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Phan I NGHIEN CUU NGON NGU Chuong I CHUYEN B61 CU PHAP (CONVERSION) Chuyén 46i cu phdp (conversion) la su bién déi ti mot cdu trde ci phap (a syntactic construction) nay sang mét cau tréc ci phdp khde ma khong lam thay déi nghia cia. cdu van. Mue tiéu cia viée luyén tap chuyén déi ci phdp 1a nhim da dang héa cau trdc cau van trong mét bai van. Ching ta thit xét su chuyén héa ed phép trong mét sé khdi niém sau: Nguyén nhan Vigt Vi ching ta chiu dnh huéng cia tiéng me dé, ching ta thuéng b6 nhitng phu dm cubi khi chiing ta ndi tiéng Anh. Anh Clause Because / As / Since / we are influenced by our mother tongue, we tend to drop some final consonants when we speak English. Ménh dé trang tw (adverbial clause) chi nguyén nhan & trén, c6 thé chuyén héa thanh ede edu tric khde ma khéng lam thay déi nghia cau van: _Partiecipial phrase. Influenced by our mother tongue, we tend to drop some final consonants when we speak English. Prepositional phrase Under the influence of our mother tongue, Because of the influence of our mother tongue, we 17 On account of the influence of our mother tongue, ‘On-account-of-the-fact-that we-are-influenced-by- As a result of the influence of . Vit Béi vi ching t6i khong cé gi dé lam, ching t6i xudng cdn-tin dé uéng ca phe. : Anh. Because: we-had nothing to do,. we went to the canteen for a cup of coffee. (Clause) Having nothing to do, we went to Without anything to do, we went to ... (Prepositional phrase) Viét Vi t6i khodi dn nhdu, téi da tiéu xdi nhiéu tién cho cdi thi vui nay. Anh As I was fond of food and drink, I spent a lot of money on this pleasure. (Clause) Being fond of food and drink, I spent a lot of money on this pleasure. (Participial phrase) 7 Fond of food and drink, , I spent a lot of money on this pleasure. (Adjective phrase) Viét Vi cang ngay cang cé nhiéu ngudi tré Igi truong dé hoc them, ban gidng hudn thdy cdn phdi thay déi chutong trinh dé dap ung nhu cdu cia nhém sinh vién ddc biét nay. (Participial phrase) Anh Because more and more people are coming back to school to further their studies, the teaching staff find it necessary to change the syllabus to meet the need of this special group of students. (Clause) With more and more veovle coming back to school to fur- ther their studies, the teaching staff find it necessary to change the syllabus to ... (Prepositional phrase) : 18 viét Anh Vi thiéu chuyén mén, Xuan bj chuyén qua mét b6 phén khde cia céng ty. Since he lacked the qualifications, Xuan was sent to another office of the company. (Clause) Prepositional phrase On account of his lack of the qualifications, Xuan was sent to ... From lack of the qualifications, Xuén qas sent to ... Participial phrase . Lacking the qualifications, Kuna was sent to ... Relative clause viét Anh Xuan, who lacked the qualifications, was sent to another office ... : Vi ¥ thite duge nhu céu nghién citu cda sinh vién, khoa Anh cé géng bé sung ti sdch va tan trang lai phong doc sdch. Because the English department is aware of its students need of research, it makes efforts to supply new books to its library and refurbish its reading room. (Clause) Being aware of its students’ need of research, the English department makes efforts to ... (Participial phrase) Aware of its students’ need of research, the English depart- ment makes efforts to ... (Adjective phrase) The English Department, which is aware of its students’ need of research, makes efforts to supply new books to the library and refurbish its reading room. (Relative clause) Vis¢.. Viét Anh dy chdng phdn déi gi vi so bi chup mia la ké pha réi. Anh He made no objections because he feared he might be branded a troublemaker. (Clause) 19% He made-no objections for fear of being branded-a trouble- maker. (Prepositional phrase) Fearing that he night he branded a troublemaker; he made no objections. (Participial phrase) Khi/trong khi (théi gian) ___Miét Khi-cén -tré,.anh-dy-da-thich m6n.vé, 0.22500 es Anh While he was still a child, he already developed an interest in drawing. (Clause) While still a child, he already developed an interest in drawing. (Reduced clause) As a child, he already developed an interest in drawing. (Prepositional phrase) Being a child, he already developed an interest in drawing. (Participial phrase) Viét Khi ba c6 dy mdt, c6 tré vé nha dé gitp dé ngwdi em trai. Anh When her father died, she returned home to help her brother. (Clause) On her father’ death, she returned home to help her brother. (Prepositional phrase) Viét Khi ching ta doc am nay, ching ta phdi ngdm méi.cho chat. Anh When we pronounce this sound, we have to close our lips tightly. In pronouncing this sound, we have to close our lips tightly. (Prepositional phrase) When pronouncing this sound, we have to close our lips tightly. (Reduced clause) & 20% Viét Khi chdm bdi thi ctia Xuan, thdy gido cd chiéu cé dén thoi gian nghi bénh lu dai ctia cé ay. Anh When the teacher marked Xuan's examination paper, he favourably took her long absence from illness into consider- ation. (Clause) In marking Xuan's examination paper, the teacher favourably took her long absence from illness into consider- ation. (Prepositional phrase) When marking Xuan's exmaination paper, the teacher favourably took her long absence’ from illness into consider- ation. (Reduced clause) Viét Khi chiée céu duoc hodn thanh sé c6 1é khdénh thanh. Anh There will be an inaugural ceremony when the bridge is completed. (Clause) There will be an inaugural ceremony on (the) completion of the bridge. (Prepositional phrase) Néu Viét Néu bi tuyén dn ld c6 toi, ba dy cb thé bi mudi nam ta. Anh If she is convicted, she may face ten years in prison. (Clause) If convicted, she may face ten years in prision. (Reduced ” clause) Convicted, she may face ten years in prision. @articipial phrase) NHAN xéT Théng thuting, dé nhdn manh y “diéu kién’, thi if clause ho’ic reduced clause voi chit if duge dung. Participlal phrase, nhu trung hop trong cau "Con- victed, she may face ten years prision" cé thé tudng ‘duong véi “if-she Is convicted" ma cling c6 thé tudng dudng vdi ‘When she is convicted’. ee 21 as Viét Riéng ré, thi nhitng chi tiét ndy-cd vé nhé nhdt, nhung néw rép Igi véi nhau, thi ching sé cho ching ta mé6t bite tranh toan dién vé cuéc sing hoi dé. Anh Separately, these details seem to be insubstantial, but if they are pieced together, they will give us a complete pic- ture of what life was like then. (Clause) ~+++-but if -pieced--together,-they_will_give_usa_complete pic- ture of life in that period. (Reduced clause) .. but pieced together, they will give us a complete picture of what life was like in that period. (Participial phrase) bé / nhdm / cho (chi myc dich) Viét Ho nudi b6 dé lay thit va sta Anh They raise cows for meat and milk. (Prepositional phrase) They raise cows to have / to get meat and milk. (infinitive phrase) Viét Ban duge dat nhau that xa dé ngdn ngiva gian lan. Anh Desks are set a good distance apart to prevent cheating. (infinitive phrase) Desks are set a good distance apart in order to prevent cheating. (Prepositional phrase) Néu cum ti chi myc dich c6 mt chi ngit khde véi chi ngit chinh cia c4u (S) khi dich qua tiéng Anh, phai dimg m6t so-that clause hay céu tric for someone to do something. Vist Ban duoc dat céch xa nhau that xa dé sinh vien khéng thé s gian lan duge | dé gian lan khéng thé thuc hign duge. Anh Desks are set a good distance apart so that the students can't commit cheating. (= can't cheat). Desks are set a good distance apart so that cheating will be impossible. 