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Using information from the four (4) articles, write an outline based on the topic.
You are required to:
● write EIGHT (8) main ideas (i.e. 2 main ideas from each article)
● include a minimum of FOUR (4) supporting details for each main idea taken
from the articles.
● All topic sentences and supporting details must be written in complete sentences.

TITLE: Pros and Cons to Living Near Water

Thesis statement:

Throughout the research, to elaborate more about the benefits of living near the water that
attracts certain amount of people more rather than in the city.

Point 1: Living near the water also encourages an improved healthier lifestyle.

Supporting details:

a) To boost your immune system and improve your resistance against bacteria
and viruses.
b) Able to sleep in peace and easier.
c) Opportunities for exercises near the water.
d) Living close to water gives more blue space within your neighbourhood that
significantly increase your physical activity levels.

Point 2: Living near the water provides your property with scintillating views.

Supporting details:
a) Enjoy the great view of watching the sunrise and fall that away from the hustle
and busy city life.
b) Nature view can helps relaxes your mind.
c) People have drawn their inspiration and creativity from living near water
bodies that offer immense backdrops.
d) The magical views arising from living on the water cannot be likened to the
forest or mountainous views.

Conclusion: In conclusion, nature plays an important role in everyone for happiness and

Updated MARCH 2021 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA


Point 3: Living near the water gives privacy away from the public

Supporting details:

a) Being near water means you have a natural fence enclosing on side of
Property, keeping out inquisitive neighbors.
b) It provides you with the much-needed solitude away from curious bystanders’
c) The problem of theft will be reduced because the home area is not busy and
not exposed to the public
d) Because some residential areas away from the general area have security

Point 4: Living near the water has big returns on investment.

Supporting details:

a) Property near water body difficult to find and the low supply will guarantee
that your house will continue to increase in value over time.
b) For those seeking the luxury of living there as well as those having beach or
lakeside vacations, waterfront properties are the preferred option in terms of
rental income.
c) Investing to buy a house in the nearby area is not a loss because it has a
useful function.
d) The function of water located in the residential area is for use in the event of a

Conclusion: In conclusion, can make sure our place of residence is more comfortable and

Point 5: Living near the water means having to bear high insurance coverage.

Supporting details:

a) Home insurance can be costly and difficult to obtain.

b) It could be difficult to get insurance for houses near the river.
c) This is because insurance companies will require numerous documents to
ensure that the house can be safe for living in the long run.
d) For example, a lakefront home in Minnesota won’t have the same insurance
premium as an oceanfront home in Florida, where hurricanes are not
uncommon and the risk of wind damage is higher.

Updated MARCH 2021 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA


Point 6: Living near the water need to face plenty of bugs.

Supporting details:

a) We are not the only one enticed by the advantages of living on the water.
b) Insects and animals are also attracted by the water for feeding and breeding
c) There will be plenty of of these little pesky flying or crawling neighbors such
as mosquitos to contend with.
d) These pose a serious threat to human life and health and may require the
intervention of wildlife protections and control services to address the

Conclusion: In conclusion, living near the water requires more attention because of the
uncertain conditions.

Point 7: Living near the water is prone to natural hazards.

Supporting details:
a) The property will be less secure when living near the water as unpredictable
weather leads to frequent storms and rising sea level.
b) There is a higher chance of flooding and mudslides in the area around the
residence if natural disaster strikes.
c) Tsunamis which can potentially cause property damage are widespread in
some regions.
d) During windstorms, coping with the large amount of sand can be a source of
added stress to people who live near the water especially at the sea area.

Point 8: Living near the water is associated with safety issues.

Supporting details:
a) Vacationers may encounter some disturbances as they having fun in the
water could cause some problems on the property, which residence will be
less privacy and safe.
b) As there are fewer people around to see if a burglar is breaking in, homes
that are on the water’s edge or have a water view are at a higher risk of being
broken into.
c) Children are especially vulnerable if they play too near to the water and are
not good at swimming or are not wearing life jackets.
d) Accidental injuries are more likely to occur and it may be harder to get in
touch with emergency services if they are needed due to being far from the
city and suburbs.
Updated MARCH 2021 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Conclusion: To conclude, living near the water is not all fun and games as they have
consequences that we have to face such as natural hazards and safety issues.

Conclusion : In conclusion, when making a life-altering choice like where to settle down, it is
important to weigh the potential downsides against the potential upsides.


Article 1:
Lucy. (2019, October 10). Waterfront living the pros and cons of a water front home.
Residence Style.

Article 2: (2020,August 20). Living on the water. pros and cons.

