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Individual Program Plan

Shauna May Seneca 2022-2023

Student Name: Jiyan Patel

Grade: K EPSB Number: 16713444
Birthdate: Dec 21, 2017 ASN: 309927143
Homeroom Teacher(s): Miss Caitlyn Volcan
IPP Contributors: Volcan,Caitlyn
Special Ed/District Codes: Severe Physical or Medical Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder
Program: Regular
Language Spoken At Home: Gujarati

This template is for use with children in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs. The purpose of this
plan is to provide a description of the instructional strategies and supports that will increase the child's
engagement in learning and success in school related to the Kindergarten program statement, the Standards
for the Provision of Early Childhood Special Education, and the Early Years guiding document. This template
is recommended for use with any child who has been identified as having mild/moderate or severe needs
and can access early years programming with adaptations, accommodations and supports. How well these
instructional strategies and supports are working for the child will be reviewed and updated midway and at
the end of the year. The child's growth and progress will be documented and communicated separately
through regular reporting procedures (i.e. conferences, celebrations of learning, progress reports).
Behaviour Support Plan Required or X Not Required
Medical Management Plan Required or X Not Required
Social Participation Strategies X Required or Not Required

To support social participation for Jiyan, we

- Provide a safe, loving and caring environment where Jiyan is encouraged to take risks, independently
problem solve, and interact with peers
- Provide directions with a limited number of steps, in simple terms
- Provide visual reminders in the classroom and Jiyan's table spot to redirect him and provide clarity
- Model appropriate behaviors and problem solving strategies
- Provide positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviors (stamps, stickers, high fives, praise) consistent
routines and expectations to encourage appropriate behaviors
- Allow wait time for processing instructions
- Provide movement breaks and play based settings

Strengths and Interests

Strengths as generated by staff:
- Jiyan loves jumping activities
- Loves playdough
- Enjoys playing with small objects
- Enjoys playing with adults
- Enjoys playing alphabet games on the iPad
- Loves playing outside and exploring the play structure at the park

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Learning Needs
Learning preferences as generated by staff:
- Jiyan works best in an active environment
- Benefits transitioning when visuals are present
- Consistent rules and expectations
- Opportunities for hands on activities and play time
- Repeated exposure to vocabulary and concepts
- Movement breaks throughout the day both in the classroom and school spaces such as the sensory room
-Prefers to sit in the rocking chair both at the table and at the carpet
Areas For Growth
Jiyan is receiving instructional strategies and supports that are:
X Universal X Targeted X Individualized

Identify three to five areas of need from the list below.

Language and Communication

3 Improve Ability To Speak and be Understood Improve Understanding of Language
1 Improve Functional Language

Social Skills and Approaches to Learning

Initiate Interactions With Both Peers and Adults Social Appropriateness
Participate in Back and Forth Interactions Joint Attention

Play Skills Turn-taking
Expand Play Interests Peer Interactions
Problem Solving

Awareness of Self and Environment - Adaptive Functioning

2 Follow Routines Regulation
Transitions Personal Hygiene/Self Care
Dressing Toileting

Awareness of Self and Environment - Community Interaction

Environmental Awareness Improve Routines In The Community
Participate in Community Activities Safety

Physical Development- Gross Motor

Increasing Independence Develop Physical Strength and Ability
Participation in Leisure Activities Environmental Awareness
Functional Gross Motor Skills

Physical Development - Fine Motor

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Functional Fine Motor Skills Feeding
Increasing Independence Hand Strength
Cutting Skills

Learning Goal #1
Increase communication with peers and classroom staff with words, and/or pointing to visuals
This individual learning goal:

X is personally meaningful X is socially relevant X is developmentally appropriate

X is age respectful X promotes personal autonomy X creates opportunities to interact with