22 & a nh sat tuyt cdi dé chan chiée xe Igi. «it The policeman blew his whistle to stop the car. Vit Canh sdt huyt coi dé chiée xe dung. s Anh The policemen blew his whistle for the car to stop. * Trong trudng hop nay khéng thé néi: ... so that the car will stop, béi vi né khéng dién ta sy tic khdc. Viét Thay gido dinh cdi ban dé lén bang cho chiing tdi xem. s Anh The teacher fixed the map on the blackboard for us to see. The teacher fixed the map on the blackboard so that we could see it. Lan nay, hai cdu tric tung dong nhau vi trong so-that clause c6 trg déng tit can, chit khéng phai will. Muén + thi phai (myc dich va diéu kién) Vigt Muén hoi nhdp vao thé gidi, Viet Nam cdn phdi da dang héa cde quan hé ngogi giao va cdi thign hé théng ludt phdp cia minh. Anh In order to integrate into the rest of the world, Vietnam needs to diversify its foreign relations and improve its ju- diciary system. Vit Mudn vao dai hoc, anh phdi chudn bi ngay bay gid. Anh To / In order to / go to college, you have to make prepara- tions right now. If you want to enter college, you have to make preparations right now. (If clause) Vigt Muén con anh vao dai hoc, anh phdi chudn bj cho né ngay bay gid. Anh If you want your son to enter college you have to make preparations for him right now. For your son to enter college, you have to make prepara- tions for him right now. & 23 Viét Dé dét nuéc héa réng, ching ta phdi lao dong tich cue. Anh For our country to become a dragon (= an economic tiger), we must work hard. If our country is to become a dragon, we must work hard. V6i ba vi du sau, ching ta thay trong céu tric chi muc dich di-déu cau, c6 mét-chi-ngit-khde v6i chi ngit chinh“cia c4u-(S). Trong trudng hgp nay chting ta khong thé sit dung To hoae In order to ma phai dimg If ho&c For + noun + infinitive. Bai tap 1. Dich nhiing cdu nay ra tiéng Anh, sW dung cdc cau truic khdc nhau cho phan c6 gach bén duéi a. Vikhéng ndi dude tiéng Anh (can't/unable), 6ng ay phai lam bd digu 4é cho biét nhiing gi éng can. b. Vithiéu tién m&t, céng ty chung tdi phai hiy bd nhiéu don dat hang. (to lack cash / to be strapped for cash) c. Mac dau ty 16 mu chi & mttc 38% dan sé. An D6 da dat duge nhiing thanh tich ngoan myc (make dramatic achievements) trong nganh céng nghé tin hoc nhé sy dau tu cla chinh phi vao cdc trung tam gido duc. 7 d. Vita’ mdi tdi thi tng théng da m& cudc hop bdo (no sooner / upon). & 24s e. Can nha bée chay (do on fire) Iie 5 gid sang. Nhd duoc phat hién (discover) kip thdi nén khéng cé thiét hai gi vé tai san. (as / owing) 2. Dich nhiing cAu sau day, dé y dén cum t¥ chi mue dich hoge muc dich + diéu kién a. Dé san pham cia chting ta canh tranh dugc véi hang ngoai, chting ta phai cai tién mu ma va chat lugng cla chung. @ design) b. Bé xuat kh&u duge hang hda cilia ching ta qua MY, ching ta cn nghién cuu luat phdp va thi trudng nude My. c. N6 thich & nha dé cé thé hoc nhiing gi né thich va theo dudi cdc van dé dé nd quan tam cho dén cing. 8. Xde dinh cdc ménh dé chi théi gian trong cAu sau day va dich cA cau ra tiéng Anh Hang n&m ct vao cuéi thu l4 ngoai dudng rung nhiéu va trén khéng cé nhiing dam may bang bac, léng téi lai nao nao vdi bao ky niém cia budi tuu trudng. & 25 3 Notes La ngoai dutng rung nhigu: feaves begin to fall in drifts from the trees _ in the streets Long tdi lai nao nao : my heart is stirred / I'm stirred & 26 6 Chuong II DICH GAU: HAI Bue CAN BAN |. Tim y chinh cia cau Cau 1a don vi cén bdn cia mét doan dich. Buée dau tién va can ban trong viée dich cau tit Viét ra Anh 1a tim ¥ chinh cia cau. Tim y chinh cia cau vé mat ci phdp la tim ménh dé chinh cia cu, tic 14 tim chi ngif chinh (S) va déng tit chinh (V) cia cdu, sau day tim ra y phy. Vd1 Chwong trinh do Héi déng Anh va Téng Lanh su qudn Anh t6 chitc, Chinh phit Anh quéc tai tro, dé mé nhiéu khéa hoc tai Ha Noi, TPHCM va mét sé tinh thanh ti naém 1996. SGGP Doc hét cdu trén, chting ta thay chi ngi cia toan cau 1A chuong trinh (S) va dong tit chinh 1a d& mé (V). : Vi vay trong céu dich tiéng Anh, ching ta cé ménh dé chinh: - The program has launched (opened / held) several classes (courses) in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and some provin- cial cities since 1996. Dén day ching ta c6 thé xét cdc cum tif trong cau: - do Héi déng Anh va Téng Lanh su quan Anh t6 chite: Cum tt nay bé nghia cho danh ti “chuong trinh” va vi vay ching ta cé thé nghi dén mét participial phrase hay reduced clause. (the programme) organized by the British Council and the British consulate & 27 os - do Chinh phi Anh quéc tai trg: (the programme) spon- sored by the British government Va cau dich sé la: The programme, (which is) organized by the British Coun- cil and the British Consulate and sponsored by the Brit- ish government, has opened many classes in Hanoi, HCM city and some provincial cities since 1996. * Hodc Organized by the British Council and the British Consu- late and financed by the British government, ... Vd2 Theo tin tu B6 Van héa - Théng tin, trong giai doan 2001 - 2005 nguén ngén sdch cia nha nude ddu tu cho phat irién cde muc tiéu cia toan nganh van héa - théng tin la 5.000 ty déng, chit yéu tép trung xdy dung va cdi tao cde céng trinh vdn héa cé ¥ nghia lén cia Trung vong va dia phuong. SGGP Trong cau trén, cum tif ngdén sdch cia nha nude dau tu cho phat trién cde muc tiéu cia todn nganh vén héa - thong tin 1a cha ngit chinh (S) va /a déng tit chinh (V) cia toan cau. Va nhu vay, ta cé ménh dé chinh nhu sau: - The government's budget appropriated for the develop- ment of the various targets of the whole department of culture and information is 5,000 billion dong. Va cum tit: chit yéu tp trung xdy dung vd cdi tao cde cong trinh vdn héa cé ¥ nghia lén cia Trung uvong va dia phuong 1a mét cum tif cho biét thém chi tiét vé nhiine si da néi trong ménh dé chinh. Va 6 day cing cé thé dimg mét participial phrase .., Mainly focussing on the construction and renovation of cultural works that are of national and local significance. 28 ‘Va nhu vay ching ta cé toan cau: According to the Ministry of Culture and Information, the government's budget appropriated for the development of the various targets of the whole branch over the period 2001 - 2005 is 5,000 billion dong, mainly focussing ‘on the construction and renovation of cultural works that are of national and local significance. Hodge According to the Ministry of Culture and Information, the government's budget appropriated for the develop- ment of the various targets of the whole branch over the period 2001 - 2005 is 5,000 billion, with the focus on the construction and renovation of cultural works that are of national and local significane. Il. X4e dinh ban chat cdc y phy va tim cach dich Cdc ¥ phy cé thé bé nghia toan cau, cd thé bé nghia mot danh tiv hay c6 thé bé nghia mét dong ti. Sau day ching ta di vao mét sé truéng hep cu thé. a. Y phy di truéc cau Vd1 Vita buée chan vao céng: ba Trang ngé ngang thay hai thanh nién dang liti hii mé 6 khéa nha ba. V6i ¥ phu chi théi diém xay ra su viéc, nén c6 thé dich: - As soon as she entered the gate. - On entering the gate. Va ca cAu: => On entering the gate, Mrs Trang was surprised / stunned to find two young men busily trying to unclock the front door of her house. & 29 Wd2 Thay. déng, ching hodng hét dinh bé chay. eee Cum tit "thdy déng" chi ly do, hay nguyén nhan. Cum tit “dong +tit-(VP)-trong tiéng Viet. nay_cé. thé djch bing m6t parti- cipial phrase, gin lién véi chi ngit "they": => ~ Sensing danger, they panicked feared and wanted to escape. VWd3 Tra loi edu héi cia trinh sét vé nguén géc khdu sing, — tén toi pham Khai la-né-daé lay trém cia-cha-né.