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Chuong V NHAN MET VE TRANG NeU (ADVERB) TRONG TIENG ANH Trang tiv 1a tit thuéng ding dé bé nghia mét. tinh. ti, mét dong tit hay mdt trang tit khdc. a N6 c6 thé chi mtic do (degree). Vd: almost every student; very strange. a Cach thé hién (manner). Vd: The a was done care- fully; She sang very well. a Hay linh vuc, phuong dién (aspect). Vd: Economically the project was a success; Women are physically not so strong as men, Trang tif cing c6 thé duge ding dé chi thdi gian, vi tri, mute do thutng xuyén. 1. B6 nghia mét tinh tiv Vdi He is an extremely intelligent child. No la mét thang bé cue hj thong minh. Vd2 His decision was politically correct. Quyét dinh cia éng dy la ding ddn vé mat / phuong dién chinh tri. Bai tap Dich nhiing c4u nay ra tiéng Viét 1. She was born on the outskirts of Ontario, into-a financially poor but musically rich family. & 69-4 2. Pollution is reaching a dangerously high level. 3. The decision to end compulsory military service caused sur- prisingly little fuss. 4. They now have almost enough scholars, 5. She is too old for marriage. ll. B6 nghia mét déng tiv Vi tri cia mt trang tif thudng 1a di sau d6ng tif (verb) hay sau dong tif + tic tiv (v + obj). Vd He worked hard. (v + adj) He began to speak quickly. (v + adv) He ate his lunch slowly. (v + obj + adv) I enjoyed the course very much. (v + obj + adv) The operation has gone very well. (v + adv) I admired him greatly. (v + obj + adv) Nhing trang tit cham dut bang -ly hay nhiing trang tir chi muttc dé (adverbs of degree) nhu: almost, nearly, virtually v.v... cing cé thé ding trudc dong tir. Vd He accidentally stepped on my hat. (adv + v) Anh Au wh toh dim lan nAn min ti I greatly enjoyed working with her. (adv + v) Toi rét thich lam viée vdi c6 dy. & 70 Vd He nearly missed his train. (adv + v) Anh dy sujt | chut xiu nita / gdn | tré tau. Néu c6 auxiliary, vi tri cia trang ngif 1a gitia auxiliary va verb: He had publicly called for an investigation. Ong dy cong khai doi / kéu goi phdi cd / mét cuée diéu tra. * N6i t6m lai trix phi tic tit (obj.) 1A mOt noun phrase qué dai, trong tiéng Anh hiém khi trang ngit (adv.) ding gia dong tir va tiic tif, vd1 Vd2 N6 tuyét d6i tudn lénh téi. He obeyed strictly my orders. (sai) He obeyed my orders strictly He strictly obeyed my orders Ong dy gidi thich m6t cdch ré rang vi sao cdn phdi dp dung nhitng bién phdp khdt khe nhu vay. He explained clearly why such draconian measures needed to be taken. (v + adv + noun clause) lll. B6 nghia ca cau Vd - Theoretically, many people will vote for him. Vé_mét ly _thuyét sé cé nhiéu ngudi bd phiéu cho éng dy. Generally, we don't accept people without the right qualifi- cations. Théng thudng, ching t6i khéng chédp nhdn nhiing ngudi khong cé dung tiéu chudn. Evidently, his chances of passing the exam are quite re- mote. Diéu ré rang la co héi thi dé cia anh Gy that la xa voi. & 71% * Cong nén dé ¥ cé'su tuong duong giita mot sé trang ngit bé nghia cAu v6i edu tric "it's + adj + that...”. Vit Ro rang ho kh6ng thich 6 dy. Anh a. "It's ‘obvious that they do not like her.” b. Obviously, they do not like her. _ ¥ ©6.1uc hai célu trie nay c6 khée nhau, Cau tric (a.) 06 thé due sit-dung-dé trinh bay mét ¥ kién, trong khi céu tric (b.) dé chi_mét_su that. Viét Trong hoan cdnh nhu véy thi di nhién ho phdi béi roi. Anh It's natural that they should be nervous in such a situation. YY kién) Viét Di nhién (= vi vdy / do dé, ho béi réi). Anh Naturally, they were nervous. (su thd) * Mot sO trang ngit bé nghia cA cAu c6 thé diing trudc dong tii_mA khéng thay déi_nghia. Vd - Generally we don't accept ... Hode - We don't generally accept ... Bai tap ich ra tiéng Viét 1. Officically, he is in charge. Actually, his secretary does all the work, 2. Theoretically, every citizen can benefit from this system; but in 72% IV. Cum. gidi tl (prepositional phrase) st dung nhu mot trang ngf (adv) Viét Ho chién d&u mét cdch can ddm. Anh - They fought courageously. - They fought with courage. Loi ich dac biét cia viée sit dung mét prepositional phrase dé thay thé mot adv 06 thé duoc nhan thay trong nhiing cau sau: Vigt Chung toi kham phuc tinh thdn chién déu can dém cia ho truéc ké tha. Anh We admire the courage with which they fought their enemy. Viét Chung toi déu ngac nhién trudc cdch di xit ddy bao dung ctia ong dy déi vdi cde déi thi. Anh We are surprised by the tolerance with which he treats his opponents. Bai tap Ung dung cach dich trang ng@ trén dé dich nhiing eau nay ra