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While my senior project experience was filled with all kinds of twists and turns, I would

not take back any second of it. I experienced so many great memories and eye-opening

opportunities. The most frustrating moment of my senior project journey was the

organization factor. I really struggled with keeping all my research and notes in the

same place. If I could change one thing I would have created some sort of planner or

calendar so I could mark off everything after I finished it. Even through the frustrating

moments of this project, the memories and happiness created outweigh the struggles

any day. The most eye-opening moment that I experienced was when I realized how

similar I am to kids with special needs. We shared so many common interests including

favorite shows, food, and even sports teams. I realized how many people push aside

kids with special needs because they see them as different or less than them. People

with special needs bring so much to this world and I finally got to see it first hand. The

main thing I would do again is the Night to Shine event. This event was a special needs

prom and it celebrated the successes they had throughout the year and gave them the

opportunity to get all dressed up and let loose. I had so much fun dancing and laughing

with them and I would do so much to experience this night again. My mentor John Blake

was extremely helpful in making my project possible. He gave me the opportunity to

succeed and allowed me to connect with so many different kids. This project reflects

who I am as a person because my personality is shown throughout my essay and acts

of service. I see myself as a change maker and someone who will put others before

myself. This project has allowed me to become a better person and has changed my

perspective on life.

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