~ Day ciing 1a cum tit dong tit (VP) ding dau cau, nén cing c6 thé dich bing ‘mét participial phrase, hay m6t cum ti tuong duong trong tiéng Anh: => Replying the detective's question about the source if of the weapon, the criminal said that he had stolen it from his father. => In reply to the detective's question about the source of the weapon, the criminal said that he had stolen it from his father. * In reply to la mét cum ti da cd sdn,” Wd4 Khi bi hi vé ngudn géc chiée xe Dream no dé st dung dé gay Gn, tén toi pham néi né dé muon cia mét déng bon. => When he was asked where the Dream-type motorbike he had used to commit the crime came from, he said that he had borrowed it from another gang member. Hoae c6 thé ding mot reduced clause: torbike he had used to commit the crime, the crimi- nal said he had borrowed it from another member of his gang. Wd5 No ngap déu, nhung 6ng gidm déc vdn eit tiép tuc vay muon tién cia cde ngdn hang trong thanh phé. & 30-3 Chiing ta cé thé stt dung ménh dé chinh, ménh dé phu dé dich ra tiéng Anh : => Though the director is heavily in debt, he still keeps borrowing money from the various banks in the city. Hoae ding hai ménh dé déc lap néi véi nhau bing but: - The director is heavily in debt, but he still keeps bor- rowing money ... Hoae ding prepositional phrase: in spite of: In spite of the heavy debts, the director still keeps borrowing money. b. Y phu di sau mét danh tif trong cau dé bé nghia danh tit d6 Chung ta tht xét mét sO vi du sau: Vd1 Chung t6i tién hanh nhitng hoat déng gitip dé {hoe sinh] ngheo va |ede _gido vién|cé hodn cénh khé khan. hoc sinh nghéo gido vién cé_hoan c4nh khé khan [at we carried out activities to help poor students and teachers in strait circumstances. NHAN xéeT Tinh tit (adj.) phai di truée danh tif né bd nghia. Tinh ti di sau mét danh tir khi: (a) ban than nd co mét cum ti bé nghia hay (b) ket hop véi mot tinh tit khdc véi chit and, trutng hgp nay chi dé nhén manh. Ex, a full lake va a lake full of fish Ex, Her mother, beautiful and gracious, smiled at him. Ex, His hands, cracked and rough, cupped her face. Cac Ex, va Ex, thutng c6 trong van ké chuyén va mé ta cla tigu thuyét. 31s “Wd2 Ching téi_cdn nhiing gido vién| cd tém long déi vdiltré em s v —." tan tat hay gdp hoan.cdnk khé khan. v 7 “ - gido vién cé tém long déi véi tr em teachers who love children ——. tr@ em tam tat tan tat: c6 thé dich bing mét tinh tit disabled / handi- capped hay bing mOt cum tii with disabilities. tré em /_gdp hodn cdnh khé khan: cé thé dich in difficult circumstances (prepositional phrase) hay facing difficult circum- stances (prepositional phrase) Va cd cau: => We need teachers who love children with disabilites or in difficult circumstances. Vd3 Mot chiée xe van tdi tong vao mét|chiéc xe dd|ché 30 han. - A truck collided with a-coach that / which was carrying 30_passengers. (relative clause) : A truck collided with a coach carrving 30 passengers. (Participial phrase) - A truck collided with a coach with 30 passengers on board. (Prepositional phrase) NuAN xe a. Khi cum tiv bé ngif di sau chi néi dung cia danh ti di truée chting ta thutng sit dung gidi tix of dé b&t dau cum tiv dé. Ciing nén dé ¥ nhitng cdch khdc nhau dé dich chit wai Vd1 |vdn_dé|é6 nhiém: the problem of pollution ey 32 as / Vd2 |tinh than] hoa gidi: the spirit of reconcialiation (khéng dich) Vd3 |thdi_quen| hit thudc vdn: the habit of smoking hand-rolled cigarettes (khéng dich) Vd4 [Co héi|thi dau cia anh dy that la mong manh. His chance of passing the exam is quite remote. Wd5 [Nguy co|mde bénh ung thu 6 nhiing ngudi hut thudc luén luén cao. The risk of getting cancer among cigarette smokers is al- ways high. Hodc The odds of getting cancer among cigarette smokers are always high. Vd6 Cé dy cé cdi [loi thé|la néi_tiéng Anh rdt tréi_chdy. She has the advantage of being very fluent in English. b. Cum tit bé nghia di sau danh tir dé chi nGi dung danh tiv di truéc cing nhu 6 a, cé thé dich bing mét "that-clause" néu cdc danh tit dé 1a fact, news, belief, opinion, rumor, announcement, promise, determination, hope. Vd1 |Vigc|anh dy vdn khéng cudi.vo khéng cé nghia la anh dy bi bat lue. => The fact that he remains unmarried does not mean that he is sexually impotent. Wd2 Anh dy bay t6 / /[i_Rign)la cong ty sé lam an phdt dat trong nhiing ndm téi. => He expressed his hope / belief / opinion that the com- pany will be thriving in the coming years. Vd3 Ong dy béc bé[fin] éng dy sé ti chi. => He rejected the news that he would resign. Hoac => He rejected the news of his resignation. & 33 35 Sinh vién nén biét phan biét giifa that-clause 1a m6t rela- that-clause loai nay von 1a m6t noun clause chi ndi c. Cum tit bé nghia mét danh ti cing 6 thé dich bing mot “infinitive phrase", Trong nhiéu trutng hgp - chit khong phai tat cd - cum tit nay chi ¥ nghia "sé lam", hay "phdi lam", trong mot 80 trudéng hop khae, ching cing chi ndi dung. 7 Vd1 Ho bay #6 quyét tam chién ddu cho dén hoi thé cudi cing. => They expressed their determination to fight till their last breath. Hodc => They expressed their determination that they would fight till their last breath. Vd2 Chang tz gid nang va bay t6 mong muén sé gdp nang tré Iai. He said goodbye to her and expressed his wish to meet her again. VWd3 Chang tu gid nang va bay t6 mong muén ho sé gdp Idi. He said goodbye to her and expressed a wish / his wish that they would meet again. Nhiing danh ty tiéng Anh thudng duge bé tic bang mét infinitive phrase c6 thé ké: (Ex: ¥ chi chién déu s&t da cia ho: their iron will to fight), ability (Ex: mot cdi cdn edu cé kha nang xi ly nhitng khdi lugng 16n: a crane with the ability to cope with heavy loads), promise (Ex: 18i hita cia éng ay (1a) dua truong dai hoc cia ching ta lén trinh dé thé gidi: his promise to’ raise our university to world standards). Cting c6 nhiing danh tit nhu way, promise cé thé c6 cd hai cum ti of-phrase hay to-phrase di sau: / ee 34 / oe ‘Vdi There are many ways of doing it. C6 nhiéu cach dé lam viéc do. Vd2 What's the best way to do it? Cach gi t6t nhdt dé lam viée dé? "promise" thudng ddi héi to-phrase hay that-clause di sau. Vd Anh dy néi ra loi hita la sé cudi nang. => He made the promise to marry her. => He made the promise that he would marry her. Nhung ching ta ciing c6 thé gap cau: - He lost the job because he didn't fulfil his promise of bring- ing the team to the second round. New York Times Ong dy mdt viée béi vi éng dé khéng thue hién duge loi hita (la) dua dgi vdo vong hai. ‘V6i mét sé danh tit, nhu "chance", thi cé sy phan biét nghia ré rang gifia "to-phrase" va “of-phrase". a. He stood no chance of winning. Ong dy khéng cé kha ndng | co may chién thdng. b. I must look for a chance to meet him. Toi phdi tim mét co hoi dé gap anh dy. Trong (b) "chance" cé nghia 1a "dip". N6i chung, khi dich mét cum tit bé nghia chi néi dung ciia tit di truée thi ching ta phdi nghi dén “of + noun" hodc "of + gerund" trude. c. Y phy di cuéi cau Sau day chting ta xét cdc cum tit bd nghia di cudi cdu, sau cum déng ti¥ chinh. Hay xét mOt sé vi du sau: & 35 Vd1 Chiéc xe dod long manh vdo-suén nui, lam chét 5-hanh khdch. “Cum tir trén chi két qua, Ichi chuyén qua tiéng Anh ching ta c6 thé st dung mét participial