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Questions 27 – 32
You are going to read an article about FAST FOOD. Six sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from sentences A to H the one which fits each gap
(27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

8 in 10 Malaysians eat fast food at least once a month according to a poll. Yet most
people who eat fast food know it’s bad for them. So why do they keep eating it?

The answer is simple: the benefits of eating fast food outweigh the long-term

implications for most people. For them, fast food is about more than just nutrition.27.
Hanging out with friends at these fast food outlets is seen as cool and trendy. Moreover, it
provides an inexpensive treat for children from low-income families.

However, a study found that eating fast food is linked to weight gain and insulin

resistance since it is usually high in sugar. 28. . In other words, fast food makes you fat
and increases your risk of diabetes.

Currently, some fast food restaurants are catering to consumer demands to produce

healthier options. 29. . One of the healthiest dishes at Burger King, the Garden Fresh
Salad Chicken Caesar, still has almost 500 calories and 28 grams of fat, and nearly a day’s
worth of sodium.

30. . Some also contain dimethylpolysiloxane found in silicone toys. Even

worse, many fast food chicken nuggets and patties are still made from a slimy mixture that’s
created from the processed bones and carcass of leftover chickens.

Nevertheless, the more you eat fast food, the more you crave it. One study found
that fast food is “a potentially addictive substance that is most likely to create dependence in

vulnerable populations.” 31.

Clearly, homemade food reign supreme over the fast food nightmare. So, maybe

there is something that can be done. 32. Or we could also make healthier options
more accessible to the needy.

Adapted from :

A In addition, many chicken nuggets E That is one of the improvements
at fast food restaurants contain a that you'll notice as you frequent the
chemical preservative which can fast outlet every day.
cause nausea, vomiting and even

B Teenagers spend money on fast F Corn syrup is the cheap sweetener

food to socialize most fast food restaurants use in
their sodas, desserts, and many
other products excessively .

C That makes the decision a lot easier G We could impose a higher tax on
for a lot of people since it is very fast food to discourage its
unhealthy consumption

D If you eat fast food once a week or H Sadly, even their healthier dishes
more, you may be addicted to it. are still high in calorie
27. B
28. F
29. H
30. A
31. D
32. G

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