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Vithalrao Vikhe Patil

College of Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. (Dr.) Kishor Kale
Professor & Head,
Department of Mechanical Engineering.,
▪ B.E. (Mechanical Engg.), M.E. (Design Engg.), Ph.D. (Mechanical Engg.)
▪ (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
You can find me at:
There are several examples of automation one comes across daily,
simple examples being sewing machines, packaging machines.
A sewing machine is designed to produce specific stitch lengths and
likewise a packaging machine is designed to wrap a specific size of
the product.
When product sizes change, some parts of the machine are to be
manually changed to accommodate the new size.
Such machines are essentially designed to package millions of
products of a specific size and are hence special purpose machines.
The cost of such a machine is distributed over large sales volumes.
▪ Demand for the variety requires machines that can handle various
shapes and sizes and every time such a requirement arises one
has to stop the machine and readjust or reset some of the links or
components to handle the new product. This is a task that is not
only time consuming but also requires skill.
▪ Human beings, unlike machines can not only handle tools and
products of different sizes and shapes but are also capable of
executing a variety of tasks.
▪ Engineers have often sought similar capabilities in machines and
this has been possible now with the availability of inexpensive
▪ Used in conjunction with special servo-motors,
actuators and sensors, the microprocessor has
revolutionized automation. It is now possible to build
automation devices that can be operated under the
guidance of a program.
▪ These capabilities are extended further and when the
machine is able to change its activity to suit a given
situation it is called “autonomous”.
▪ 1920
An important part of the automation scene is the area of “Robotics”
a multidisciplinary field that involves mechanical, electronics and
several other engineering disciplines.
▪ The idea of a robot is not new. For thousands of years man has
been imagining intelligent mechanized devices that perform
human-like tasks.
▪ He has built automatic toys and mechanisms and imagined robots
in drawings, books, plays and science fiction movies.
Robotics History
▪ Robota in Czech is a word for worker or
▪ Word robot was coined by a Czech novelist
Karel Capek in a 1920 in a play called
"R.U.R." Or "Rossum's universal robots”
Karel Capek ▪ The plot was simple: man makes robot then
robot kills man! Many movies that followed
continued to show robots as harmful,
menacing machines
 However, robots of today are not exactly the walking,
talking intelligent machines of movies, stories and our
Today, we find most robots working for people in factories,
warehouses, and laboratories.
In the future, robots may show up in other places: our
schools, our homes, even our bodies.
▪ A robot is a mechanical device
with links and joints, driven by a
actuators and controlled through
a programmed software to
handle and manipulate parts,
materials ,tools and devices for
performing various tasks in
variety of work environment.
Robotics History
What is the definition of a 'robot'?
The RIA (Robotics Industries Association) has
officially given the definition for Industrial Robots
(1979). According to RIA, Robot is
“A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator
designed to move material, parts, tools, or
specialized devices through various programmed
motions for the performance of a variety of
Robotics Terminology
The term 'robotics' refers to the study and
use of robots. The term was coined and
first used by the Russian-born American
scientist and writer Isaac Asimov (born Jan.
2, 1920, died Apr. 6, 1992). Asimov wrote
prodigiously on a wide variety of subjects.
He was best known for his many works of
science fiction.
The most famous include I Robot (1950),
He also wrote the three “Laws of Robotics for which he is also
Laws of Robotics
⬞ Law 1: A robot may not injure a human
being or through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm
⬞ Law 2: A robot must obey orders given
to it by human beings, except where
such orders would conflict with a higher
order law
⬞ Law 3: A robot must protect its own
existence as long as such protection
does not conflict with a higher order law
Robotics History-1
1954: The first programmable robot is
designed by George Devol, who coins the
term Universal Automation. He later shortens
this to Unimation, which becomes the name
of the first robot company (1962).