Instructional Strategies and Supports

List three to five instructional strategies and supports that best align with this student's strengths and areas for
growth. You may also add additional instructional strategies and supports for each of the areas.
1. Adults will model verbal requests for Jiyan and have him repeat back the request. For example, if he wants
something opened but has not requested, adults will model “open” by pointing to a visual of "open" or "help"
while saying "open" or "help" and have him imitate this to obtain his wants and need.
2. Keep preferred toys, objects, and supplies in a consistent but out-of-reach place where Jiyan will be required
to request them by either pointing at the toy or touching an image that says "help".
3. Use visual supports such as a Core Board to help Jiyan initiate requests independently and consistently.
Baseline: Sep 23, 2022
1. Currently, Jiyan will grab an adults hand and guide it towards the object that he wants or needs opened. If
an adult grabs the wrong object, Jiyan will show is frustration by squealing and stomping his feet. By providing
Jiyan with a modelled verbal prompt followed up with a modelled visual prompt, he will begin working towards
developing a consistent form of communication that accurately communicates his wants and needs.
2. Jiyan has demonstrated his independence in the classroom by going to grab the toys that he wants
throughout the day without needing to communicate with adults in the room. By keeping his preferred toys out
of reach, Jiyan will need to express what he wants and needs through personally authentic modes of
communication. An adult in the classroom will model to Jiyan how he can grab the picture of the cars and give
it to an adult to express what object he wants.
3. We will be using a combination of real pictures and BoardMaker visuals with Jiyan. While he does have a
communication board that was sent to our school from his Pre-K program, he does not yet use the
communication board independently. Currently, if Jiyan needs a break or wants to go to the sensory room he
will run out of the room. An adult will model to Jiyan that if he wants to leave the room he needs to take the
picture of the sensory room picture and Velcro it to his "I want____" communication strip. Once an adult
models this routine, Jiyan will be encouraged to follow.

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Success Indicators
Review Date: Dec 01, 2022

1. Currently Jiyan becomes very frustrated when an adult tires to model the word for the object that he wants.
For example, if he moves an adult's arm to an object and they say "Markers- your turn" he will throw himself to
the ground and make a vocalization or cry. Moving forward, an adult will get Jiyan to choose a picture of the
item that he wants first before leading them to the space. Once he shows an adult a picture of what he wants,
we will grab the item. Once he becomes familiar with this routine we will introduce one word for him to mimic
after he chooses an object.
2. Jiyan has shown to be frustrated that his preferred items are out of reach by stomping his feet and making a
crying vocalization. In order to help Jiyan communicate his wants and needs in positive manner, an adult will
ensure that he is regulated before asking him to select a visual. For example, if he shows he is feeling
frustrated, an adult will take him out of the room and allow him to calm his body by blowing bubbles, once he is
calm, an adult will provide him with his communication binder and ask him to select the picture of the item he is
looking for.
3. Jiyan has begun to independently select the image he wants onto his "I want____" communication strip. If he
wants an item that is not currently available such as the iPad, he will become frustrated when he is told
"unavailable". In order to set Jiyan up for success, an adult will ensure that certain pictures that are only
available at certain times of day (such as the park and the iPad) are left off of his communication binder so that
he is able to select an item that is available for him to use throughout that certain time of day.

Review Date: Mar 24, 2023

Year End Summary: Jun 20, 2023

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Learning Goal #2
Following classroom routines and procedures
This individual learning goal:

X is personally meaningful X is socially relevant X is developmentally appropriate

X is age respectful X promotes personal autonomy X creates opportunities to interact with


Instructional Strategies and Supports

List three to five instructional strategies and supports that best align with this student's strengths and areas for
growth. You may also add additional instructional strategies and supports for each of the areas.
1. The use of a personalized visual daily schedule to assist Jiyan's transitions between activities and spaces.
2. The use of first of first/then visuals to assist Jiyan when he is completing non-preferred activities.
3. An adult will provide Jiyan with simple instructions followed by a visual to ensure that Jiyan understands
what has been asked of him.
Baseline: Sep 23, 2022
1. Currently Jiyan struggles following our classroom daily schedule. By providing Jiyan with a personalized
daily schedule using real pictures of his belongings and places he visits throughout the day, he will have a
better understanding of what his routine is for the day while also seeing that he can have breaks and play with
toys at specific times.
2. Jiyan enjoys playing with many of the toys in our classroom, but he struggles cleaning up after himself. He
also struggles completing non-preferred activities such as our morning table work. By introducing first/then
visuals to Jiyan he will be encouraged to finish a task before starting a new one. Using pictures of the specific
toys, tasks, and places with increase Jiyan's understanding as he will be able to see exactly what is expected
of him.
3. Jiyan currently struggles to follow two step instructions in the classroom. An adult will assist in Jiyan's
comprehension by waiting to ensure Jiyan has his eyes on the adult and follow up with 2-3 word instructions
such as "shoes on" while holding a picture of his shoes". Breaking his task into simple words followed by a
visual with aid in Jiyan's success as he will be able to understand what is being asked of him.

