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Books To
Read For
Surojit Mahato
The Art Of Social Media
Author: Guy Kawasaki

Book Summary :
A comprehensive guide to understand and utilize
social media platforms to achieve personal and
professional goals.
Purple Cow
Author: Seth Godin

Book Summary :
Challenges the traditional ways of advertising and
encourages businesses to think outside the box
and create remarkable products and services that
stand out in the market.
Confessions Of An Advertising Man
Author: David Ogilvy

Book Summary :
classic book on advertising and marketing that
provides valuable insights into the industry. It is an
entertaining and informative read that is still relevant
today, decades after its initial publication.
Blue Ocean Strategy
Author: Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne

Book Summary :
Provides a new perspective on business strategy. It
encourages companies to think creatively and find new
ways to create value for customers.
Epic Content Marketing
Author: Joe Pulizzi

Book Summary :
Comprehensive guide to creating a successful
content marketing strategy that can help brands to
attract, engage, and retain their target audience.
Contagious: Why Things
Catch On
Author: Jonah Berger

Book Summary:
This book explores the revelations of the
secret science behind word-of-mouth and
social transmission.
How To Win Friends &
Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie

Book Summary:
A classic self-help book that teaches principles
for building positive relationships with others.
Exactly What To Say
Author: Phil M Jones

Book Summary :
This is a useful guide for anyone looking to
improve their communication skills and become
more persuasive in their interactions with
Originals: How Non Conformists
Move the World
Author: Adam Grant

Book summary:
A thought-provoking book that challenges
readers to think differently about what it
means to be successful and how we can make
a positive impact on the world.
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Author: Gary Vaynerchuk

Book Summary:
Practical advice on how to create effective
social media content that engages audiences
and drives business results.
Everybody Writes
Author: Ann Hadley

Book Summary:
The book offers a useful guide for anyone
looking to improve their writing skills and create
high-quality content in today's digital age.
Influence The Psychology
Of Persuasion
Author: Robert Cialdini

Book Summary:
This a valuable resource for anyone looking to
understand the science of persuasion and how it can
be used ethically and effectively.
The 4 -Hour Work Week
Author: Tim Ferris

Book Summary:
A self-help book that challenges readers to rethink
their approach to work and life and offers practical
advice on how to achieve more freedom, flexibility,
and financial independence.
Will It Fly
Author: Patt Fyn

Book Summary:
A step-by-step guide for aspiring entrepreneurs who want
to test and validate their business ideas before launching a
new venture.
Think And Grow Rich
Author: Napoleon Hill

Book Summary:
Provides a step-by-step guide for achieving success
and wealth by changing one's mindset and adopting
certain habits and practices.
The Power Of Visual Storytelling
Author: Ekaterina Walter &Jessica Gioglio

Book Summary:
A comprehensive guide is for marketers, content
creators, and anyone interested in effectively
using visual content to tell stories, build brand
awareness, and engage audiences in today's
digital age.
Steve Jobs
Author: Walter Isaacson

Book Summary:
Provides an in-depth look into Jobs' personal and
professional life, including his leadership style,
vision, and impact on the technology industry.
The Atomic Particle of Marketing
Author: Rebecca Lieb

Book Summary:
Explores the concept of content marketing and
how it can be used to drive business growth.
The Social Organism
Author: Oliver Luckett And Michael J. Casey

Book Summary:
Explores the similarities between social media
and biological organisms.
The Choice Factory
Author: Richard Shotton

Book Summary:
Explores the science behind decision-making and
how it can be used to influence consumer behavior.
Fast cheap & viral
Author: Aashish Chopra

Book Summary:
For anyone looking to understand the science of
persuasion and how it can be used ethically and
Author: Richard H Thaler

Book Summary:
Explores how small changes in the environment,
called "nudges," can influence people's behavior in
positive ways.
Buyology & Brand Washed
Author: Martin lindstrom

Book Summary:
Insights into how companies use psychology and
neuroscience to influence consumer behavior and
create brand loyalty.
How to build a Billion Dollar App
Author: George Berkowski

Book Summary:
A business book that provides insights and
advice for entrepreneurs looking to build
successful mobile applications.
Author: Carol Dweck

Book Summary:
A psychology book that explores the concept of
mindset and how it affects our behavior,
motivation, and achievement.
The Psychology of Money
Author: Morgan Housel

Book Summary:
A thought-provoking and insightful book that
challenges readers to think differently about
money and wealth.
Atomic Habits
Author: James Clear

Book Summary:
A comprehensive and practical guide to building
better habits and breaking bad ones.
The Code of Extraordinary Mind
Author: Vishen Lakhiani

Book Summary:
A thought-provoking and inspiring book that
challenges readers to think outside the box and
take control of their own lives.
Author: Phil Knight

Book Summary:
An inspiring and insightful memoir that offers
valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and business
Show Your Work
Author: Austin Kleon

Book Summary:
iInspiring and practical guide for anyone looking to
build an audience and share their creative work with
the world.

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