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1. Introduction
2. What is dropping out of school?
3. Causes
4. Consequences
5. Solutions
6. The role of UNICEF to fight this phenomena in
7. How parents can prevent students from
dropping out?
Education ameliorates people‘s lives. Enhances their self-
esteem. Their ability to learn new things which will help
them expand their knowledge .and the ability to cope with
the majority of the make them self-confident and
informed populace that can understand issues ,and take
responsibility .however a lot of children are deprived from
this fundamental right by dropping out of school due to
several reasons.

-The poverty is the major reasons that push students to leave
-the lack of transportations especially in rural areas
-owing to illiteracy and ignorance, parents are not always
aware of the importance of education in life.
-some children want to work to support their parents
-Family problems as divorce
-students have learning difficulties

3. Consequences
-The spread of illiteracy and ignorance
-taking drugs, they becoming addicted
-Early marriage especially for girls
- Unemployment
- Disoriented people
-Increased crimes and restlessness
4. Solutions
-Encouraging students all over the country to complete their
education and motivate the drop outs to get back to schools
-the governments should help poor families financially
-building more schools in rural areas and provide school
transportation for free to students
-Associations and mass media must sensitize parents to the
dangers of drooping out of school and make them realize
that education is the key to success and prosperity
-the government should impose punishments on parents
who prevent their children from studying
5- The role of UNICEF to fight these phenomena in

UNICEF helps countries and education professionals to

improve their strategies to prevent school dropout.
Dropping out aims to guide education decisions makers and
schools on dropout prevention. Education is fundamental
human right
IN partnership with the Moroccan ministry of education
UNICEF has launched the fourth phase of its “child to child”
program which aims to promote school enrollment and
assist children who have dropped out of schools across
MORROCO. This program is educational running to
2030.identify students who are not in school and prepare
them for re -inscriptions in order to reintegrate them into
education system. it includes a second chance program for
children and supporting them with books and also aims to
sensitize schools and students and families to issues
associated with school dropout such as exclusion and
marginalization .
6-how parents can prevent their children from
dropping out of school?

-connect with parents outside of school

-Parents should connect with their kids and
communicate with them
-Offer to them mental health support
-don’t pressure them too much
-encourage a break, rather than quitting
-give them love and support

To conclude education is basic human right that
works to raise men and women out of poverty,
level inequalities and ensure sustainable
development so we must work together to help
the dropouts come back to schools and carry on
their schooling as soon as possible .

Thank you .

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