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Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people?

?What makes you think so

?Can you control your emotions well? How

?When are emotions a problem

What is a crime of passion? Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to
?commit a crime

?Are you generally a positive person or a negative person

?Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult

?What makes you feel very good

Is there a limit to how often we can feel good? In other words, if you feel good now, does
?that mean you will feel bad at some time later

Is sadness a bad feeling? Are there good types of sadness and bad types of sadness? Give an
.example if you can

.A girl is sitting on a pier next to water with her head down resting on her arms

?What makes you feel sad

?If you're feeling down, how can you make yourself feel better

?What is the saddest movie, song, or story that you know

?What makes you feel nervous? How can you calm your nerves

?Are you excited about anything coming up in the near future

?Have you felt satisfied recently? What made you feel that way

Do people know how you feel by looking at your face? Are you good at hiding your

?What is the best way to deal with feelings of anger

?When do you feel most energized? What do you like to do with that energy

?Have you been in love? What is it like to be in love

?Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate

Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling?
?How useful is this ability

?What is emotional intelligence? How emotionally intelligent are you

?Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype

feelings discussion questions to find out what your students, family, or friends are feeling
.and what emotions they have experienced

The feelings words in this speaking activity include – happy, bored, exhausted, tired,
stressed, worry, scared, irritated, angry, cheer up, depression, loneliness, surprised, ill, sick,
in love, heartbroken, embarrassed, motivated, lazy, exciting, fascinated, passionate, relaxed,
.and comfortable

For some more related feelings activities, have a look at the emotions vocabulary
worksheets where you will find picture and word-matching printables along with emotions
.drawing worksheets

– The feelings conversation questions are

?What is one of your happiest memories? What kinds of things make you feel happy

?What do you usually do when you are feeling bored? What things do you find boring

?When was the last time you felt totally exhausted? What made you feel so tired

?Do you often feel stressed? What types of things do you worry about

?Do you think all animals have feelings? Do reptiles and insects have feelings

?Have you ever felt very scared? Why were you scared? Were you in danger

?How can you help cheer up a sad person? Have you ever suffered from depression
?What kinds of things make you feel irritated? What do you do when you get angry

?Have you ever had the feeling of loneliness? What did you do about it

?When was the last time that you were surprised? What made you feel surprised

?Have you felt ill or sick recently? Do you go to see a doctor or take medicine

?Do you often talk to your family about your feelings? Who do you talk to the most

?How did you feel yesterday? What different types of emotions did you experience

?Have you ever been in love or felt heartbroken? How long ago was this

?What types of things make people feel embarrassed in your country or culture

?How do you try to get feeling motivated? What do you do when you are feeling lazy

?What was the last exciting thing that you did? Where and who did you do it with

?Do you believe that one day in the future robots will have emotions? Will this be good

.Can you tell how a person is feeling by their body language? Give some examples

?What sort of things make you feel fascinated? What topics are you passionate about
?How do you feel on cold winter days? How do you feel on a hot day in summer

?Would you say that you are able to manage your emotions well? Why or why not

?What do you think are some good ways to learn to control your emotions and feelings

What do you do to feel relaxed? When did you last feel very relaxed and comfortable


?How are you? How are you feeling today

?Do you get angry easily

?Are you an emotional person

?What do you do when you are sad/happy/nervous/angry

?Do you get nervous before the exams

?How do you feel when you watch the news on TV

?What do you do to be happy? What makes you happy

?Do you feel sorry if you have an argument with your family members/friends

?What makes you angry

?What drives you crazy

?What do you think about bad-mannered people

?How do you feel when you have to say “No” to someone

?What kind of sports get you excited

?What upsets you in the world? Can you give some examples

?How would you feel if a friend upsets you? What would you do

?Talk about how you felt when you got angry with a friend in your childhood

?Have you ever felt depressed? What did you do to overcome it

.Have you ever been somewhere that made you so happy? Please talk about it
Some people believe that doing yoga or meditation frequently makes you a happier person.
?Do you agree? Do you do these activities

?Imagine you are a life coach, what would you advise people in need

Imagine your friend is feeling unhappy because of a break up with his/her partner? What
?would you advise him/her? How would you help him or her to feel better

?Would you like to be a psychologist? Why/Why not

Some people think that life is more depressing these days than before. Do you agree with
?them? Why / Why not

?How would you feel in these situations

.You have to wait for someone too long in a meeting place

.Your director encourages you at work

.You have an argument with someone in transportation

.Your doctor tells you you need to have an operation

.You have a really bad toothache

.Someone you like asks to go out for a dinner

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