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Good morning, I am writing this email because I found out

that applications for this institution were open and I want to

be part of the tennis school. I am a construction engineering
student, studying the last semester of the degree. I am from
Chile from the Biobío region. My level is beginner, I am just
an amateur who wants to improve his level. My goal is to
stay for a long time, around 2 years and more is better. I
could stay near a hostel that is close to the tennis school. I
am interested in one hour training sessions two days a week.
I would like to know what the value for each training session
is and what are the requirements to be able to enter. I say
goodbye to you Miguel Roa.
Good afternoon, I am writing this email because I
found out from my friends that there were places to
enter this institution and I want to be part of it.
During the day I work in construction and at night I
am a construction engineering student, in the last
year of my degree. I am Chilean, I live in the
commune of Chiguayante. My level is amateur,
sometimes I practice on the courts near my house. I
intend to stay for a short period of time, around 7
months. I could stay at the house of a friend who
lives near the tennis school. I am interested in doing
sessions to train and compete if my level increases.
I would like to know what the value for the
registration and the monthly value of the payments
is. I would like to know if I will have a personal
trainer or is it a trainer according to the level you
have. I say goodbye to Winston Uribe.

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