Success Indicators
Review Date: Dec 01, 2022
1. Jiyan has been successful following a personalized schedule with his included break times. With that being
said, he becomes frustrated when his preferred task time ends and he needs to transistion into a new task.
Moving forward, an adult and Jiyan will collectively create the schedule with Jiyan to foster independence,
while also playing a 2 minuet count down with a verbal reminder so he is well prepared before a transition
2. Jiyan is beginning to respond to first/then visuals. For instance, previously during snack time he would leave
a number of his snacks scattered all over the table and then want to colour. With the incorporation of first/then
language, oral, and visual prompts Jiyan has become more independent in his daily routines. Moving forward,
an adult and Jiyan will collectively select the required first/then visuals so he can continue to build
independence in the classroom.
3. Jiyan responds best to simple language with the inclusion of a real item. For example, when he comes into
school he will hold his foot out to an adult and want them to change his shoe for him. An adult will say "switch
your shoes" while showing him a picture of his shoes. In order for Jiyan to be successful it is crucial that the

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command is clear and direct. Moving forward an adult will continue to provide Jiyan with a clear and direct
command and provide him with the corresponding visual for clarification when needed.

Review Date: Mar 24, 2023

Year End Summary: Jun 20, 2023

Additional Information To Inform Programming

Mobility Aids Yes Augmentative Yes Hearing/Vision Yes

Alternative Technology
X No X No X No
Device (AAC)

Diagnosis/Delays/Medical Conditions/Disabilities Information

May 2022 - Casey Yam, R.SLP

Severe communication disorder

April 29, 2022 - Jessica Edwards, MScOT

Functional fine motor delay of unknown severity based on classroom observations

April 2021 - Brenda Clark, MD, FRCPC (Peds)

Jiyan meets criteria for ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder

June 2021 - Clayton Wilson, R. SLP

Severe communication disorder, including concerns with play and social language

July 21, 2020 - Joanna Porter, R.SLP

Severe expressive language disorder and severe receptive language disorder
Additional Targeted Supports

There is an EA in the classroom who supports Jiyan with daily routines and in the bathroom with toileting. Jiyan
is most successful when he has access to an EA who is able to take him out of the classroom so that he can
regulate himself in spaces such as the sensory room.

Notes and Additional Information

09/03/21 Janine Ferguson met with parent for orientation
10/20/21 Janine Ferguson met with parent to initiate IPP
10/28/21 Parents attended Family Engagement Session with Janine Ferguson
01/25/22 Janine Ferguson met with parent to discuss Jiyan's IPP and progress to date

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04/07/22 Janine Ferguson met with parent to discuss Jiyan's IPP and progress to date as well as possible
transition meeting for Kindergarten programming
04/28/22 Parent attended Family Engagement Session in person at Hillview
06/06/22 Patti Lorentz attends transition meeting with classroom team at Hillview
06/17/22 Janine Ferguson met with parent to review Jiyan's IPP, strategies for his continued growth, and
transition to kindergarten
Transition Planning
To support transitions from activity to activity, we:
-give Jiyan a 1 minute warning
-remind Jiyan to clean up his area

To support transitions from environment to environment, we:

-give a 1 minute warning
-have implemented specific waiting areas for use before transitions (the front doors before and after school/ in
front of the cubbies)
-have an adult hold Jiyan's hand and guide him to from one place to another
-provide Jiyan with a visual time to indicate when he needs to transition
-provide Jiyan with an "all done" visual to further clarify that it is time to transition to a new space

✓ This IPP has been approved by Patti Lorentz on Oct 09, 2022

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