phrase. => The coach bumped against the mountainside, killing five of the passengers. ~~ ~"Wid2-“Mot con bao xay ra 6 Ha Giang, hom qua, pha hiy gén 200 ngéi nha. (két qua) => A storm hit Ha Giang yesterday, destroying nearly 200 huts. Wd3 Nhiéu ngusi dén thing phiéu, chiém khodng 85% dan sé. (gidi thich hay cu thé héa) => Many people went to the polls, accounting for 85% of the population. Vd4 Hoc pht tang cao, lam cho nhiéu hoe sinh nghéo phdi b6 hoe. (hét qua) => School fees have risen sharply, causing many poor pupils to drop out of school. Vd5 Gid tri sdn lugng céng nghiép ctia todn thanh pho trong thang tdm tang 12%, mite ting cao nhdt ké tit nam 1990. (gidi thich hay cy thé héa) => The value of industrial output of the whole city has risen by 12%, the highest increase since 1990. => The value of industrial output of the whole city has risen by 12%, which is the highest increase since 1990. Vd6 Tinh hinh thi truéng lao déng ndm nay lanh manh hon ndm ngodi, véi ting s& céng dn vite lam tang thém 20 ngan cong viée. (cu thé héa, gidi thich) es => The labour market is healthier than it was 1 eo ™ with the total employment (being) up by ” & 36-6 a eeEEEEs ! Vd7 Ong dy tt chéi tham dy budi hop, néi rang éng chang thich thi: gi. (ly do) He refused to attend the meeting, saying that he had no interest in it. Wd8 Anh dy ngéi 6 ban, vidt mét edi gi déy. (hanh déng xdy ra cung mét lic) => He sat at the desk, writing something. Vd9 Anh dy nhin qua cita sé taxi, ghi nhdn nhitng thay déi cua thanh phé. (hanh déng xdy ra cing mét lic) => He looked through the taxi window, noticing the changes of the city. lll. Van dé dich cau kép trong tiéng Viét Cau kép trong tiéng Viét 1A mét cau c6. hai cau don ghép lai v6i nhau bang mét déu phdy. Vé mat cau tric ei phdp, viée ghép cau nhu vay 1a khéng phi hgp trong tiéng Anh va chinh ché nay sinh vién Viét Nam thudng pham 1éi khi dich hay khi viét. Sau day 1A mét sé vi du vé cau kép: Vd1 Nang nhin chang, hai_giong lé lan _xuéng md. fl VP, 8 VP, : She looked at him. - Two streaks of tears rolled down on her cheeks. A\ She looked at him, two streaks of tears rolled down ‘on her cheeks. (wrong) => She looked at him. Two streaks of tears rolled down on her cheeks. (hai ménh dé riéng biét) She looked at him, two streaks of tears rolling down on “her cheeks. (ménh dé chinh + absolute phrase) & 376 _..... Chi, ding absolute phrase khi chi ngit trong cdu 2 (S2) 1a méot bé phan hay cé dinh liu dén chi ngif trong cau 1 (S1). “Wd2-Sinh vién truéc-kia mang ndng-tinh-chdt-han-lém,-é ho gitta gidng duéng dai hoc va doi thuéng cé mt khodng cdch Rhé xa. Cau 1 Students in the past were pure academics. Cau-2 With them, there. was usuallya_fairly large_gap. between their ivory towers and life outside. Ghép céu: A, Students in the past were pure academics, with them there was usually a fairly large between their ivory tow- ers and life outside. (sai) Sia lai: => Students in the past were pure academics. With them there was usually a fairly large gap between their ivory towers and life outside. (tach hai cAu ra bing mét dau chém) => Students in the past were pure academics, with whom there was usually a fairly large gap between their ivory | towers and life outside. [(ménh dé chinh + ménh dé phu tuong quan (relative clause)] Vd3 Ching toi tuyén duge 30 ngudi tinh nguyén, trong dé da sé la sinh vién. Cau 1 We recruited 30 volunteers. Cau 2 The majority of them were students, Ghép cau: We recruited 30 volunteers, the majority of them were students. (sai) => We recruited 30 volunteers, the majority of whom were students. (relative clause) ae & 38 6 => We recruited 30 volunteers, the majority of them students. “being” trong cdc absolute phrase thudng duge bé, tri khi a6 chi ly do hay dé gidi thich. => We recruited 30 volunteers. The majority of them were students. IV.Su bién adi cau tric cl phap dé nhan manh trong tiéng Anh Y chinh nim trong ménh dé chinh nhung trong tiéng Anh dé nhén manh, ¥ chinh cé thé duge dién dat bing mot sy thay déi edu tric dic biét lam cho ¥ chinh nim trong cd ménh dé chinh va ménh dé phu.-Chiing ta hay xét cde cép cau sau day, c4u thi hai Ja dé nhan manh: Vd1 I want to meet the director. It is the director that I want to meet. (hai ménh dé) Vd2 He needs some consolation. What he needs is some consolation. (hai ménh 4é) Vd3 I got home very late. It was very late when I got home. (hai ménh dé) Vd4 He died 3 years ago. It's / It has been / 8 years since his death. Hodc It has been 3 years since he died. Trong Vd1: nh4n manh: muén gap éng gidm déc chit khong ai khdc. Trong Vd2: nhdn manh: sy an Gi mdi 14 quan trong. Trong Vd3 nhén manh y tré, trong Vd4 nhdn manh: khodng théi gian. Thong thutng, ching ta c6 nhiing y di kém dé chi ré vi sao cé su nhén manh. & 39% Vdi It has been 3 years since his death but he has not been allowed to lie in peace. Anh dy chét da ditoe3-nim-réi-nhung- nguoi-tiéng anh van khéng cho anh duge an gide ngan thu (dugc thanh than duéi_mé). Vd2 It was very late when I got home but she was still waiting = for_me. a a2 Lie téi v8 16 téi nha thi dé phuya nhung 6 & van con cho. Vd3 What he needs is consolation, not spanking. Cdi ma né cn Ia loi an ti, chit dau phdi la roi vot. V. Van dé lién tiv kép trong tiéng Viét «Ching ta tht xét nhiing cau cé lién tit kép sau day: a. Mac déu dutng duge mé réng ra hay x4y thém rat nhiéu, nhung nan ket xe van tiép tuc 1A mét van dé trém trong. b. Béivi ong noi toi khong duge hoc hanh gi nhiéu, nén ong néi t0i phai lam nhiing cong viéc hén ha dé kiém séng. " Ode lién ti kép la: Mae dau ... nhung van (c4u a.) va Béi vi .. nén (cau b.). Trong tiéng Anh, ngudi ta chi cé thé ding mét lién tix cho méi cau dé néi hai ménh dé véi nhau. Cau (a) c6 thé dich: - Though more roads have been widened or built, the prob- lem of traffic jams~still continues to be serious. (adver- Ola clause + main clause) : More roads have been widened or built, but the problem of traffic jams still continues to be serious. (2 indepen- dent clauses) 40 4, Though more roads have been widened or built, but the problem of traffic jams still continues to be serious. (sai) Cau (b) - Because my grandfather did not have much of an educa- tion (was very little educated), he had to do menial jobs for a living. - My grandfather did not have much of an education, so he had to do menial jobs for a living. A\ ° Because my grandfather did not have much of an educa- tion, so he had to do menial jobs for a living. (sai) Bai tap 1. Dich cdc doan van sau day ra tiéng Anh, phai xde dinh ménh dé chinh truéc khi dich. a. Nhac si Trinh Céng Son, qué quan 6 Hué, sinh ngay 28-02- 1939 tai Dac Lac, sau mét thdi gian bénh nang, da tu tran tai Bénh vién Cho Ray Itc 12 gid 45 phut ngay 1-4-2001 trong vong tay cla than quyén va cdc thay thuéc tan tuy. Notes qué quin 6 Hug : a native of Hue sau mét thdi gian bénh. nang da ti tran: drew his last breath after a Jong iliness trong vong tay than quyén: nén dich : ddu dude than quyén va cdc thdy thuéc yéu thuong chim s6c: in spite of the loving care Of ... . wl s b. Néi Ién vdi bai hat dau tay “Uét mi* nam 1957 qua tiéng hat > TRanh Thuy, nhac st Trinh Céng Son tréthanh mot hign tung am nhae vé 4é tal phan chiéhn va tinh kh. Notes agian torrie to fame;to-win recognition ——— dé tai chéng chién tranh ©: the anti-war theme 2, Dich ede cau sau day, xdc dinh ban chat cha cdc cum ti bé nghia. a. Ltic dau, via chua cé kinh nghiém lam ruéng lai vita khéng cé yn nén nang suat cling duge chang hay chd. Nho ban chat cn cu, cht mot va mét y chi di lén manh mé, anh 1an héi gay dyng co nghiép. Notes chua cé kinh nghigm + have no experience; without any ex- perience; inexperienced nguti chua cé kinh nghigm, tay md: 4 novice fam ru6ng : rice cultivation; farming von : capital duge chang hay ché : 6 thé dién dat theo hai cach: a, nang suét rat bap bénh: the output Lief mnnk mtnhln 7 ester -foy eee erratic b. 18 thugc vao hén xui: the output was something entirely dependent on chance / whether he got a good har- vest or not depended entirely on chance / was just a matter of chance & 42 can cit : diligent (adj.), diligence (n.) chadt mét 1 thifty (adj); thrift (n.) y chi di !