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Grammar Check A 1.

2 Present tenses

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 Choose the correct options to complete the email.

Hi Marisa,

How are you? I 0 prepare / ’m preparing for my class talk about your country. Can you help me? I usually

am finding / find the information online, but I 2 am thinking / think that it would be good to interview you this
time. I 3 want / am wanting to know about your daily routine and the things you 4 are doing / do every day –
what time you 5are starting / start school and so on. I 6 think / ’m thinking about you now – what 7 are you
doing / do you do at the moment? I think you 8 walk / are walking to school. Can we have a chat later?


______ / 8

2 Complete the dialogue. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

L: Hi, Marisa! Thanks for calling me.

M: No problem. I’m not at school today. It’s a holiday. What 0 are you doing (you/do) at the moment?

L: I 1___________________________________________ (sit) in the library. What about you?

M: I 2 ___________________________________________ (eat) lunch.

L: What 3 ___________________________________________ (you/have)?

M: Just some salad. It’s too hot for anything else.

L: 4
_____________________________________ (you/have) lunch at school every day?

M: No, I come home for lunch. In the afternoon, after I’ve done my homework, I usually play sports. Anyway,

how can I help you?

L: Well, I 5 ________________________________________ (want) to talk about the main differences

between schools in your country and mine.

M: Like class times and so on?

L: Yes.

M: OK. Well, first of all, lessons 6 ______________________________________ (start) very early here, at

7.00 in the morning. I 7 _____________________________________ (think) it’s 8.00 in the UK, isn’t it?

English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Grammar Check A 1.2 Present tenses

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

L: Yes, that’s right.

______ / 7

Total: ______ / 15

English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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