UNIMATE originally automated

The first industrial robot the manufacture of TV picture
Robotics History-2
▪ 1978: The Puma
(Programmable Universal
Machine for Assembly) robot is
developed by Rumination with
a General Motors design

PUMA 560 Manipulator

Robotics History-3
▪ 1980s: The robot industry enters a phase of
rapid growth. Many institutions introduce
programs and courses in robotics.
▪ Robotics courses are spread across
mechanical engineering, electrical
Adept's SCARA robots
engineering, and computer science

Cognex In-Sight Robot Barrett Technology Manipulator

Robotics History-4 ▪ 1995:Emerging applications in small
robotics and mobile robots drive a second
growth of start-up companies and research.
▪ 2003: NASA’s Mars Exploration, two
identical Rovers launched to Mars in search
of answers about the history of water on
Mars Each rover will search for evidence of
liquid water that may have been present in
Mars past. The rovers will be identical to
each other, but will land at different regions
of Mars.
▪ Though the ultimate aim is to attempt
emulate human activities, something
which is extremely difficult to attain,
these attempts have resulted in
development of robots.
▪ These are beneficial in handling
hazardous tasks and for operating in
hazardous areas like chemical or
nuclear plants.

▪ Examples of such tasks include plates being x-rayed for inspection

of internal cracks and flaws, a routine but hazardous operation.
▪ Cleaning the main circulating pump housing in the nuclear power
▪ Repetitive jobs that are boring, stressful, or labor-intensive for
▪ Menial tasks that human don’t want to do.
▪ Where complex movements are involved as in welding along a 3D
profile, robots can be used for assuring quality and consistency.
▪ In assembly operation of precision and tiny parts, like in watches,
robots perform with accuracy and repeatability. (The SCARA robot
developed in Japan is one such robot specifically suitable for
precision assembly tasks.
▪ Painting is hazardous to humans and also complex movements
are involved (for example in painting a car body) and in such
applications robots may replace human beings
▪ Today robot finds applications in industries, medical and other
fields. For example, in eye surgery (replacement of retina), where a
cylindrical portion needs to be replaced, the operation is best done
by robots.
▪ Mobile robots like walking machines, hopping machines are
examples of robots, and so also are robotic aircraft and ships.
▪ Nuclear and power plants uses fish like robots which move inside
pipes for purpose of inspection
Robot Capabilities
▪ Robots have certain inherent capabilities and limitations, just as
any other machine or human being does, and these should be
borne in mind when attempting to use them in a given
▪ Lathe :Ideal for Cylindrical Parts
▪ Milling Machines: Ideal for Prismatic Parts
Computers for control
▪ Computers are required for higher level control of such
complex systems. Computers convert higher level
commands to lower level commands for purpose of
interpreting sensor outputs and controlling motors in these
machines. In autonomous robots, operating at remote
locations, endurance of power supply (batteries) may be an
Robots have the potential to change our economy, our health, our
standard of living, our knowledge and the world in which we live.
As the technology progresses, we are finding new ways to use

Each new use

brings new hope
and possibilities,
but also potential
dangers and risks.
Benefits of Robots

▪ Robots offer specific benefits to

workers, industries and countries.
If introduced correctly, industrial
robots can improve the quality of
life by freeing workers from dirty,
boring, dangerous and heavy labor.
Robotics for bio-production
Many robots for bio-production have been
developed in the world and it is predicted
that they will be commercialized in the 21st
century, since some of them were already
commercialized by some companies in
Japan and European countries.
A tomato and cherry tomato harvesting robot,
A cucumber harvesting robot, strawberry
harvesting robots,
A multi-operation robot to work in grapevine
 A chrysanthemum cutting sticking robot.
Robotics History
And Future

Future missions to space will

include many robotic
vehicles designed to
perform specific tasks both
autonomous and remote
Basic components of a robot
Manipulator consists of joints and links
Joints provide relative motion
Links are rigid members between joints
Various joint types: linear and rotary
Each joint provides a “degree-of-freedom”
Most robots possess five or six degrees-of-freedom
▪ Robot manipulator consists of two
▫ Body-and-arm – for positioning
of objects in the robot's work
▫ Wrist assembly – for
orientation of objects
Manipulator Joints
 In a robot, the connection of different manipulator joints is
known as Robot Links,
 The integration of two or more link is called as Robot Joints.
 A robot link will be in the form of solid material, and it can be
classified into two key types – input link and output link.
 The movement of the input link allows the output link to move at
various motions. An input link will be located nearer to the base.
 Different types of robot joints:
▪ The Robot Joints is the important element in a robot which helps
the links to travel in different kind of movements. There are two
major types of joints such as: Linear joint and Rotational joint
▪ Linear joint
▫ Translational/ Orthogonal
▪ Translational joint (parallel) can be indicated by the letter L –
Joint. This type of joints can perform both translational and
sliding movements. These motions will be attained by several
ways such as telescoping mechanism and piston. The two links
should be in parallel axes for achieving the linear movement.
▪ Orthogonal Joint:
▪ The O – joint is a symbol that is denoted for the orthogonal joint.
This joint is somewhat similar to the linear joint. The only
difference is that the output and input links will be moving at the
right angles.

