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Jessica Glaire J.

Agcaoili 4-19-2023
BSCRIM – 1A SS 104

Activity 2- Moral Person

What is your understanding of a moral person?

The majority of individuals go about their regular lives without giving ethics any thought.
They might be decent people who have ethics ingrained in their being. Nevertheless, it's a wise notion
to consider why you are doing or about to do what you are doing. Focusing on a few fundamental
ethical principles will help us navigate the various difficulties we encounter in today's social media-
driven culture. The set of principles that allow people to live peacefully in communities is referred to
as morality. Morality isn't set in stone; it depends on what society deem to be "right" and "acceptable."
It is possible that what is accepted in one culture may not be acceptable in another. Morals are
influenced by geographical areas, religion, families, and life events. A person's propensity to think,
feel, and act morally as opposed to immorally, or the subset of individual characteristics that are
relevant to morality, is how moral character is conceptualized. It can be beneficial to take some time
to consider the morals that inform your choices towards matters such as friendship, money, education,
and family. Realizing what matters most to you can improve your understanding of who you are and
facilitate decision-making. We may enhance civic virtue in society, tear down barriers of hostility, and
unite the nation by adhering to the fundamental ethical values. Since we've already started down the
classic ethical slippery slope and might be at a point where there is no turning back, we need act

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