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Present a character duo ( character traits + relationship between the 2 characters )

The last of us
Ellie and Joel

Beginning of The last of us Part 1 Beginning of The last of us Part 2

Boston 2033 5 years later

First character « Ellie »

– 1) Physique :
– In the first Part, Ellie is 14 years old and at the end of the Part 2, she is 21
years old

– She has brown hair

– Skin colour is white (she’s white)

– Green eye colours (she has green eyes)

– Feminine Gender (she is a teen girl who become a woman)

– Torn clothing style

– 1m60 in the first Part / 1m70 in (the second part) Part 2

– 2) Moral character :

– Very mature character, did not know the world before infection.

– She's strong, ( funny in Part 1 cause she's a child ) and she's a thug

– She has lost a lot of people in her life such as ( her mother, her best friend,
friends ect...) Which has led her to severe self-guilt and survivor guilt

– She has great physical strenght, emotional strenght and is very brave, she has
been able to take care of herself since her childhood

– Very charismatic in Part 2

- She say what’s on her mind

Second character « Joel »

– 1) Physique :

– In the first Part before meeting Ellie, Joel was 30 years old. 20 years later,
he meets Ellie at the age of 50 years old and in Part 2 he is 55 years old.

– He measure 1m80

– Hair colour : brown (he has brown hair)

– Male gender

– Basic style : shirt, jacket

– Skin colour, white (he is white)

– 2) Moral character :

– Very mature character

– He has great physical strenght / violent

– Very charismatic

Past of Ellie :
Before meeting Joel, she and her best friend got bitten by an infected ( main enemies
in the universe of The last of us who was infected by the fungus Cordyceps )
(Brain infection by Cordyceps )
But she survives the infection because she is immune and she does not yet know that
her best friend is dead, so she seeks help from her friend Marlene who is the leader
of the Fireflies(c’est une organisation ?). She agrees to make Ellie leave the city to
find a cure, she entrusts Ellie to Joel for his escort and this is how the relationship
between Ellie and Joel begins.

Past of Joel :
Joel was a single father when the outbreak occurred. Fleeing his home with his
brother Tommy and his 12 years old daughter Sarah, they were involved in a
shooting. Sarah was fatally injured and died in his arms, leaving him traumatized. 20
years later, Joel meets Ellie for the first time in Boston in 2033 and his mission to
escort Ellie from the city and take her to the hospital.
Relationship between the two characters :
During the trip, Joel discovers that Ellie is immune to infection, he finally
understands why he must escort Ellie from the city because the soldiers occupying
the city are looking for the so-called girl. He does everything for his and Ellie's
survival against the infected and the soldiers. During the trip, Joel sees his little
brother Tommy who lives in a colony, he asked him if he could continue the mission
in his place but in the end Joel changes his mind and continues the adventure with
Ellie as planned. But Ellie ran away from the colony with a horse because she
couldn't know about the talk Tommy and Joel had. Joel goes looking for her until he
finds her in an abandoned house. The two characters chat and Ellie tells her at one
point '' Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me ? Everyone exept fucking
you. So don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else because the truth is I
would just be more scared. » And Joel answers him '' you're right...You're not my
daughter and I sure as hell ain't your dad''. And even after that the two characters
continue the adventure together and their bond deepens. At the end of Part 1, Ellie is
about to have surgery but Joel shows his dedication to Ellie when he chooses to save
her from doctors who plan to remove and examine her brain, instead of allowing her
to die. After the operation, Ellie wakes up and asks Joel what happened in the
hospital, joel answers by lying that the doctors have given up on discovering a cure.
Ellie asked him again later if what he was saying was the truth and Joel replied that
it was the truth and Ellie answers him '' okay'' He had to lie to Ellie to keep his (la vie
de ellie non ?) life.

In Part 2, Ellie discovers the real truth and decides to stop talking to joel '' If you lie
to me one more time, I'm gone and you will never see me again'' But Joel says the
truth '' Making a vaccine, would have killed you so i stopped them '' Even after telling
the truth, Ellie decides to stop talking to Joel. A few days after Joel was killed by a
girl named Abby who was the daughter of the doctor who was supposed to operate
on Ellie but was killed by Joel. Ellie decides to get back at joel (tu as voulu dire
quoi ? ) by looking for the girl named Abby.

Ellie and Joel would have a very strong relationship, almost father and daughter.
They trust each other and were devoted to each other even in death.

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