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Luke Wagner

Mrs. Villareal

English 1, Period 5

18 September 2021

The Brown Streaked Desk

I share a moderately sized, brown desk with my twin brother. The bureau was

purchased by our parents years ago and was used by them until they acquired a more

modern one, with shiny, dark brown wood, and more storage space. I often use the

worktable as writing surface for completing my homework and studying. There have

been many different appliances that have come and gone, the first of which was a lamp.

Originally, we utilized an antique, black light, but it wore out and we procured a more

contemporary style. The other appliance we needed to replace was the chair. The initial

seat we used was tattered and warn, and had rips on its fabric. About a year ago, we

sold it and obtained a blue, hard, plastic rolling char with a memory foam cushion on

top. There are seven drawers in the brown piece of furniture, one of which is in the

middle, and the other six split in two sections on opposing sides of the center one. The

pinnacle drawer on the right side takes a little work to get open and shut, because the

metal is rusted and off center of where it should be. Above that is the roughly flat

surface used for writing on by my brother and I. The surface is full of scratches and a

few dark stains from drinks and food.

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