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Established 2009

Senior High School Department


Student: Grade & Section:

Partner Institution:


Supervisor: tg Contact No.:

Period of Training From: To:

Direction: Please rate the student according to his/her progress and performance during his/her training. Refer to the
rating below. Write a number rating before each statement.
Note: Please return this evaluation in a sealed white envelope with your signature over the envelop fold.

1 – Needs Improvement 2 – Poor 3 – Satisfactory 4 – Very Satisfactory 5-Excellent

I .Personality
1. ___________ Well-groomed and neat all the time.
2. ___________ Possesses confidence
3. ___________ Physically fit and active in performing his/her job.

II .Work Attitude
4. ___________ Can work under pressure but maintains composure.
5. ___________ Organize and systematic in all phases of his/her job.
6. ___________ Knows how to deal with his/her colleagues, superiors, co-trainees and /or client.
7. ___________ Adopts easily to different work situation.
8. ___________ Enthusiastic and always willing to learn.
9. ___________ Manifests high regard of his/her job.
10. ___________ Reports to work on time.

III. Work Efficiency

11. ___________ Has good conversational and written skills.
12. ___________ Shows skills in the field of specialization.
13. ___________ Able to comprehend various instructions.
14. ___________ Work output is generally well done.
15. ___________ Accomplishes work on time.


Evaluated by:

Name and Signature Date & Time

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