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Procurement and Contract Management

Assignment No. 2

Submitted To

Ma’am Reema

Submitted By

Rao Habib


BS PS 05
Q. What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Give example.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a company's efforts to contribute positively to
society and the environment. CSR involves going beyond simply complying with laws and
regulations and actively taking steps to make a positive impact on society.

 An example of CSR is the sustainable sourcing of raw materials. Many companies are
now taking steps to ensure that the raw materials they use are sourced sustainably and
ethically. This may involve working with suppliers who meet certain environmental and
social standards or implementing programs to ensure that suppliers are adhering to these

 Another example of CSR is philanthropy. Many companies engage in philanthropic

activities, such as donating money or resources to charitable causes or engaging in
community service projects. For example, the clothing company Patagonia has a program
called "1% for the Planet," where it donates 1% of its sales to environmental causes.

CSR can also involve taking steps to reduce a company's environmental impact. For example, a
company may implement programs to reduce energy consumption or waste production, or invest
in renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
In summary, CSR refers to a company's commitment to operating in a socially and
environmentally responsible manner. This can involve a range of activities, from sustainable
sourcing of raw materials to philanthropy and reducing a company's environmental impact. By
engaging in CSR, companies can help to create a better world for everyone, while also
improving their reputation and building stronger relationships with customers, employees, and
other stakeholders.

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