Article 3:
Davidc. (2020, August 20). Living on the water: Pros and Cons.

Article 4:
J.B Wright Insurance. (2022, May 31). The Pros and Cons of Living Near Water.


Article 1: The authors wrote in a very informative and concerning tone.
Article 2: this article aimed at adults who want to buy a house with comfortable
Article 3: The chapter is written in an information and serious tone as the author
emphasizes the pros and cons of living near water.
Article 4: The article wrote in a very tense tone as the author apprehensive about
what is to come if living near the water.


Updated MARCH 2021 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA


Article 1: This author’s target general public reader to living near the water.
Article 2: The article is for general population who are curious about living near
Article 3: The chapter aims toward the public.
Article 4: The article targets towards public audience who considering in living near
the water

Article 1: This online article was written especially for the living on and near water
is a dream for many people.
Article 2: The author's goal in writing this essay is to make it simpler for us to identify
the ideal dream home without thinking that a property in this neighbourhood is a waste of
Article 3: The purpose of the chapter is to inform the pros and cons living near water.
Article 4: The purpose of this article is to helps in making decision for those who
wants to live near the water


Article 1: The authors did a great job in giving all the information and being
concerned about the hotlines and support list.
Article 2: The author of this essay provides the reader with intriguing and practical
Article 3: The book chapter is well written and structured as the flow of the contents
written by the author are very organized in which helps the readers to draw connection
between each point clearly.
Article 4: The writer uses simple words, and the article is well-written overall, so it is
easy to read and understand for readers.


Updated MARCH 2021 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA






Updated MARCH 2021 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



In order to contribute to society, every human being has the right to make use of their human
rights and fulfil their basic needs. Access to clean water is one of the most commonly
violated human rights (Barlow, 2010). If you're tired of the rush and bustle of the city and
have grown tired of the slow, almost static feeling of the suburbs, moving out to the country
and living near a lake or by the sea is a great alternative, according to Johnbwright (2022).
The advantages and disadvantages of living near water, which attracts more people than city
living, will be discussed in more detail below.

Living near water encourages a better, healthier way of life, which is one of its key benefits.
They will be able to sleep more soundly and effortlessly when they know they can enjoy the
peace and quiet away from bothersome neighbours and busy roads (Lucy, 2019). By waking
up to calm, clean air and gentle breezes from bodies of water, Lucy (2019) claims that our
immune systems can be strengthened and our resistance to bacteria and viruses increased.
According to Johnbwright (2022), inhabitants of all ages may profit from a day on the water,
whether they are on a boat, paddle boarding, or an exhilarating jet ski ride. Numerous
academics agree that living near water will probably lead to less troublesome neighbours and
a noticeably greater level of physical activity if there are lots of possibilities to interact with
others and make friendships (Lucy, 2019).

Second, having a residence close to the lake offers breathtaking vistas. It is advised for
persons who desire to draw their creativity and inspiration from living near water features
that provide breathtaking sceneries (Callie Maddalena, 2021, as cited in Pixabay, 2022). Lucy
(2019) claims that taking in the beautiful scenery of seeing the sunrise and sunset might help
you decompress from the tension of city living. Lucy (2019) asserts that taking in a natural
perspective might help you unwind while taking in a breathtaking scene. In addition, Lucy
(2019) notes that it is a sight that is challenging to replicate in cities where structures impede
the views.

Next, being close to water affords you privacy from the general population. A natural fence
encircling one side of the property can be created by being close to water, keeping out nosy
neighbours. Additionally, it gives much-needed privacy away from "standers eye" (David,
2023). Deeley claims that (er) protects your anonymity in public. A natural fence encircling
one side of the property can be created by being close to water, keeping out nosy neighbours.
Furthermore, it offers desperately needed seclusion away from "standers eye" curiosity
(David, 2023). The absence of traffic and public exposure in the house area, according to
Deeley (2020), will help to lessen the problem of theft. Building sites should hire a capable
and insured security guard organisation to give an on-site presence during off-hours,
especially in high-crime regions or where values demand it (David, 2023). An effective
security service should maintain records of its regular site inspections, monitor all access
points and environmental factors, and have established mechanisms for notifying the proper
authorities and site management of any potential threats.

Aside from that, property near bodies of water is hard to locate and will continue to
appreciate in value due to the short supply, making living there an excellent investment
(David, 2023). The article (David, 2023) claims that waterfront houses are the best choice in
terms of rental revenue for people looking to live a life of luxury and for people taking beach
or lakeside holidays. David (2023) also emphasises that investing in a nearby house is not a
waste of money because it can be used in the event of a fire.