tiéng Anh 1, .Biéu nay .c6é dude 1d do cdc thay da truyén tai mét cach bén bi néi dung nay: Nhiém vu cao ca nhat ctia nguéi cong dan la bao vé t6 quéc khi td quéc lam nguy. Notes bén bi: cé thé dich : patience (kién nhan), perseverance (kién trl), consistency (kién dinh); persistence (bér bi) truyén tai mét ndi dung + to transmit a message — khi t8 quéc lam nguy : when the country is in danger / in jeopardy hodc is threatened with invasion / in-danger of invasion & 73 os 2. Bidu lam cho canh sat béi ri nhat la viéc bon ti pham dot nhap va nha. dan-mét-cach dé.dang,_-_______-._____ Notes lam ai béi ri : to baffle somone most dot nhp-vao-nha dan-mét-cdch dé-dang —-:---to break-into private-homes. with ease / easily cde cum gidi tit nhu: in ..., in terms of ..., regarding ..., with regard to ..., in regard to ..., cling 14 nhiing tif va cum tif chting ta c6 thé sit “dung dé dich ya mat", "vé phuong dién", "trong khia canh" khi ching ta khéng c6 mt trang ti phi hop. Vigt Tat cd ching ta déu khde nhau, vé phuong dién thé hinh cting nhu cd tinh, Anh We are all different from one another, physically and in personality as well. Viét Cuén sdéch cia éng dy la mét thanh céng lén, cd vé mat doanh sé bdn ra ciing nhu gid tri nghé thuét. Anh His book was a big success, both in sales and in artistic value. Viet Anh Gy duge gia dinh gido duc rét ky vé tinh chan thdt va tinh dang tin cdy. Anh He was brought up strictly with regard to honesty and reliability. Viet Chung ta cé khuynh huéng nghi dén chién tranh qua khia canh chién thing va that bai hon le qua khia canh nhiing bieGteg Hore sive Sons inigece Anh We tend to think of war in terms of victories and defeats rather than human sufferings. NwAN xET ‘in terms of" thutng di vdi d6ng ti "think’. 74 V. M6t sé trang ngi dac biét 1. C6 ba trang ngit sau day khéng bat nguén t¥ mét tinh ti ma 1a ti¥ mét quad khit phan tif: supposedly, reportedly va alleg- edly, va ching c6 nghia dic biét. Vd1 He allegedly followed his father as the boss of a crime gang. = He is alleged to have followed his father as the boss of a crime gang. Ong Gy bi_cho la | bi t6 gide la, da ké tuc cha éng chm ddu mét bang ddng toi pham. Vd2 He is reportedly not intending to return to this country. = He is reported not to intend return to this country. Ngudi ta néi | bdo cdo la éng dy khéng cé y dinh tré vé dat nuée nay. Hoge Ong dy duge cho la khong cé ... Bai tap Dich ra tiéng Viét 1. Police have finally crushed the gang which allegedly killed eight people and wounded four in a botched bank robbery in Changde, Hunan province. 2. Little Chandler meets an old friend who supposedly has be- come a successful newspaperman in London. 2. M6t sé trang ngit két hop tix "enough" di dau cfu dé bay t3 cam nghi, nhan xét cia tac gid cla cau phat biéu. 75s Funny enough : Nuc cudi thay, khéi hai thay Strangely enough: _Lg_lang_ thay. ae “Sure enough : Dung nhu dé tréng doi / 7 Biad 5 y chang | Ding phoc / Thét la chinh xde thay __Nd Strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor on tower blocks don't even say hello to each other. La lang thay truée day ngudi 6 cing mét duéng phé déu quen bist nhau thi bay gid trai lai ngudi & trén cing mét ting léu ctia cde cao 6c théam chi khéng them chao hdi nhau nita, Vd They all said the beam would fall down and sure enough it did. Tét cd bon ho déu néi cdi xa ngang sé dé xudng va ding y chang no dé dé xuéng. NHAN xéT * NguGe lai, c6 nhiing cum ti trang ngi trong tiéng Viét cé chit ‘thay" khong nhat thiét phai dich bang adv + enough. Vd: ~May man thay Fortunately Bat hanh thay Unfortunately Vi. Sy uyén chuyén khi dich mét trang ng Khong nhat thiét mét trang ngit trong ngon ngit nay luén Indn divide dich bing mot trang ngif trong ng6én nei kia. Viét Ho tén céng ti tip khdp noi. Anh They attacked relentlessly everywhere. They launched relentless attacks everywhere. Viét Ho kich ligt phan déi. Anh They objected vehemently. & 76 They made vehement objections. Viét Cé dy nghich nggm véo tai nd mét edi. She playfully gave his ear a tweak, She gave his ear a playful tweak. Nhung khéng phi hai c&u tréc song song nay ludén luén cho cing mét nghia. Vd I strictly obeyed his orders. I obeyed his strict orders. M6t tinh ty (adj) trong mét cum ti danh tw (NP) tiéng Anh khi chuyén qua tiéng Viét cé thé tré thanh mét trang tit (adv). Anh Their blatant disregard for the law. Viét - Viéc ho tring tron coi thudng luat phdp. - Vi8e ho coi thudng luat ph4p mdt cdch tring tron. & 77

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