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Introduction to Parts of Speech:


In this lesson, we will introduce the four basic parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs. These are the building blocks of sentences, and by learning about them,
you will be able to construct sentences with more clarity and precision.

1. Nouns
● Definition: A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
● Examples:
● Person: teacher, student, doctor
● Place: school, park, city
● Thing: book, computer, chair
● Idea: love, freedom, democracy
● Exercise:
● Identify the nouns in the following sentences:
1. The dog chased the ball.
2. My sister is a doctor.
3. The sun is shining brightly today.
2. Verbs
● Definition: A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of
● Examples:
● Action: run, eat, jump
● Occurrence: happen, occur, appear
● State of being: am, is, are
● Exercise:
● Identify the verbs in the following sentences:
1. She is studying for her exam.
2. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
3. I will call you later.
3. Adjectives
● Definition: An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.
● Examples:
● Describing a noun: blue, tall, happy
● Describing a pronoun: this, that, those
● Exercise:
● Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:
1. The red car drove down the street.
2. He bought a big house with a beautiful garden.
3. I like to eat ripe bananas.
4. Adverbs
● Definition: An adverb is a word that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or
other adverb.
● Examples:
● Describing a verb: quickly, slowly, carefully
● Describing an adjective: very, quite, extremely
● Describing another adverb: really, very, too
● Exercise:
● Identify the adverbs in the following sentences:
1. She sings beautifully.
2. The dog barked loudly.
3. He worked very hard on the project.


In this lesson, you learned about the four basic parts of speech: nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs. By understanding the function of each part of speech, you will
be able to construct more meaningful sentences.

To play the Parts of Speech sorting game with basic English learners, you will need
the following:


● Index cards or sticky notes

● Markers or pens


1. Write one word on each index card or sticky note, making sure to include a mix
of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. For example: "dog," "run," "happy,"
2. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students.
3. Distribute the index cards or sticky notes among the groups.
4. Explain to the students that they will work together to sort the words into
categories based on their parts of speech.
5. Encourage the students to discuss the words and their meanings with their
group members.
6. After a designated amount of time, ask each group to present their sorted
words to the class and explain their reasoning.
7. Use this activity as a way to introduce or reinforce the concept of parts of
speech, and encourage students to identify and use different parts of speech in
their own speaking and writing.

● For more advanced learners, you can include more complex words or add
additional parts of speech such as prepositions, conjunctions, and
● To make the activity more challenging, you can time the groups and see which
group can sort their words the fastest.
● You can also turn the activity into a game by awarding points for correct
categorization and deducting points for mistakes.

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