

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