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I'm here trying to think of what to write to you that could represent everything I hope

to represent when I say I love you. I just closed my eyes and let my fingers type

whatever comes to my mind because this is as sincere as I can be and this is what I

want to give you: an honest love.

You came into my life in a very unconventional way and showed me that it wasn't okay

for me to be alone in the world, you showed me that I don't need to be alone, that

being in two, the two of us together, is better than anything I've ever experienced.

I love everything about you, I love how you were extremely shy when we first met, and

how you slowly lost your shyness and trusted me. I love how you turn red when I say

something inappropriate, I love how our faces are always reciprocated, and how

whenever I kiss you, you kiss me back with a more intense kiss. I love knowing that you

love me and that we're happy together, but I love more knowing that you and I are

friends in spite of everything and that this isn't just a romantic cliché.

I want to be with you in your greatest achievements, I want to help you with

everything I can to see you happier and happier, I want to celebrate with you even if

geographically distant, I want you to achieve exactly everything you dream of, and I

want to watch everything from close up, to make sure you get there <3

I don't even know why I'm writing this because I've told you all this a million times and

you know this prayer by heart, but I still wanted to tell you once again how important

you are to me. The 8th will never be the same, even if we don't date, even if I'm just

someone in your distant past that you look back on with distrust, I will still think of you

every 8th because this is our day and I will love you forever, even if we break up

tomorrow because I don't think love is a feeling that anyone can stop feeling.
About your present, this is an exact capture of how yours was looking from Brazil,

Uberlândia exactly at the time we started dating. I thought it would be extremely

interesting if we eternalized this moment like this because we may not share the same

house, or the same city, or country, but the moon and the stars are the same. The

moonlight that touches your skin is the same light that touches mine and the stars are

the same because they really, really are not. They have been dead for thousands of

years and we can only see remnants of what once existed as the thing itself. But you

already know this, because we have talked about it thousands of times.

About the formula, this is the Friedman equation. The first Friedmann equation

describes how, based on what is in the universe, its rate of expansion will change over

time. If you want to know where the universe came from and where it is going, all you

need to measure is how it is expanding today, and what is in it. This equation allows

you to predict the rest! I thought of this equation because I always tell you that I love

you as much as the big bang, and this equation is responsible for explaining why the

big bang is not over yet, it is probably the most important equation in the universe

(and it doesn't have an end).

H = ()
ȧ 8 πG
k c2 Λc ²
ρ− 2 +
a 3

Anyway, the size of our love doesn't matter, all that matters is that it started and gave
birth to something and that something created new things in a little universe that will
only expand, I know, I'm very gay but it's just my way of saying I love you and I want to
be with you soon.
Happy 3 months <3

-Ana Luiza (Not Luzia)

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