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Tattoos are a form of body art 

People from many cultures around the world made tatoos on their bodies a thousand of years

Some people view tattoos as a way to express things or show something important for them. 
Sometimes tattoos are also a form of rebellion, or a way to be "different" or fashion. The
reasons to make tattoos can vary depending on an individual's personal beliefs and


What do you think when you see tattoos on somebedy's body?

-ESEMPIO: I hate them. I cannot see why anyone would want to deface their body with graffiti
that cannot ever be removed.


-ESEMPIO: I like them, they look like a piece of jewellery or a makeup and they make you
special, unique.

Do you have tatoos?

Would you like to have one? Where?

-ESEMPIO: I've always wanted to get a tattoo, but I always keep changing ideas on the design
and position of it.

What do people think about you when they see your tattoos?

Do you think any people regret tattoos when they reach their 40s and 50s?

What is the best age to get a tattoo?

ESEMPIO: I want a little tattoo to express my love to my parents. How can I design it?
I'm 18 years old and I really want a tattoo and already have it all picked out but people tell me
I'll regret it when I'm older. Should I go ahead with it or not?

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