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Senior Project was an amazing experience which gave me the opportunity to experience

real world challenges and situations with the comfort of knowing that I have a whole support

team backing me up. I learned how to communicate with adults and set up meetings, time

management, and the importance of taking initiative. As I continue into my higher education and

employment I hope to carry these lessons with me and use them to further my impact on the


If I were to do this project again I would do many things differently. I would try to get

started more promptly and begin reaching out to my mentor, interviewee, and class where I

presented in the beginning of the project. This would have helped as there are only two days left

until I present and I am still trying to finish my project because the teacher I presented to has not

gotten back to me about some crucial aspects of my project. This has become very worrisome

and makes me feel as though if I had gotten in touch with him earlier waiting for him to respond

would not be so anxiety provoking. I would also have kept in better contact with my mentor as it

was difficult to get her to finish things on time as she is very busy and this could have been

avoided with more time to plan.

I am so happy that I had the opportunity to research a topic I am passionate about and

discover more about it and myself. My favorite part was writing my paper. I learned so much and

expanded my knowledge of my two favorite subjects, literature and environmental science.

Although it was painstakingly long and sometimes made me very frustrated, due to having so

much to do on top of my other homework, it was worth every moment and I would not trade this

time and effort.

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