én manh mé : a strong will to improve his lite;" eager to improve his life b. Theo su don gian cia phéng dia chinh, dién tich dat hoang la 200 hecta, chiém 20% téng dién tich cia tinh. Notes phéng dja chinh : (tam dich) the Jand management office dién tich area; size dat hoang : uncultivated land c. Ho can mét ngudi 06 kién thuic vé cdc thi truéng chau Au. d. Co quan nay chi tuyén dung nhiing phu ni cé nhan sac (good looks). e. San lugng néng nghiép n&m nay [a 500 triéu tan, cao hon nam ngoai 20%. f. L& lyt lam ngap nhiéu ving 6 duyén hai mién Trung, gay ach tac giao théng nhiéu doan duéng trén Quéc Id 1. Notes gay ach tc giao thing : to obstruct the traffic g. Thang Giéng nam nay cé 28 ngan khac Nhat dén thanh phé, cao han cting thang ndm ngoai 14%. & 435 h.-Tén cudép cudi mét chiéc xe Honda loai Suzuki cé bién s6 dang WHA X2118. Notes Bién sd ) dang iy : a license plate Ma ba hép lai (become hollow), lam 16 hai go mécao. j. N6 di theo nhiing dia con trai hu héng, la ca (loiter) hét quan ca phé nay dén quan ca phé khdc. k. Chi Thanh tri hd, han tau thoat, bd lai mét con dao. 3. Dich ra tiéng Viét, chi ¥ dén cdc cum tw bé tiie dé xde dinh ban chat cia ching a. The contractor and his friends armed themselves with wooden poles and metal rods, anticipating that the workers from the rival company would return to cause trouble. b. A total of 121, 345 Indonesians poured in last rent largely eda c. She could not brake in time and swerved right, crossing the divider and hitting the pick-up. d. Less than a year after a businesswoman passed her driving test, she lost control of her BMW and collided head-on with a pick-up, causing the death of a pregnant housewife. e. I'm still petting the dog, its eyes wide and wet and grateful. f. A certain amount of general elementary knowledge must be imparted, the most useful being some history, geography an literature, and a little mathmatics. g. The driver, who was unfamiliar with the area, failed to keep a proper lookout when she hit the road divider and lost control of @ her car, colliding into the pick-up, which was coming in the opposite direction. a 45 os h. Water buffaloes wallowed in muddy ponds as small children _frolicked_on their broad, patient backs. Older children, dressed. in immaculate blue and white uniforms, set out for school, their canvas book bags slung over their shoulders. & 46 3 Chuong II NHAN HET WE DONG TW TIENG WiET Dong ty theo dinh nghia 1a ti hay cym tit di sau chi tu dé tao thanh mét cau don gidn. No khéc. Vv N6 ca_hét. N6 giét ngudi_ (VP=V+N) N6 nhiét liét_ ing hé lap trutng cia téi. VP NP NuAN xEeT Dong ti c6é chi ngif dn la dong ti khong c6 chi ngif di truéc nhung ngudi ta dé nhan biét cdi gi hay ai 1a chil ngif cla nd. Ching ta cé thé chia ra hai trudng hop: a. Van ndi 7 trong déi thoai tryc tiép, cé nhiéu truing hp sit dung dong tif kh6ng 6 chil ngi, nhung nh’ ngén canh, ching ta biét chit ngif dé 1a ai, cdi gi. Vd1 Sao khéng gap no trudc? Trong mét ng6n canh, cau hdi trén co thé 1a: - Sao anh/eé (da) khéng gap né truéc? Why didn't you meet him first? Trong mét ngén canh khdc, c6 thé hidu: - Tai sao ching ta khong di gdp no truéc? Why don't we meet him first? Vd2 Bi dil D6 [a lénh, sai khién ngudi déi dign: Go away! AT Vd3~Théi, ditng khdc nia. _--Stop_crying, please, b. Van viet va vanndi- Dong tif c6 chi ngit dn thutng di truéc cau hay sau cau. Chi ng an cia n6 cling chinh 1a chi ngit chinh (S) cia cau. Vdi Lam xong, anh dén bén nuéc rita tay. ‘Having finished, he went to the basin to wash his hands. — Wd2 Thay ba ay, tén trom bd chay, dé lai m6t con dao. Seeing her, the thief ran away, leaving behind a knife. Vd3 Thay tén trom ba bé chay ra khdi phong, cudng quyt hé hodn. Seeing the thief, she ran out of the room and frantically cried for help. Hodc Seeing the thief, she ran out of the room, frantically crying for help. 1. Trang ti’ ham ngu trong cum d6éng tw gém 3 hay 4 tw Xét ede di trong cdc c4u sau: Cé nang niu cham séc chong. s ve OBJ Ho nhiét tinh ting hé § cudc van dong chdng tham nhing. s vP OBJ fe bong dia véo mii anh ay. VP OBJ Trong "nang niu chim-séc", "nang niu" cé chic nang cia Trong “nhiét tinh ang ho", "nhiét tinh" cé tinh chat trang ngit bé nghia cho "ing hé". Cing vay, trong "bong dia véo", "béng dia” cing cé tinh chat cia mot trang ngif bé nghia cho "véo". a 4B as Cac tit "chdm séec", "ing hé", "véo" la yéu té chinh cia nhing dOng ti trén. Vi vay, ching ta c6 thé dich ede cau trén ra tiéng Anh nhu sau: - She lovingly tended him. Hode - She tenderly took care of him. - They enthusiastically supported the anti-corruption cam- paign. - She playfully pinched his nose. NHAN XET 1. Khéng phai cdc trang ngif luén di dau trong cum déng tir gém 3, 4 tir. Vd Ho tan céng tdi tap khdp noi. / hodc: Hoc tdi tap tin céng khdp noi. They attacked relentlessly everywhere. ~ 2, Du vj tri cia né trudc hay sau thi yéu t0 chinh hay cai I6i (nucleus) ota cym dng ti gém 3. hay 4 ti thutng 1a mét tir cht hanh dong. Bai tap Dich ra tiéng Anh 1. Ho kich liét phan déi dé nghj mdi cla chung tdi. 2. Anh ming r6 la lén: "Tdi da thang! Téi da thang!". 3. Ho déng thanh bau 6ng dy lam giém déc céng ty. 4. RO rang trudng cé cdi Ié I6i tiéu cy dé, nhung chang ai trong ban l&nh dao céng khai thiva nhan. 49 5,-Lathanh-nién, ching téi nhiéttinh ting hd cuéc van dong chéng tham nhiing. I. Ch@ "bi" trong nghia thy déng thuc su Xét hai cAu sau: (1) N6 bi té . a (2) —-N6 bi ban chét Trong cu (1) "bi té" khéng c6 nghia thy dong that su béi vi chinh ché ngit gay ra hanh dong. "Bi" trong trudng hgp nay duge ding dé chi mét su viéc bat hanh. Trong cau (2), chi ngit bi tac dong béi mét hanh dong cia ké khde, vi vay "bi ban chét" cé nghia thy dng that sy. Trong tiéng Anh, cé hai cdu tric dé dién ta nghia thu déng that su: be + past participle have + noun + past participle Vdi - He was assassinated. Ong dy bi dm sdt. - He was promoted. Ong dy duge thang cdp. - He had his wallet stolen. Ong dy bi ngudi ta méc tii. - If the thieves were caught, they would have their hands cut off. Nhitng tén trom néu bi bdt sé bi chdt tay. & 50 a Dé y dén cau tric cia cum dong tit (VP) 6 hai cau tiéng Viét sau cing: bi (nguéi ta) méc_ tii (verb + object) VP bi chat tay (verb + object) Ching ta thay sau méi dong tix c6 mét tic tit (object). Ciing nén dé y trong cdc cau tiéng Anh tuong ting luén luén e6 mét possessive adjective truéc cdc noun 1am object (his wallet; their hands). NHAN XET c 1) Nhiing vi dy sau day la nhiing cau khéng c6 nghia thy dong that sy: a) - Ong ay bj nga quy xudng dat (= Ong dy nga) He collapsed to the floor. - Chiéc tau bj va vao dé (= Chiéc tau va) The ship crashed against the rock. - Chiéc tau bj v6 lam déi. (= Chiéc tau va) The ship broke in half. b) - Ong ay bj lao phéi. (ndi vé bénh) He suffers from tuberculosis. - Ong ay bj dau dau. (néi vé bénh) He has a headache. - Hai chan cia éng dy bi dau. (néi vé dau nhic) His leg hurt badly. There were pains in his legs. 2) Cau tric have + noun + past participle con c6 nghia “nhd ngudi khéc lam’, ch’ khong chi c6 nghia "bj". - He already had his bad tooth pulled out. Ong ay da di nhé cdi ring hu. (= nhé nha si) & 51% ---He has-his- hair cut twice a-month- peer een eee __M6i thdng Ong ay di hot téc hai lén. (= nhd thd hdt téc) Bai tap ‘ 1. Dich ra tiéng Viét | a. Four Westerners who were kidnapped in Chechnya last year i were starved, beaten, and had their throats cut before they were decapitated. b. Students will have 10 points deducted if the are late for class or forget to bring the required school materials. 