▪ Rotational joint
▫ Revolving joint
▫ Rotational Joint:
▫ Twisting joint
Revolving joint is generally known as V – Joint. Here, the output
link axis is perpendicular to the rotational axis, and the input
link is parallel to the rotational axes. As like twisting joint,
the output link spins about the input link.

▪ Rotational joint can also be represented as R – Joint. This type

will allow the joints to move in a rotary motion along the axis,
which is vertical to the arm axes.
▪ Twisting Joint:
▪ Twisting joint will be referred as V – Joint. This joint
makes twisting motion among the output and input link.
During this process, the output link axis will be vertical to
the rotational axis. The output link rotates in relation to
the input link.
▪ 2.End Effector : Performs the required task or handles the
▪ 3.Actuators: The actuators are used to provide power to the
robot joints with the help of the power transmission systems.
▪ Servo motors, stepper motors, pneumatic and hydraulic

▪ 4.Sensors: Sensors are used to collect the information about the
status of the manipulator and the end effector. Collects information
like instantaneous position velocity and acceleration of various links
and joints of manipulators.
▫ 1.Visual Sensors: TV Camera ,Vision system
▫ 2.Non visual Sensors: Limit switches, position sensor, velocity
force and tactile sensors.
▪ 5.Processors: Processor is a brain of the robot which calculates the
motion of the joints so as to achieve the desired motion/action of the
▪ The controller receives the information from the processor of a
computer and controls the motion of the actuators. It takes the
feedback from the sensors.
▪ 6.Controller: The controller is the part of a robot that coordinates all
movements of the mechanical system
▪ It also receives input from the immediate environment through
various sensors.
▪ The heart of the robot’s controller is generally a microprocessor linked
to input/output and monitoring devices.
▪ The commands issued by the controller activate the motion control
mechanism, consisting of various controllers, amplifiers, & actuators.
▪ An actuator is a motor or valve that converts power into robot movement.
▪ This movement is initiated by a series of instructions, called a program,
stored in the controller’s memory.
▪ The controller has three levels of hierarchical control. Hierarchical control
assigns levels of organization to the controllers within a robotic system.
▪ Each level sends control signals to the level below and feedback signals to
the level above.
▪ The levels become more elemental as they progress toward the actuator.
▪ Each level is dependent on the level above it for instructions
Anatomy of a robot
▪ Industrial robots can be classified as
▪ 1.Arm geometry: Rectangular, Cylindrical, Spherical, Jointed
arm(articulated), SCARA.
▪ 2.Degree of freedom: Robot arm ,robot wrist
▪ 3.Power Source: Pneumatic, Hydraulic, electric.
▪ 4.Types of Motion: Slew Motion, joint interpolation, continuous path,
controlled path
▪ 5.Path Control: Limited Sequence, point to continuous path,
controlled path
▪ 6.Intelligence control: Low technology(Non servo) High technology
Cartesian Co-ordinate configuration
▪ These robots are also called as XYZ
robots, because it is equipped with
three linear joints for assembling
XYZ axes.
▪ The robots will process in a
rectangular work space by means
of this three joints movement.
▪ It is capable of carrying high payloads
with the help of its rigid structure.
▪ It is mainly integrated in some
functions like pick and place, material
handling, loading and unloading, and
so on.
▪ Additionally, this configuration adds a
name of Gantry Robot.
In either the standard or gantry construction, a Cartesian
configuration robot creates a rectangular work envelope
▪ Advantages:
▪ Highly accurate & speed
▪ High degree of mechanical rigidity, accuracy and repeatability due to
▪ Linear movement allows simple operating procedures/controls
▪ High payloads
▪ Weight lifting capacity doesn't vary at different location with in the work
▪ Disadvantages:
▪ Less work envelope because access volume is impaired due to structure
▪ Reduced flexibility
▪ Movement is limited to one direction at a time.
Cylindrical Configuration
▪ This kind of robots incorporates a slide in the
horizontal position and a column in the
vertical position.
▪ It also includes a robot arm at the end of the
▪ Here, the slide is capable of moving in up &
down motion with the help of the column.
▪ In addition, it can reach the work space in a
rotary movement as like a cylinder.
The basic configuration for a • Motion along the three
cylindrical robot includes two slides axes traces points on a
for movement up and down or in and cylinder to form the work
out and is mounted on a rotary axis. envelope
Cylindrical Configuration
▪ As a result, this robot requires a cylindrical
type of work volume for performing an
operation. It is mostly used in the material
handling process.
▪ One setback of this robot is that it can’t pick
the tools from the floor.
Cylindrical Configuration
▪ Increased rigidity
▪ Capacity of carrying high payloads.
▪ Rigidity lower than rectilinear because axis must overcome
▪ Repeatability and accuracy is lower in the direction of
▪ More sophisticated controllers.
Polar (spherical) Configuration

