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Among different types of occupancies, a commercial building presents a greater

challenge to fire protection due to its functionality, complexity and economic value.
The main objective of the study is to examine the conditions of fire safety in Old
Dhaka Commercial Buildings. It is an exploratory type of research that used primary
and secondary sources of information to look for the conditions of fire safety in
commercial buildings. Proper fire safety measures and safety inspection, regular
maintenance of utility lines, awareness about fire hazards among the dwellers can
ensure the fire safety in Old Dhaka Commercial Buildings.
To collect primary data, Gulistan Shopping Complex, Bangla Bazar Book Markets,
Great Well Shopping Centre, Nawabpur Tower, Sadarghat City Corporation Hawkers
Market, showroom of Bata, Apex and many other banks and commercial buildings
have been chosen as the study area. We collect data from 100 respondents from
different commercial buildings. Respondents are selected using a random sampling
method. The social survey method has been implied in this research and data
collected through face-to-face interview method. Collected data from the
respondents are then analyzed through a mixed research approach. The study
findings show that 40% buildings have sufficient fire extinguishers, 53% buildings
do not have emergency exiting system which is really disappointing. On the other
hand, 9% buildings have facilities for disabled people, 70% buildings do not have
safety sign and notice, only 20% building have water system. The results of others
factors are as follows: fire alarm system (19%), fire brigade access facilities (41%).
In view of the findings, it’s recommended that increased efforts in inspection and
maintenance of fire protection systems are considered to address the identified
shortfalls. Emergency exiting and facilities for the disabled persons should be
considered during design of the commercial buildings.
Literature Review:
Several studies have been conducted in this arena by the scholars where they have
tried to explore how people are maintaining building code and fire safety while
constructing building. For instance, Venkatesh Kodur (2020), Puneet Kumar (2020),
Muhammad Masood Rafi (2020) have investigated current fire protection measures
and their applicability to address current challenges relating to fire hazards in
buildings. In his paper he tried to overview the Implementation of key measures
that include reliable fire protection systems, proper regulation and enforcement of
building code provisions, enhancement of public awareness and proper use of
technology and resources is key to mitigating fire hazard in buildings. But in our
study, we tried to critically explain it from businessmen perception of Old Dhaka
area. Belinda L Collins (1982), Neil D Lerner (1982) in their paper named
'Assessment of Fire-Safety-Symbols' have illustrate the importance of fire symbols
and people awareness about them. One of the top leading newspapers of the
country named 'Dhaka Tribune' has taken a deep look at the Bangladesh National
Building Codes to determine what facilities a build should have to protect its
residents from fire in the news titled 'Fire Safety: What is the Law' published at
11:59 pm March 29th, 2019.The author also include that according to the
Bangladesh National Building Codes (BNBC) any building over six-story’s is by
definition a high-rise building. In such building, building owners must follow fire
safety rules and install firefighting equipment. Before completing construction
work, building owners have to obtain Fire Service approval.
After reviewing above pieces of literature, it can be said that a good number of
research works have been conducted to cover the matter of fire safety in buildings.
However there found no study that tried to explain the perception of businessmen
on fire safety of Old Dhaka. Businessmen’s consciousness on fire safety in
commercial building matter a lot. And our study aims to explain the conditions of
fire safety in Old Dhaka commercial buildings from businessmen perception.
Objectives of the Study:
The major and broad objective of the study is to identify the conditions of fire safety
in Old Dhaka commercial buildings.
Here are some specific objectives:
(a) To know fire safety system in the commercial buildings of Old Dhaka.
(b) To know the knowledge of businessmen of Old Dhaka commercial buildings on
fire safety.
(c) To identify how conscious the businessmen of Puran Dhaka commercial buildings
about Fire Hazard.
(d) To know the facilities of Fire Service available in Old Dhaka.
(e) To identify what businessmen expected from Fire Service Department.