2. Dich ra tiéng Anh a. Sau tai nan d6, ngudi tai xé bi thu bang 14i. b. Vi 6ng nuéc bj vé c& khu phé bi ngung cung c&p nude trong mot thdi gian dé sta chifa. c. Ong Ay bi tich thu nha cifa va bi tong giam. d. Chi nhitng hanh khach dang nghi mdi bi xét tdi xach. e. Ong vua bj bd td mét thdi gian thi bi ju. & 52 NuAN xéT RO rang cdc cAu trén cé thé dich mot cach khdc: (1) The driver's license was withdraw. (2) The water supply was suspended. (3) His house was confiscated. (4) Their bags were examined. (5) His head was cut off. IH. Déng tif 6 thé thu déng + tUc ti sé lugng Dé ¥ dén hai cau thy dong sau: a, Anh ay bi dénh don. b. Anh 4y bi d4nh (ddn) 5 héo. Trong doan nay, ching ta nghién ctu nhiing cau cé cdu tric nhu cau (b). Hai cau trén duge dich ra tiéng Anh: a. He was caned. b,. He was given 5 strokes of the cane. Ho&e by. He was caned 5 times. Vi cu b, déi khi din dén nhing ng6 nhan vi y nghia ham hé cia né (c6 thé bi dénh 5 héo ma cing cé thé bi d4nh 5 14n), nén cau bl duge coi 1a tét hon. Tuy vay, cau sau day nhat dinh khéng cé nghia “ldn". Anh He was shot in the chest five times. Viet Ong dy bi bdn nam phat vao nguc. Cau tiéng Anh trén ciing c6 thé viét: - He got / received / was given / 5 shots in the chest. Dé ¥ nhiing cu tric song song trong tiéng Anh: & 53 viet Anh Soe _.__He was promoted twice over the past three duge thang chic hai lan. years. He got two promotions over the past three years. 1. Ba nam vita réi anh ay 2. Anh ay bj dam ba He was stabbed three times in the belly. nhat vé bung. He got three stabs in the belly. 3.__Anh_4y_bi_ba vét thucng & duéi cam. (Chi c6 mét cach vi was injured three tines 6 nghia khac). 4, Anh ay bj tat vao He was slapped in the face three times. mat ba tat. He got 3 slaps in the face. IV. M6ét s6 cau tric thu déng dac biét trong tiéng Anh Cau tric 1 It's + Past participle that ... - It's widely rumored that ... Nguoi ta dén khdp noi la / Cé nhiéu tin dén la - It's generally thought that ... Nguoi ta thuong nghi rang ... - It's widely believed that ... Nguoi ta thuang tin réng / nghi rang / nhiéu ngudi tin rang ... - It's generally assumed that ... Nguvdi ta thudng cho rang ... Véi c&u trie nay, khi chuyén qua tiéng Viét, nén dich "nguti ta ..." cho thudn tai. Cing nén biét ring cha ngi chinh (S) eta cau Ja that-clause di sau cdc c&u tric thy dong dé. ee 54 os Vd It's generally believed / assumed / thought / in the west that Asian women are treated like slaves by their husbands. O phuong Tay ngudi ta thudng tin rang | cho rang | nghi ring phu nt chau A bj chéng déi xit nhu né lé. Cau tric 2 He He He He He He He He is said to + infinitive is rumoured to + infinitive is alleged to + infinitive is said to + perfect infinitive is rumoured to + perfect infinitive is alleged to + perfect infinitive is believed to + perfect infinitive is reported to + perfect infinitive Vd1 The leader is rumoured to be in critical condition. Ng Udi ta dén vi lanh dao dang & trong tinh trang nguy kich. Vd2 This high-ranking official is said / alleged / rumoured / to have taken bribes. Nguoi ta noi / té gide la / dén la / vién chite cao cdp nay dé nhén héi 16. Cau trac 3 Someone / something is (not) to be + past participle He is to be pitied. Ong dy.cén duge thuong hai. He is not to be blamed. Ong dy khéng déng trach. It's an opportunity not to be missed. D6 la mé6t co hoi khéng thé | khéng nén bé qua. Cau tric 4 Great importance is attached to | + noun 55 More attention needs to paid to + noun _More emphasis should be made on + noun Care-must be taken to + verb a 7 Khi chuyén sang tiéng Viét, nén dich tiy theo trudng hgp: 1. Can phai / nén / phi ... __ 2. Ngubi ta edn phéi_| mot déi tugng nao. Vd1 More emphasis should be made / placed on the teaching of the spoken form of the language. mach van khéng chi tdi Nguéi ta nén nhén-manh nhiéu. hon nita vite day ngon ng noi. Can dg@t manh hon nita viée day ngén ngit noi. Vd2 Today more emphasis is placed on the teaching of the spo- ken form than the written form of the language. Ngdy nay ngudi ta dét nang viée day ngén ngit noi nhiéu hon la day ngén ngit viét. Bai tap 1. Dich ra tiéng Viét a. It is commonly believed that women are more emotional than men, and also that tend to be more timid and less physically aggressive. Although much opposing evidence may be quoted, none is at all firmly based, and itcan at least pointed out thatin most species it is the male who is more aggressive. (H.J.Eysenck: Sense and Nonsense in psychology) & 56 a Chuong IV MOT SO NHAN KET CAN BAN VE DANH TW TRONG TIENG ANH 1. Danh tW dém duge va khéng dém dude (countable and uncountable nouns); danh tt trivu tugng va danh tif cu thé (abstract and concrete nouns) G6 trinh do nay, ngudi hoc tiéng Anh duge trong doi 1a biét su khde biét vé hinh thi gitta mot danh ti tritu tuong véi danh ti cu thé va giita danh tit dém dugc va danh ti khong dém duge (vi du: courage, competence, imagination vdi a teacher / teachers, a tree / trees va money, water, heat véi an-dollar bill / one-dollar bills, a cup / cups, a degree / degrees). Déi khi quan niém cia ngudi Anh vé danh tit dém duge hay khong dém duge, sé it hay sé nhiéu chi c6 tinh cdch tap qudn (conventional) hon 1a cdi gi d6 hién nhién (self-evident) hay hitu ly (rational). Sau day 1a mét vi du: 1. Nhiing tit ma ngudi Viét nghi cé thé dém duge hay thudng dimg sé nhiéu nhung ngudi Anh lai nghi khdc: * Information (théng tin/nhéing théng tin) Viét Bai bdo dé eung cdp cho chung ta nhiing thong tin can thiét. Anh The article provides us with necessary information. (khéng 86 8) te 59 * Equipment (thiét bj / nhiing thiét bj) Vigt Chung ta cén nhiing thiét bi médi._ Anh We need new equipment. (khéng cd S) * Behaviour (hanh vi / nhding hanh vi) Viet Ong ay nghién citu (nhitng) hanh vi cia my dita tré nay. Anh He studied these~children's behaviour: * Knowledge, advice (kién thuic, tri thtic) Viet Ong dy la mét nha van 66 nhiéu tri thie. Anh He is a writer of considerable knowledge. Tuy ching ta c6 "a good knowledge of ...", tit knowledge thong thudng khong 6 sé nhiéu. * Research (nghién ctiu, cdc cuge nghién ctiu) Viét Nhitng cuéc nghién citu mdi day cho thdy ... Anh Recent research shows that / hode Recent researches show that... / hodc Recent studies show that... NHAN XET Research c6 hinh thie sé nhiéu nhung cin ban van [a mét danh ti khong d&m duge, khong thé néi a research (sai). Nd. Ho tién hanh hai-cuée nghién citu dée lap véi nhau. They conducted two independent research projects. Mkt Late Mente TA nA Ann L aN AR Aen Cang loai nay, ching ta c6 mot so danh tit khée nhu ma- chinery, furniture,..damage, (thigt hai). & 60 a b. Checked baggage will be delivered to the bearer of the bag- gage check. In case of damage to baggage moving in interna- tional transportation, complaint