Aside from that, another drawback of living near water is having to cope with an abundance
of insects. For the purpose of reproduction and eating, water also attracts insects and other
creatures. These tiny bothersome flying or crawling neighbours, like mosquitoes, will be
numerous and difficult to deal with. Some steps you may take to ensure secure and habitable
conditions include pest-proofing your home and utilising mosquito repellents (David, 2020).
Depending on where you live, aquatic animals like snakes and alligators are another issue to
deal with. These represent a major risk to human life and health, necessitating the assistance
of wildlife protection and control agencies in order to eliminate the danger.

Inversely, residing next to water requires considerable insurance coverage. Some

homeowners will be fortunate to reside contentedly near waterways, while others will not be
so fortunate to avoid tragedies (Davidc, 2020). Purchasing flood insurance does not affect
your home insurance rates, according to Davidc (2020), even though some homeowners
insurance companies may require you to maintain a flood insurance policy in order to be
eligible for the most advantageous rating tier. Flood insurance is an additional expense that
may be required by your mortgage lender if your home is close to the water. Knowing why it
costs more to insure a home near the water will help you budget when purchasing a home,
understand your home insurance bill, and make sure you are receiving a fair price for your
homeowners' insurance.

Additionally, because of the unpredictable weather brought on by the proximity to the water,
those who live near water incur the risk of being vulnerable to natural hazards. In the
immediate vicinity of the property, there is a higher risk of flooding and mudslides due to
mother nature's wrath (Johnbwright, 2022). The safety of those who live close to the water
will decline as a result of the rising sea levels and the increased frequency of storms, claims
DavidCR (2020). Not to mention that frequent storms and rising sea levels may result in
natural disasters like flooding, strong winds, and tsunamis in some areas, which can harm
people's homes and other property.

Last but not least, there are safety concerns that come along with living close to the ocean.
We are all aware that visitors may experience some inconveniences as having fun in the
water may result in issues on the property, reducing its safety and privacy. Some beachfront
residences, according to Lucy (2019), require a privacy tradeoff. This is due to the fact that
tourists are drawn to lakes and oceans due to how attractive beachfront real estate is. Homes
that are close to water or with a view of the water are more likely to be broken into because
there are less people present to witness a break-in. Not to mention that there is a higher
danger of accidental harm owing to the distance from the city and the suburbs, and it might
be more challenging to contact emergency services in the event that they are needed
(Johnbwright, 2022).

As a result, it is crucial to balance the potential benefits and cons when making decisions that
will have a substantial impact on one's life, such as where to settle down. You should make
the final decision to buy a waterfront home after assessing the advantages and disadvantages
of riverfront life. Either a lovely home or a terrific long-term investment opportunity are great
options. However, doing so will require embracing the drawbacks of waterfront real estate.
REFERENCES (2020) Living on the water: Pros and cons, CCR.

Johnbwright, |B. (2022) The Pros and cons of living near water, John B Wright Insurance.

Findley, D. (2021) Pros and cons of owning a waterfront home • [2021 guide], Lifestyles &

Williams, S. and Image by Callie Maddalena-Maloney from Pixabay (2022) A permanent

vacation: The pros and cons of living near the beach, FINE Homes and Living.


Every human person has the right to assert their human rights and fulfil their basic requirements
in order to contribute to society. One of the most frequently infringed human rights is access
to clean water (Barlow, 2010). According to Johnbwright (2022), moving out to the country
and living near to a lake or by the sea is a wonderful option to enjoy a change of pace whether
you're sick of the hustle and bustle of the city and have grown bored with the slow, almost static
feeling of the suburbs. To elaborate more about the pros and cons of living near the water that
attracts certain amount of people more rather than in the city.

One of the main pros of living near water is that it promotes a better, healthier way of life.
When people know they will be able to enjoy the calm away from noisy neighbours and busy
highways, they will be able to sleep peacefully and more easily (Lucy, 2019). According to
Lucy (2019), Our immune system can be boosted and our resistance to bacteria and viruses can
be improved by waking up to calm, clean air and cool breezes from bodies of water.
Johnbwright (2022) also states that young and elderly locals may equally appreciate the
benefits of a day spent on the water, whether they are on a boat, paddle boarding, or on an
exciting jet ski trip. Numerous researchers concur that having lots of opportunities to connect
with people and form friendships while living near water will likely result in fewer problematic
neighbours and a markedly higher level of physical activity (Lucy, 2019).

