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11110ESS 328000 Signals and Systems

Homework 6
Due: 24:00, January 13th (Friday), 2023

1. (40%)
Determine the z-transform for each of the following sequences. Sketch the pole-
zero plot and indicate the region of convergence. Indicate whether or not the
Fourier transform of the sequence exists.
(a)   n + 5
n +1
(b)   u  n + 3
(c)   u 3 − n 
(d)   u  n − 1 + 2n u  −n 

2. (30%)
(a) Determine the system function for the causal LTI system with difference
1 1
y  n − y  n − 1 + y  n − 2 = x  n
2 4

(b) Using z-transform, determine y  n  if

x  n =   u  n

3. (30%)

Consider an LTI system with input x  n  and output y  n  for which

y  n − 1 − y  n + y  n + 1 = x  n
The system may or may not be causal or stable.
By considering the pole-zero pattern associated with the preceding difference
equation, determine three possible choices for the unit sample response of the
system. Show that each choice satisfies the difference equation.

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