▪ The arm of a polar configuration robot does not move in up and

down position on the vertical axis as done in the cylindrical
▪ It just makes the robot to rotate during the horizontal stroke by
expanding the inner and outer circles.
▪ It results in the formation of an arc movement.
Polar (spherical) Configuration
Polar (spherical) configuration
▪ As soon as this process finishes, the robot
arm swings and gets spherical work
▪ Configuration allows manipulation of
objects on the floor because its shoulder
joint allows its end effectors to go below
the base.
▪ This type of robot is incorporated in the
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) for
picking up the tools from the floor.
Polar (spherical) configuration
▪ Long reach capability in the horizontal position.
▪ More larger envelope as compared with rectilinear and
cylindrical configuration.
▪ Vertical reach is low.
Jointed Arm configuration (Articulated or Revolute arm)
▪ The work volume of a jointed arm
configuration robot is a complex one.
▪ The wrist and elbow of a manipulator are
jointly swept in the horizontal and vertical
▪ It works almost like a human arm and often
referred as Anthromorphic manipulator .
▪ The result achieved from the jointed arm and
cylindrical configuration robots are same.
Jointed Arm configuration
▪ The major advantage of the jointed arm
configuration robot is that it can move in all
directions very easily and flexibly.
▪ It is used for performing machine loading and
unloading operations in the CNC machines.
▪ These types of robots are used for performing
several operations like spray painting, spot
welding, arc welding, and more.
Jointed Arm configuration
▪ Increased flexibility : has greater variety of
angles of approach at a given point
▪ Huge work volume
▪ Quick operation in various directions.
▪ Very expensive,
▪ Difficult operating procedures, and
▪ Plenty of components.
▪ Characteristics of articulated and
cylindrical configuration are combined.
▪ Results in another type of manipulator
with revolute motions confined to
horizontal plane, such configuration is
called as a SCARA
▪ Stands for Selective Compliance
Assembly Robot Arm.

▪ The SCARA configuration has vertical major

axis rotation such that gravitational load and
centrifugal force do not stress the structure as
much they would if the axes were horizontal.
▪ This advantage is very important at high
speeds and high precision.
▪ Quick operation in various directions with high precision
▪ Most versatile and provides larger space than any other
▪ Achieves deep horizontal reach with accuracy.
▪ Difficult operating procedures, and sophisticated controller
▪ Different location in work volume affects accuracy ,load
carrying capacity, dynamics and repeatability.
▪ Industrial robots can be classified as
▪ 1.Arm geometry: Rectangular, Cylindrical, Spherical, Jointed
▪ 2.Degree of freedom: Robot arm ,robot wrist
▪ 3.Power Source: Pneumatic, Hydraulic, electric.
▪ 4.Types of Motion: Slew Motion, joint interpolation,
continuous path, controlled path
▪ 5.Path Control: Limited Sequence, point to continuous path,
controlled path
▪ 6.Intelligence control: Low technology(Non servo) High
technology (servo)
The arrangement of bones and joints found in the human hand
provides dexterity

Each joint represents a degree of freedom; there are 22 joints, and

thus, 22 degrees of freedom in the human hand.
Three degrees of freedom—pitch, yaw, and roll—are associated
with the robot’s wrist
The six degrees of freedom, demonstrated by a person using a
spray gun.