must be made in writing to the carrier forthwith after discovery of the damage. In case of de- lay, complaint must be made within 21 days from the date the baggage was delivered, NHAN XET : Ré rang déi tugng ctia doan van nay la hanh khéch, c. Whichever party is in power, houses will have to be built, bought, heated, and lit; people will to be clothed, fed, doctored, and buried; children will have to be reared and educated; taxes will have to be paid; food will have to be grown and processed, The party approaches to these basic aspects of being alive can only be minimally different. (Kenneth Hudson: The Language of moden Politics) d. In the past it was thought, and to a certain extent still is, that only those who are emotionally unstable could be hypnotized, It was also believed that these people when they regained their emotional stability would no longer be hypnotizable.Such observations were based on only a few cases and failed to realize that when a patient was sick he. tended to be depen- dent. (F.L Tharcuse: Hypnosis: Fact and Fiction) && 57 os, e. Then spécial cans have a layer of golden - coloured lacquer over the inside surface, which pre its the fruit from coming into-contact-with the tin-itself- They may: bé-used for all fruits, and are essential for purple or red - coloured fruits, such as black currents and raspberries. Before use, the lacquer should be examined to make sure there are no scratches on its sur- _. face. Store empty cans upside down in a dry place to prevent rusting and away from strong smells, such as soap and onions, which may be picked up by the lacquer and subsecquently taint the fruit. Cans should be rinsed in clean water before use, and any dents in the rim should be removed if good re- sults are to be secured. After the cans have been rinsed, they should be inverted to drain, but should not be dried with a cloth as this might scratch the lacquer. 2. Dich ra tiéng Anh a b. te 58 oa, Cac tac phdm dy thi phai nép trudc ngay Tam thang Nam. Sau khi ria xong, chén dia phai dude lau khé bang mét cdi khan mém va tp trén mét cai gid (place upside down). . Visao phai tra nhiéu mon tién khéng 16 nhu vay cho viéc tham hiém khéng gian trong khi trén thé gidi cdn cé hang triéu ngudi nghéo khé cn phai nudi an? (space exploration; to feed) . Anh ay can duge thudng hai hon [a trach ct. . Hanh dong d6 cdn phai bi lén dn (condemn). NHAN xET “mental powers’, “mental facuties' va "brains" 1 cac ti dé cht ‘tri ning" hay “nang lyc’, “tri tué’, nhung “brains" chi xuét hign trong cac cum tit nhu with brains / without brains hoge to have (no) brains hoac to lose one's brains, * Talk (ban tan) / A talk (bai ndéi chuyén) / Talks (cuéc hdi dam, thuong thuyét) Viét Dgo nay ngudi ta ban tén nhiéu vé viée can phdi cdi cdch hé théng gido duc. Anh Recently there has been a lot of talk about the necessity of overhauling the system of education. (khéng cé a, khéng cé S) Viét Dién gid khdch moi dién thuyét vé vai trd moi cla ngudi phy nit trong xd héi. Anh The guest speaker gave a talk about women's new role in society. (cd mao tit a) Wit M6ét vdng dam phan mdi sé duge té chite tudn toi. Anh A new round of talks will be held next week. (luén Iuén cé S) Viét Hai: vj téng théng gdp nhau dé héi dam. Anh The two presidents met for talks. (uén luén cé S) * Experience (Kinh nghiém : kién thifc thyc tién nhd lam viéc lau nam) / an experience / experiences (Kinh nghiém : nhu sy viéc, bién cé da hay sé gp) Vigt Lam thu ky, c6 dy c6 nhiéu kinh nghiém vé céng viée van phong. Anh As a secretary, she has a lot of experience in office work. (khéng S) Viét Anh dy ghi lgi trong nhdt ky nhitng su vide / kink nghiém lam thiy thi trén con tau dé. Anh He chronicled his experiences in a diary while working as a sailor on those ships. & 62 4 2. C6 mét sd danh tii cé thé mang hinh thic giéng nhu hinh _thtte_sé_it_va_sé_nhiéu_nhung_thuc_su_cé. nhaing. nghia te khdée_nhau_ trong cc hinh ‘thite-d6:-- ~~ ~~ ~~ * Damage (sy thiét hai) / damages (tién béi thudng thiét hai) Viét Tran lut gay nhiéu thiét hai cho tinh An Giang. > Anh-The-flood caused a lot of damage to the~province- ‘of An: Giang. (khéng cé S) Viét Ching ta bde bé loi khiéu nai doi bédi thudng thiét hai cia ong dy. Anh We rejected his claim for damages. (cd S) * A brain (b6 nao) / Brains (tri nang, sy thong minh) Vist Ong dy nghién citu b6 néo cila con ngudi. Anh He studied the human brain. Vit Cac b6 néo cia dan 6ng Anh Men's brains (cé S) Viét N6 la mét thang khong cé nédo. Anh He is a fellow without brains. (cd S) * Power (stic manh, quyén Iyc) / Powers (kha nang, nang luc) Viét Chink khach nay da mat di nhiéu quyén luc. Anh This statesman has lost much of his power. (khéng cd S) Viét Nhing chuyén ngdn ciia ba dy cho thay su hét suic nhay bén cia ba déi vdi nhitng su viéc xdy ra chung quanh va khé néing anan edt ota ha Anh Her short stories show her high sensitivity to what is go- ing on around her and her powers of observation. (cé S) we 61a * Attention (sy chu y) / attentions (nhiing s4n-séc, cham séc triu mén Viét Doi khi t6i c6 tinh cé nhitng cit chi dién ré dé duge nang chit gy. Anh Sometimes I deliberately behaved in a silly way in order to attract her attention. (khéng cé.S) Viét C6 cém thdy hanh dién bédi nhitng cit chi san séc cua anh dy. Anh She felt flattered by his attentions. * A look (cai nhin, cdi vé) / looks (vé mat, nhan sac) Vi6t Cé ay nhin toi gidn dia. Anh She gave me an angry look. Wiét Mat cé dy cd vé budn. Anh There was a sad look. / expression on her face. Vigt Cé dy vdn con giit duge vé dep | nhan sdc trong tudi gid. Ant’ She still keeps her good looks in old age. * A manner (cdi cach, 161 adi xi, eff chi) / manners (tac phong (t6t), cdch xi sy (tét)) Viét Bai ludn ciia anh dy duge sdp xép mét cdch lén x6n. Anh His essay is organized in a disorderly manner. Viét Giong noi vé cit chi ctia cé dy thay déi mét cdch dét ngét. Anh Her voice and her manner changed suddenly. Vit Tdc phong (cit chi) cla anh dy that kha di. Anh His manners were charming. (cd S) Vigt R6 rang cha me cia né chdng day cho né cdch cu xit | 16i xt su. Anh His parents obviously didn't teach him (good) manners. (cé S) NHAN xET - "manners" cling nhu “looks” dugc ding dé chi cai gi tén tal lau dai. - "manner" va "look" dé chi cit chi hay vé mat chi cé trong mot lic nao dé. & 63 6 ~ Coritrol (sy kiém sot) / controls (cae bién phap kiém soat, cac nut diéu khién). ee eee Viet Nguoi cha mat it quyén kiém sodt a6i v véi con cdi. : Anh The father lost control over his children. Viét Dé kiém ché lam phat, chinh phit phdi dua ra nhitng bién phdp kiém sodt gid ed. Anh To check 7 curb inflation, the government has to introduce price controls. 