Secondly, living near the water provides your property with scintillating views. It is
recommended for people want to drawn their inspiration and creativity from living near water
bodies that offer immense backdrops (Lucy, 2019). Lucy (2019) also state that enjoy the great
view of watching the sunrise and fall that can push away our stress from the hustle and busy
city life. Lucy (2019) says that nature view can helps relaxes your mind when watching the
scintillating view. Lucy (2019) also points out that it is a sight that is difficult to match in urban
areas where buildings obstruct the views.

Next, being close to water affords you privacy from the general population. A natural fence
encircling one side of the property can be created by being close to water, keeping out nosy
neighbours. Additionally, it gives much-needed privacy away from "standers eye" (David,
2020). Deeley claims that thier protects your anonymity in public. A natural fence encircling
one side of the property can be created by being close to water, keeping out nosy neighbours.
Furthermore, it offers desperately needed seclusion away from "standers eye" curiosity (David,
2020). The absence of traffic and public exposure in the house area, according to Deeley
(2020), will help to lessen the problem of theft. Building sites should hire a capable and insured
security guard organization to give an on-site presence during off-hours, especially in high-
crime regions or where values demand it (David, 2020). An effective security service should
maintain records of its regular site inspections, monitor all access points and environmental
factors, and have established mechanisms for notifying the proper authorities and site
management of any potential threats.

Aside from that, property near bodies of water is hard to locate and will continue to appreciate
in value due to the short supply, making living there an excellent investment (David, 2020).
The article (David, 2020) claims that waterfront houses are the best choice in terms of rental
revenue for people looking to live a life of luxury and for people taking beach or lakeside
holidays. David (2020) also emphasises that investing in a nearby house is not a waste of money
because it can be used in the event of a fire.

Aside from that, the cons of living near water are having to cope with an abundance of insects
(David, 2020). For the purpose of reproduction and eating, water also attracts insects and other
creatures (David, 2020). These tiny bothersome flying or crawling neighbours, like mosquitoes,
will be numerous and difficult to deal with. Some steps you may take to ensure secure and
habitable conditions include pest-proofing your home and utilising mosquito repellents (David,
2020). Depending on where you live, aquatic animals like snakes and alligators are another
issue to deal with. These represent a major risk to human life and health, necessitating the
assistance of wildlife protection and control agencies in order to eliminate the danger.

Inversely, residing next to water requires considerable insurance coverage. Homeowners will
be fortunate to reside contentedly near waterways, while others will not be so fortunate to avoid
tragedies (David, 2020). Purchasing flood insurance does not affect your home insurance rates,
according to David (2020), even though some homeowners insurance companies may require
you to maintain a flood insurance policy in order to be eligible for the most advantageous rating
tier. Flood insurance is an additional expense that may be required by your mortgage lender if
your home is close to the water. Knowing why it costs more to insure a home near the water
will help you budget when purchasing a home, understand your home insurance bill, and ensure
you receive a fair price for your homeowners' insurance.

Additionally, due to the unpredictable weather brought on by the proximity to the water, those
who live near water incur the risk of being vulnerable to natural hazards. In the immediate
vicinity of the property, there is a higher risk of flooding and mudslides due to mother nature’s
wrath (Johnbwright, 2022). The safety of those who live close to the water will be in danger as
a result of the rising sea levels and the increased frequency of storms, claims David (2020).
Not to mention that frequent storms and rising sea levels may result in natural disasters like
flooding, strong winds, and tsunamis in some areas, which can harm people’s homes and other

Last but not least, there are safety concerns that come along with living close to the ocean. We
are all aware that visitors may experience some inconveniences as having fun in the water may
result in issues on the property, reducing its safety and privacy. Some beachfront residences,
according to Lucy (2019), require a privacy tradeoff. This is due to the fact that tourists are
drawn to lakes and oceans due to how attractive beachfront real estate is. Homes that are close
to water or with a view of the water are more likely to be broken into because there are less
people present to witness a break-in. Not to mention that there is a higher danger of accidental
harm owing to the distance from the city and the suburbs, and it might be more challenging to
contact emergency services in the event that they are needed (Johnbwright, 2022).

As a result, it is crucial to balance the potential benefits and cons when making decisions that
will have a substantial impact on one’s life, such as where to settle down. People should make
the final decision to buy a waterfront home after assessing the advantages and disadvantages
of waterfront life. Either a lovely home or a terrific long-term investment opportunity is great
options. However, doing so will require embracing the drawbacks of waterfront real estate.

(1221 Words)

David. (2020). Living on the water: Pros and Cons.

Johnbwright. (2022). The pros and cons of living near water.

Lucy. (2019). Waterfront Living: The Pros and Cons of a Water Front Home.

Deeley. (2020, August 25). Protecting your construction site from fire, water and theft.
Insurance Group.

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