Illustrations 1,2, and 3 are arm movements.

Illustrations 4, 5, and 6 are wrist movements.
Robots may use one of two control systems—non-servo
and servo.
The earliest type of robot was non-servo, which is
considered a non-intelligent robot.
The second classification is the servo robot. These robots
are classified as either intelligent or highly intelligent.
The primary difference between an intelligent and highly
intelligent robot is the level of awareness of its environment.
Classification Based on Control Systems
1. Point-to-point (PTP) control robot: is capable of moving from one
point to another point.
▪ The locations are recorded in the control memory.
▪ PTP robots do not control the path to get from one point to the
next point.
▪ Common applications include component insertion, spot welding,
hole drilling, machine loading and unloading, and crude assembly
2. Continuous-path (CP) control robot: with CP control, the robot can
stop at any specified point along the controlled path.
▪ All the points along the path must be stored explicitly in the
robot’s control memory.
▪ Typical applications include spray painting, finishing, gluing, and
arc welding operations.
3. Controlled-path robot: the control equipment can generate paths
of different geometry such as straight lines, circles, and
interpolated curves with a high degree of accuracy.
▪ All controlled-path robots have a servo capability to correct their
▪ Non-Servo Robots
▪ Non-servo robots are the simplest robots and are often referred to
“limited sequence,” “pick-and-place,” or “fixed-stop robots.”
▪ The non-servo robot is an open-loop system.
▪ In an open-loop system, no feedback mechanism is used to
compare programmed positions to actual positions.
Block diagram depicts the sequence of steps performed by a washing machine.
Characteristics of non-servo robots:
• Relatively inexpensive compared to servo robots.
• Simple to understand and operate.
• Precise and reliable.
• Simple to maintain.
• Capable of fairly high speeds of operation.
• Small in size.
• Limited to relatively simple programs
Servo Robots
▪ The servo robot is a closed-loop system because it allows for
▪ In a closed-loop system, the feedback signal sent to the servo
amplifier affects the output of the system.
▪ A servo amplifier translates signals from the controller into
motor voltage and current signals.
▪ Servo amplifiers are used in motion control systems where
precise control of position or velocity is necessary.
▪ In a sense, a servomechanism is a type of control system that
detects and corrects for errors.
Block diagram of a servo robot system
Characteristics of servo robots
Relatively expensive to purchase, operate, and maintain.
Use a sophisticated, closed-loop controller.
Wide range of capabilities.
Can transfer objects from one point to another, as well as along a
controlled, continuous path.
Respond to very sophisticated programming.
Use a manipulator arm that can be programmed to avoid
obstructions within the work envelope.
Robot Performance/Characteristics
▪ 1.Stability: It is associated with the oscillations which
occur in the motion of the robot tool i.e. end effector.
▫ Over damped response
▫ Critically damped response
▫ Under damped response
▪ 2.Payload: A payload is the weight of a robot can carry
and still remain within its other specifications.
▪ 3.Resolution: The resolution of a robot is a feature
determined by the design of the control unit and is mainly
dependent on the position feedback sensor.
▪ It is important to distinguish the programming resolution from the
control resolution.
▪ The programming resolution is the smallest allowable position
increment in robot programs and is referred to as the basic
resolution unit (BRU).
▪ The control resolution is the smallest change in position that the
feedback device can sense.
▪ For example, assume that an optical encoder which emits 1000
pulses per revolution of the shaft is directly attached to a rotary
axis. This encoder will emit one pulse for each of 0.36° of angular
displacement of the shaft. The unit 0.36° is the control resolution
of this axis of motion. Angular increments smaller than 0.36°
Accuracy in measurement describes how closely the measurement
from your system matches the actual or true measurement of the
thing being measured.
Accuracy refers to a robot's ability to position its wrist end at a
desired target point within the work volume, and it is defined in
terms of spatial resolution.
At first accuracy depends on robot technology and how closely the
control increments can be defined for each of the joint motions,
excluding for the moment. the mechanical inaccuracy which include
the robot manufacture quality.
Diagram of accuracy in two dimensions frame, without mechanical
inaccuracy consideration.