Research Methodology
Research Methodology is the procedures or methods used to select, process,
analyze and identify information and details about a topic or issue. This research is
exploratory research where we tried to identify the conditions of fire safety in Old
Dhaka commercial buildings, from the businessmen perception. As the topic says
our research area was Old Dhaka. We visited various commercial buildings of Old
Dhaka to collect data. Some of these are Gulistan Shopping Complex, Gulistan
Underground Market, Siddique Bazar Seed Market, Nowabpur Tower, Bangla bazar
Book Market, Sharif Market, Greatwall Shopping Centre, Sadarghat City
Corporation Hawkers Market, Showrooms of Bata, Apex many many banks in Old
Dhaka. There used both Primary and Secondary data sources. To create numerical
and statistical results, quantitative analysis uses a vast amount of data, where’s
qualitative research uses a small number of samples. (Alam 2020). As our research
is quantitative research our sample size was 100.Our targeted population was
businessmen. As a result, most of the sample people were businessmen. There also
included officials, fire brigades etc. We asked them several open-ended and close-
ended questions by a structured questionnaire. The secondary sources of data were
articles, research of Google Scholars, Newspapers, Fire service website etc. We tried
to present the data in tables and charts.

Conceptual framework:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. Awareness about fire safety;

2. Fire detection and alarm system;
3. Fire extinguishers;
Fire Safety
4. Fire brigades access facilities;
5. Automatic sprinkler water system;
6. Fire safety training of Fire brigade;

Fieger: Relationship between Dependent and Independent Variable.

Data Findings & Analysis:

In this research, one to one interview method has been followed for data collection
from 100 different responded, who are the representative of different types of
business in old Dhaka, here business-related persons response according to their
business environment about fire safety.

1.About Fire safety:

Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce the destruction caused by fire.
Fire safety measures include those that are intended to prevent ignition of an
uncontrolled fire, and those that are used to limit the development and effects of a
fire after it starts.
In this research we found that 79% respondents knew about fire safety. On the
contrary 21 didn’t know about that.

2.What to do when there is fire:

Alarm: Sound the alarm by activating a pull station to set off the building fire alarm.
Confine: Try to confine the fire by closing all doors and windows to trap the fire and
slow its progress. Extinguish or Evacuate -- Extinguish the fire if possible and if you
know how to use a fire extinguisher.
From this survey we found that about 79% respondents said "Yes " & 21%
respondents said "No",
"What should they do when there is fire".
The respondents who’s said yes, maximum of them opined that they would try by
themselves to prevent the fire & call fire service.

3.Way to contact with fire service department:

102 For Fire Service – Bangladesh Emergency Number
Fire service is available by calling 999. However, the fire service has its own hotline.
Emergency services of this organization can be taken by calling 102.
81% person respondents said that they knew " How to contact with fire service
department " but maximum of them knew the 999, few respondents knew fire
service own emergency number. On the other hand, 19% weren’t aware about that.

4. Presence of Fire Alarm System in the Commercial Building:

A fire alarm system is a set of devices that detect and alert people to the presence
of smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, or other fire-related emergencies. Fire alarms
systems are required in most commercial buildings and are installed to protect life,
and property.
In this research we came to know that in commercial building at old Dhaka only 19%
buildings have sufficient fire alarm system, while 25% buildings have not sufficient
fire alarm system & most alarming is that 56% buildings have not at all fire alarm

5.Presence of emergency existing system:

Normally every building has one main path which is used for entry -exist regularly.
Emergency existing system mean have an alternative way for using in emergency
At this survey we saw that 47% respondents opined that their commercial building
has emergency existing system, on the other side 53% respondents said their
building haven’t any emergency existing system.

6. Availability of fire extinguisher:

Fire extinguishers apply an agent that will cool burning heat, smother fuel or
remove oxygen so the fire cannot continue to burn. A portable fire extinguisher can
quickly control a small fire if applied by an individual properly trained.
We got to know from respondents that only 40% building have sufficient fire
extinguisher, while 39% building have not sufficient fire extinguisher & 11% building
have no fire extinguisher.

7. No Smoking Sing
“No Smoking” signs or the international “No Smoking” symbol (consisting of a
pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a red bar
across it) shall be clearly and conspicuously posted in any area designated as a
public place and place of employment where smoking is prohibited.
According to the respondents 29% commercial building have "No Smoking " sing,
On the other hand 71% commercial building haven’t any "No Smoking " sing.

8.Fire brigades access facilities:

It’s mean when fire is in any building the access facilities of fire fighters & their
equipment through which they take control of fire.
From the respondents we came to know that 41% commercial buildings have
“sufficient” facilities, while 43% commercial buildings have "not sufficient" & 16%
commercial building haven’t these facilities at all.

9. Facilities for disabled people

When designing a building, it is important to consider the needs & requirements of
disabled persons in order to ensure that they can access & use the building
independently & safely.
In this research we found that only 9% commercial buildings have the facilities for
disabled people & 91% buildings haven’t facilities for disabled people.

