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Susu UHT Timun
*Data Food Record diambil saat responden berpuasa


Required – Rows A–N (14 rows) will be aggregated during analysis into the ten MDD-W food groups
Food categories Description/examples to be adapted Consult Appendix 2 Consumed
and replace the example foods below with items Yes = 1 No= 0
commonly consumed in the survey area(s)
A Foods made from Porridge, bread, rice, pasta/noodles or other foods made 1
grains from grains
B White roots and White potatoes, white yams, manioc/cassava/yucca, 0
tubers and plantains cocoyam, taro or any other foods made from white-fleshed
roots or tubers, or plantains
C Pulses (beans, peas Mature beans or peas (fresh or dried seed), lentils or 0
and lentils) bean/pea products, including hummus, tofu and tempeh
D Nuts and seeds Any tree nut, groundnut/peanut or certain seeds, or 0
nut/seed “butters” or pastes
E Milk and milk Milk, cheese, yoghurt or other milk products but NOT 1
products including butter, ice cream, cream or sour cream
F Organ meat Liver, kidney, heart or other organ meats or blood-based 0
foods, including from wild game
G Meat and poultry Beef, pork, lamb, goat, rabbit, wild game meat, chicken, 1
duck or other bird
H Fish and seafood Fresh or dried fish, shellfish or seafood 1
I Eggs Eggs from poultry or any other bird 1
J Dark green leafy List examples of any medium-to-dark green leafy 0
vegetables vegetables, including wild/foraged leaves
K Vitamin A-rich inside (see Appendix 2 for other less-common vitamin A- 0
vegetables, roots rich vegetables)
and tubers
L Vitamin A-rich fruits Ripe mango, ripe papaya (see Appendix 2 for other less- 0
common vitamin A-rich fruits)
M Other vegetables List examples of any other vegetables 0
N Other fruits List examples of any other fruits 1
Groups/items/rows on model 10 food groups in MDD-W Score
A. Foods made from grains 1. Grains, white roots and tubers, and plantains 1
B. White roots and tubers and
C. Pulses (beans, peas and 2. Pulses (beans, peas and lentils 0
D. Nuts and seeds 3. Nuts and seeds 0
E. Milk and milk products 4. Dairy 1
F. Organ meat 5. Meat, poultry and fish 1
G. Meat and poultry
H. Fish and seafood
I. Eggs 6. Eggs 1
J. Dark green leafy vegetables 7. Dark green leafy vegetables 0
K. Vitamin A-rich vegetables, 8. Other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables 0
L. roots and tubers Vitamin A-
rich fruits
M. Other vegetables 9. Other vegetables 0
N. Other fruits 10. Other fruits 1

Total score = 5 (>5 diberi kode 1 atau memenuhi Minumum Dietary Diversity for Women)

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