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Galileo Galilei

By: Dacey Presnell

The Invention of The Telescope
- Galileo was not the inventor of the telescope
- Galileo had improved upon a dutch design
- He built his first telescope in 1609
- He observed/discovered:
- The moons of Jupiter (the four largest)
- The rings of Saturn
- The phases of Venus
- Sunspots
- The moon’s rugged surface
- He published a short book explaining his discoveries (making him a
celebrity in Italy)
- To try and gain favor of the duke of Tuscany (Cosimo II de Medici),
he suggested they name Jupiter’s moons “Medician Stars”

- This helped him earn powerful friends (among Italy’s

ruling elite) as well as enemies among the Catholic
church’s leaders
- His advocacy of a heliocentric universe brought him
before religious authorities in 1616 and 1633
- He was then forced to recant (in 1633) and then placed
under house arrest for the rest of his life
Quick Facts
- Galileo was a college dropout
- Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey is generally
credited with the creation of the Telescope, not
- Galileo’s daughters were nuns
- Galileo’s middle finger is on display at the Museo di
Storia del Scienza in Florence, Italy
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