10. Water sprinkler system:

sprinkler system, in fire control, a means of protecting a building against fire by
causing an automatic discharge of water, usually from pipes near the ceiling.
According to respondents Opinion there is only 20% buildings have these facilities
while 80% buildings haven’t these facilities.

Limitations of the study:

In this study we have tried to focus objectives & to prove hypothesis. Some of them
given below:
(a)The main hindrance behind preparing the thesis paper is time constrain. As we
are now students, we have to complete the research within the stimulated time.
Moreover, we got our academic presentation, Iva of many courses. Managing time
was a big challenge for us.
(b)As we have selected only some commercial building, it was not naturally possible
to collect all the opinion from all commercial building under Old Dhaka.
(c)As we carry out such a study for the First time so inexperience is one of the main
constraints of then Study

Challenges of Data Collection:

Data Collection for any research purpose is not an easy task. We faced a lot of
difficulties in collecting data
from primary sources.
1) Time perception: As most of the businessmen are not properly educated, they
hold a peculiar time perception. When we asked them to mention the date of a
particular incidents and when the fire fighter came & train them, they relate the
time with a past incident like the previous Eid but not the exact time.
2) Privacy: When we try to talk with one respondents’ others people also surrounds
him with surprises & curiosities. As a result, the privacy of the respondent gets
disturbed & the true thought does not come into expression.
3) Fear and doubt: when we try to collect data from the respondents, they doubted
us as a govt organized people. So, some people didn’t want to talk to us & don’t
want to give their introduction. Some talked about the issue but they also afraid
about the market/building committee.
4) Busyness: Some of the businessmen were busy and didn’t pay any interest to talk
to us.
Today the commercial buildings in Old Dhaka are facing the dire need for
appropriate fire safety measures, fulfillment of which may not be completely
achieved at a time but gradual application of solutions may be possible. They can
follow developed countries’ fire prevention and control system in commercial
The survey shows that all (100%) the buildings do not have critical fire protection
systems such as firefighting and evacuation lifts and facilities for the disabled. For
ensuring fire safety in all commercial building’s businessmen have to follow these
following recommendations:
1) Train employees on fire safety: Businessmen must train their employees and
building occupants on fire safety and effective prevention, suppression, and
response to fire outbreaks. Everyone should know what fire hazards the building
faces, how fires can be prevented, and what should be done to put one out if it
2) Do Regular Inspections, Maintenance, and Tests: Businessmen must perform
regular inspections and maintenance on all their fire safety equipment. Each
preventive or fire suppression device must be tested regularly to ensure it is in good
working condition and can be used readily in case a fire breaks out.
3) Evacuation planning: Commercial buildings should have and follow an
emergency plan. This plan should indicate all of the exit routes occupants must use
as well as the procedures for evacuation. The building’s owner or manager should
make sure to have an emergency plan in writing and distribute it to all occupants.
4) Automatic sprinkler water system: In this survey we see that only 20% buildings
have sprinkler water system. 80% buildings do not have this facility. Businessmen
have to ensure and manage this facility.
5) Fire extinguishers: Having a fire suppression system or sprinkler system isn’t
enough. Commercial buildings should also have fire extinguishers. More precisely,
buildings should have the appropriate number and type of extinguishers as per
commercial building fire extinguisher requirements. This survey shows that only
40% buildings have sufficient fire extinguishers and 11% buildings do not have fire
extinguishers. The businessmen should increase the number of fire extinguishers.
They need to check the date of fire extinguishers cylinder.
6) Basically, traffic congestion is a function of land use, so the mushroom growth of
commercial buildings should be controlled under a comprehensive and integrated
land use transportation planning in the context of total environmental impact
7) Fire Brigade of our country should need the exposure of latest training methods
and should be well-equipped with proper equipment and facilities.

1. Venkatesh Kodur (2020), Puneet Kumar (2020), Muhammad Masood Rafi
(2020) Fire hazard in buildings: review, assessment and strategies for
improving fire safety’s research review 4 (1), 1-23, 2020
2. Belinda L Collins (1982), Neil D Lerner (1982) Assessment of fire-safety
symbols. Human Factors 24 (1), 75-84, 1982
3. Dhaka Tribune, Fazlur Rahman Raju, Fire safety: What is the law? Published
at 11:59 pm March 29th, 2019
4. An Investigation on Fire Safety of Air-conditioned Shopping Centers at Dhaka
City by Saniya Tabassum1, Sabbir Ahmed2, & Taqir Mahmood Romeo3(2014)

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