Diagram of accuracy and spatial resolution in which mechanical

inaccuracies are represented by a statistical distribution
The final accuracy of a robotic system depends on its mechanical
inaccuracies, the computer control algorithms, and the system
Control algorithms might cause position errors due to round-off
errors in the computer.
Computer round-off errors might be significant if a robot controller
uses scaled integer representation of Cartesian and angular

Errors affecting the robot structure

A realistic accuracy system is determined in the following relationship:
Robot accuracy = ( BRU + mechanical accuracy )/2
5.Precision: The degree of consistency and agreement among
independent measurements of a quantity under the same conditions.
i.e. Precision is the measure of spread of different readings. Precision
and Accuracy are unrelated to each other, means that you can be

Red is more accurate than green Red is more precise than blue
Precision in measurement describes how well a measurement system
will return the same measure; that is its Repeatability. Repeatability
does not describe the error with respect to absolute coordinates.
6. Dexterity: One is supposed to be able to position and orientate a
six degree of freedom for a robot at any desired location with in its
work envelope by specifying the position and the orientation of the
The volume of a points where one can position the robot as desired,
but not orientate, it is called as non dexterous volume.
7.Reach: Reach is the maximum distance a robot can reach within
its work envelope.
Reach is a function of the robots joint lengths and its configuration.
The Compliance allows an assembly machine to compensate for
positioning errors due to machine inaccuracy, vibration or tolerance,
thereby lowering contact forces and avoiding part and tool damage.
The compliance can be defined as allowable or initiated movement
of the peg for the purpose of alignment with the hole.

Three possible misalignments or position errors between the peg and

hole are lateral, rotational or axial.
Types of Compliance:
Active compliance
Passive Compliance
Active compliance:
The active compliance is based on exploiting sensory data to get successful
It is provided by active force/Torque sensing at the wrist of the manipulator to
measure the interaction forces between the peg and the hole.
The degree of misalignment is computed from the information gathered from
the force/torque sensors.
The robot controller is programmed to maneuver the joints of the robot
manipulator according to a special algorithm to minimize the misalignment
and to make successful assembly.
Passive Compliance

▪ The passive compliance is achieved by using a mechanical device known as

Remote center compliance (RCC) device.
▪ The RCC device can provide all types of compliances; lateral ,rotational and
▪ It is attached between the wrist and the gripper.
▪ Excessive contact force is the main problem in many assembly applications.
▪ Excessive contact force causes galling, jamming, and broken parts.
▪ During typical assembly processes, there are three main contact forces: single-
point, sliding, and two-point
Remote Center Compliance, Automated Assembly, Overload Protection
Device, Compensator for Part Misalignment or Part Positioning

When the remote compliance center is near the contact point, the part will align
with the hole automatically; correcting lateral and rotational misalignment.
The Compensator is a mechanical device that uses high-quality elastomer shear
pads to control the compliance.
Low lateral stiffness reduces insertion force.
Three overload pins made of tool steel; twice the strength of
carbon steel.
Variety of oil-and coolant-resistant high quality elastomer
shear pads (neoprene and nitrile).
Single-stage design lowers cost.
Reduce scrap, downtime, machine damage.
Eliminates jamming, wedging, galling.
Increases automatic assembly productivity
Lowers machine and part cost due to relaxed tolerances.
Replaces centering sleeves, springs, two-stage RCCs.
Makes impossible assemblies possible.
Coordinate systems of the robot-cell
The main function of a robot control
software is the motion control of a
The motion of robot’s manipulator
joints, the tool or the gripper can be
described in different coordinate

Coordinate System for STANFORD Robot 85

Coordinate systems of the robot-cell
▪ The main coordinate systems used
to describe the motion of a robot
are shown in Fig.
▪ In the motion control the control of
the gripper or tool motion have
different dimensions, a special
point, not depending on the type of
the tool and called tool centre
point (TCP) is selected.
Coordinate systems of the robot-cell
▪ This point is the origin point of the
tool coordinate system.
▪ A similar point can be used to
describe the gripper or the wrist
coordinate system.
▪ The mutual connections of a tool,
a wrist and other coordinate
systems are shown in Fig.