8. VA cé mét sé idiomatic expressions chtfa mot tiv luén luén 6 sé nhiéu ma sinh vién Viét Nam phai chi ¥ va ghi nhé béi vi né thiéu tinh 1é-gic. Vd1 To take pains with something | to do something: - 06 / c6 gang | chiu khé lam gi - lam gi mét cdch cén than : - She took great pains to conceal this from her parents. Nang cé gidu kin diéu nay khéng cho cha me nang biét. - He always takes pains with what he does. Nhing gi anh dy lam anh déu lam mé6t cach céin than. Trong khi dé ti "trouble" trong cum tit "to take trouble to do something", c6 cing nghia tuong duong lai khéng cé S. Vd2 to make friends with someone: lam / két ban vdi ai. - He wanted to make friends with her. Tit "friends" c6 S trong vi du trén 1 mot su bat ngd déi v6i nein VWidt & 645 ll. Danh ti kép (compound nouns) M6t danh tit kép cé hai danh tif thi danh.tit sau 1a tit chinh eda danh tir kép d6 va ti truée 1a tiv bé nghia, tic 14 c6 chtfe nang cia mét tinh tir. Vd -a race horse : con ngua dua Horse 1a tit chinh va race la ti bé nghia. - a horse race : cuéc dua ngya race 14 ti chinh va horse 1a tit b6 nghia. * Danh tit kép khéng phai chi hinh thanh béi hai yéu té, ma c6' thé ba hay nhiéu hon nifa. Vd - A college entrance exam (ky thi tuyén vao dai: hoc) - The house property tax office (sé thué nha dat) * Mét s6 danh tit kép c6 danh tif di truéc 14 mot danh tiy sé nhiéu. Vd - The promotions committee (iy ban xét thdng: ngach) - A communications satellite (vé tinh lién lac) - A sports event (mét cudc tranh tai thé thao) - A human rights: activist (nguéi hoat déng cho nhén quyén) lil. Bai tap 1. Cho tw tiéng Viét tuwong duong Tiéng Anh Tiéng Viét An oil lamp 7 Some lamp oil The air quality & 65% Quality time: - i = _Party disci line A half The peace process ‘eo ee aman A good-will gesture a _.Food.self-sufficiency.. A seventh-grade math teacher A fellow gang member Human rights activists Human rights violations Her soldier son Her doctor brother 2. Dich sang tiéng Anh Trudc hét, con ngudi cé nang lye tri thc (hay nang luc tri tué) khéng phai la con nguéi nhéi nhét qué nhiéu tri thie mét cach thy déng ma phai la con ngudi biét tiép thu cha dng tri thc qua viéc hoc, bin nhitng gi hoc duge thanh tri thie cia minh, biét cdch ty tim kiém nhiing tri thie ma minh muén cé. & 66.5 3. Dich ra tiéng Viét a. | checked into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center yesterday, Tues- day, two days after the party. Today | took that nasty test. The doctors zonked me out(1) before they wheeled me into the O.R(2), thank God. | was semi-conscious when they ran the dye into my brain and then somehow blocked the blood supply to the tumor. While they worked, they told me things like “memorize these words-fire engine, orange, baseball." A little later | was asked to repeat the words, and there was this in- stant of panic. Oh, my God, I've lost my brains already! | was so nervous because so much seemed to be at stake. But then the words came back. b. JUST HOW SAFE IS THE AIR IN PASSENGER PLANES? NEW YORK - Air quality complaints have landed the Boeing 777 in the middle of a long-running and thorny debate over just how safe air-plane air is. Executives at Airbus, Boeing and the major carriers acknowl- edge that the air is very dry and so can cause headaches or itchy throats if passengers do not drink enough water. However, they insist otherwise that the air quality on planes is little different from that in office building or trains. & 67 When people become sick after a flight, in most casés it is be- he ex Notes (1) Zonked me out . : anaesthetized me (or gave me anaesthetics) to make me unconscious (2) The O.R : the operation room 4, Dich han ché (controlled translation): Dién vao cic ché thiéu trong cdc cau dich tiéng Anh. Viét Tdi khéng hiéu vi sao nha bdo cia cdc anh cui chi trich cdc trong tai hoai. Hay dé cho ho duge yén va hay dé cho ho lam céng viéc cla ho. Anh | don't know why you journalists referees. Leave them in and let them do their NOTES: Dé y sy khac biét khi dich chif job va work trong cau trén. Viét Tat c& nhiing théng tin ma anh ay cho tdi dén cf rich. AnhAll the he gave me was Viét Muc dich cia chting téi la tao céng An viéc lam cho nhiing ngudi lao d6ng nhan ri. Anh Our aim is for idle workers. Vigt Neu sinn Vien mol tot ngniep Knong auge thu ayng (to pe em- ployed) thi lam sao ho c6 dude kinh nghiém va ky nang cén thiét? Anhif new graduates , how can they gain necessary and & 68 3 Chuong V NHAN MET VE TRANG NeU (ADVERB) TRONG TIENG ANH Trang tiv 1a tit thuéng ding dé bé nghia mét. tinh. ti, mét dong tit hay mdt trang tit khdc. a N6 c6 thé chi mtic do (degree). Vd: almost every student; very strange. a Cach thé hién (manner). Vd: The a was done care- fully; She sang very well. a Hay linh vuc, phuong dién (aspect). Vd: Economically the project was a success; Women are physically not so strong as men, Trang tif cing c6 thé duge ding dé chi thdi gian, vi tri, mute do thutng xuyén. 1. B6 nghia mét tinh tiv Vdi He is an extremely intelligent child. No la mét thang bé cue hj thong minh. Vd2 His decision was politically correct. Quyét dinh cia éng dy la ding ddn vé mat / phuong dién chinh tri. Bai tap Dich nhiing c4u nay ra tiéng Viét 1. She was born on the outskirts of Ontario, into-a financially poor but musically rich family. & 69-4 2. Pollution is reaching a dangerously high level. 3. The decision to end compulsory military service caused sur- prisingly little fuss. 4. They now have almost enough scholars, 5. She is too old for marriage. ll. B6 nghia mét déng tiv Vi tri cia mt trang tif thudng 1a di sau d6ng tif (verb) hay sau dong tif + tic tiv (v + obj). Vd He worked hard. (v + adj) He began to speak quickly. (v + adv) He ate his lunch slowly. (v + obj + adv) I enjoyed the course very much. (v + obj + adv) The operation has gone very well. (v + adv) I admired him greatly. (v + obj + adv) Nhing trang tit cham dut bang -ly hay nhiing trang tir chi muttc dé (adverbs of degree) nhu: almost, nearly, virtually v.v... cing cé thé ding trudc dong tir. Vd He accidentally stepped on my hat. (adv + v) Anh Au wh toh dim lan nAn min ti I greatly enjoyed working with her. (adv + v) Toi rét thich lam viée vdi c6 dy. & 70 Vd He nearly missed his train. (adv + v) Anh dy sujt | chut xiu nita / gdn | tré tau. Néu c6 auxiliary, vi tri cia trang ngif 1a gitia auxiliary va verb: He had publicly called for an investigation. Ong dy cong khai doi / kéu goi phdi cd / mét cuée diéu tra. * N6i t6m lai trix phi tic tit (obj.) 1A mOt noun phrase qué dai, trong tiéng Anh hiém khi trang ngit (adv.) ding gia dong tir va tiic tif, vd1 Vd2 N6 tuyét d6i tudn lénh téi. He obeyed strictly my orders. (sai) He obeyed my orders strictly He strictly obeyed my orders Ong dy gidi thich m6t cdch ré rang vi sao cdn phdi dp dung nhitng bién phdp khdt khe nhu vay. He explained clearly why such draconian measures needed to be taken. (v + adv + noun clause) lll. B6 nghia ca cau Vd - Theoretically, many people will vote for him. Vé_mét ly _thuyét sé cé nhiéu ngudi bd phiéu cho éng dy. Generally, we don't accept people without the right qualifi- cations. Théng thudng, ching t6i khéng chédp nhdn nhiing ngudi khong cé dung tiéu chudn. Evidently, his chances of passing the exam are quite re- mote. Diéu ré rang la co héi thi dé cia anh Gy that la xa voi. & 71% * Cong nén dé ¥ cé'su tuong duong giita mot sé trang ngit bé nghia cAu v6i edu tric "it's + adj + that...”. Vit Ro rang ho kh6ng thich 6 dy. Anh a. "It's ‘obvious that they do not like her.” b. Obviously, they do not like her. _ ¥ ©6.1uc hai célu trie nay c6 khée nhau, Cau tric (a.) 06 thé due sit-dung-dé trinh bay mét ¥ kién, trong khi céu tric (b.) dé chi_mét_su that. Viét Trong hoan cdnh nhu véy thi di nhién ho phdi béi roi. Anh It's natural that they should be nervous in such a situation. YY kién) Viét Di nhién (= vi vdy / do dé, ho béi réi). Anh Naturally, they were nervous. (su thd) * Mot sO trang ngit bé nghia cA cAu c6 thé diing trudc dong tii_mA khéng thay déi_nghia. Vd - Generally we don't accept ... Hode - We don't generally accept ... Bai tap ich ra tiéng Viét 1. Officically, he is in charge. Actually, his secretary does all the work, 2. Theoretically, every citizen can benefit from this system; but in 72%

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