tool centre point (TCP)
▪ The position of the robot and its movements are always related to
the tool centre point (TCP).
▪ This point is normally defined as being somewhere on the tool,
e.g. on top of the welding electrode or at the centre of a gripper.
When a position is recorded, it is the position of the TCP that is
recorded. This is also the point that moves along a given path at a
given velocity.
▪ If the robot holding a work object and is working on a stationary
tool, a stationary TCP is used. If that tool is active, the
programmed path and speed are related to the work object. 88
Tool coordinate system
▪ The orientation of a tool at a programmed
position is given by the orientation of the tool
coordinate system.
▪ The tool mounted on the mounting flange of the
robot often requires its own coordinate system to
enable the definition of its TCP, which is the origin
of the tool coordinate system

Wrist coordinate system
▪ The tool coordinate system refers to the wrist
coordinate system, defined at the mounting
flange on the wrist of the robot.
▪ The wrist coordinate system can be used to
define the orientation of the tool; here the z-
axis is coincident with axis 6 of the robot

The origin is situated at the centre of the mounting flange (on the
mounting surface). The x-axis points in the opposite direction,
towards the control hole of the mounting flange. The z-
axis points outwards, at right angles to the mounting flange. 90
Base coordinate system
▪ Base coordinate system is linked to the
mounting base and stationary base of a robot. In
a simple application, programming can be done
in the base coordinate system; here the z-axis is
coincident with axis 1 of the robot.
• The origin is situated at the intersection of axis 1 and the base
mounting surface.
• The xy plane is the same as the base mounting surface.
• The x-axis points forwards.
• The y-axis points to the left (from the perspective of the robot). –
The z-axis points upwards.
floor-mounted robot
▪ For example, floor-mounted robot can be easily programmed in the
base coordinate system.
▪ If, however, the robot is mounted upside down (suspended),
programming in the base coordinate system is more difficult
because the directions of the axes are not the same as the principal
directions in the working space.
▪ In such cases, it is useful to define a world coordinate system.

World coordinate system
▪ World coordinate system will be
coincident with the base
coordinate system if it is not
specifically defined.
▪ If several robots work within the
same working space at a plant, a
common world coordinate
system is used to enable the
robot programs to communicate
with one another. 93
The user coordinate system
▪ The user coordinate system is
related to the essential points of
the technological process.
▪ A robot can work with different
fixtures or working surfaces
having different positions and
▪ A user coordinate system can be
defined for each fixture.
The user coordinate system
▪ If all positions are stored in object coordinates, you will not need to
reprogram if a fixture must be moved or turned.
▪ By moving (translating or turning) the user coordinate system as
much as the fixture has been translated or turned, all programmed
positions will follow the fixture and no reprogramming will be
▪ The user coordinate system is defined based on the world
coordinate system

Object coordinate system
▪ Object coordinate system is a
coordinate system targeted to an
▪ Normally the user coordinate
system is used to get different
coordinate systems for different
fixtures or working surfaces.
▪ A fixture, however, may include
several work objects that are to be
processed or handled by the robot. 96
Object coordinate system
▪ The object coordinate system is defined based on the user
coordinate system.
▪ The programmed positions are always defined relative to an object
coordinate system.
▪ If a fixture is moved or turned, it can be compensated for by moving
or turning the user coordinate system.
▪ Neither the programmed positions nor the defined object coordinate
systems need to be changed. If the work object is moved or turned,
it can be compensated for by moving or turning the object coordinate
system. 97
displacement coordinate system
▪ Sometimes, the same path is to be
performed at several places on the
same object.
▪ To avoid having to re-program all
positions each time, a displacement
coordinate system can be defined.
• This coordinate system can also be used in conjunction with
searches to compensate for differences in the positions of the
individual parts.
• The displacement coordinate system is defined based on the
object coordinate system

• Robot’s movements must be initially planned and programmed.
• Movement planning is based on the selection of coordinate
systems and the description of movements in the selected
• After that the movement will be realized with the help of installed
robot software.

Mechanical Thursday, January

Engineering 27, 2022


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