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DATE: JULY 29, 2020


1. Discuss the differences between training and development. Provide examples

in your discussion. (at least 50 words).

2. Discuss the training process. (at least 100 words).

Answer: 1. Needs Assessment, before training someone, we should remember what
kind of skills they need to practice so that they can pass the training process
and to achieve the goals of what the company needed. Second is to determine the
type of training, we must determine what kind of training is needed to a
company so that we know if it is needed or not and to prepare ourselves what to
do in order to pass their training requirements. Third, identify training
program, goals, and objectives; it is necessary that the trainees who are going
to attend the training program should be well-prepared for the program. If they
are not prepared, it means they are not interested to learn the important
aspects of the training program. Last is evaluating training, evaluation of
training is an attempt to obtain information on the effects of a training
program and to know who are the qualified person who achieve their goals
through their training performance.

3. Discuss the different methods of training. (at least 250 words).

Answer: 1. On-the-job Training Methods
1. Apprenticeship training,

4. Why do we train employees? (at least 50 words)

Answer: We train employees to help develop and increase their experience which
can make them capable candidates for the roles when they become a staff.
Training is useful because we can know about leadership, people management,
decision-making and more. In training employees we can teach new skills or
improve their existing skills. This helps also to provide more expertise and
increase their value to be able to perform more than one job. To train
employee, we can increase their productivity and efficiency to do their job
effectively. It can also provide greater consistency and make it easier to meet
organizational goals and project outcomes. Having employees that are
knowledgeable and happy can improve interactions with customers.

5. Why do we develop employees? (at least 50 words).

Answer: In not developing employees, they can easily take on negative
attitudes, exaggerated work habits, and cause damage to relationships with
other employees and customers. Employee development is a way that you can keep
your employees engaged at work to prevent lack of interest from work. We must
develop employees so that it is fun or challenging to look forward to the
company and removes the unexciting feel to a job that leads to extreme bored.
In developing employees helps attract and keep great employees because
providing employee development gives you a competitive company over other
similar jobs, it also builds loyalty. It can also help create promotable
employees, helps us save and earn money, it also forces us to look to the
future and keeps employees engaged at work.

6. Can we use the terms training and development interchangeably? Why or why
not? (at least 50 words).
Answer: Employee training and development is a term often used interchangeably
because training involves programs which enable employees to learn precise
skills or knowledge to improve and develop their performance to make suitable
to that kind of work. Development programs help improves employees thinking
about the company’s productivity and to engage to their work. Recognizing new

skills and ways of learning will help a company successful and more productive
for the future.

7. Discuss Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. (at least 200 words).

Answer: Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the
first thing that motivates our behaviour. There are five stage of model of
hierarchy needs, first is physiological needs, this is our biological needs for
our daily survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, and sleep. If
these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function effectively.
Physiological needs are the most important as all the other needs because
without this, we are no longer to survive. Second is our safety needs, we want
to experience safety environment, job security and health because if we are not
satisfied with our environment or job, we are going to seek a place where we
can live safely and comfortable and have enough opportunity to live. These
needs can be fulfilled by the family and society for example, emotional
security, financial security (e.g. employment, social welfare), law and order,
freedom from fear, social stability, property, health and wellbeing, these are
all we need like for example health, we need to have a good health always to
continue living and to pursue our dreams for our future, so we must take good
care of our health so that we can help others and especially to our family.
Third is love and belongingness needs, the need for interpersonal relationships
motivates behaviour, examples include friendship, intimacy, trust and
acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love, this needs are also
important in our environment to have a good relationship with one another.
Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy it is indicated that
the need for respect or reputation is most important to us and to do real self-
esteem or dignity because respecting the reputation of other people is
important to have a good intimacy to other people and to receive their respect
back to you. The last is self-actualization, these needs are the highest level
in Maslow’s hierarchy because this is where can use our creativity, problem
solver and acceptance of facts that we as a person we can live life using our
creativity as our strategy to live more comfortable.

8. Discuss Alderfer’s ERG theory. (at least 100 words).

Answer: Alderfer’s ERG theory condenses Maslow’s five human needs into three
categories: Existence, Relatedness and Growth. Existence needs it is our basic
material requirements for living. These include as physiological needs (such as
air, food, water, and shelter) and safety-related needs (such as health, secure
employment, and property), it is like Maslow’s hierarchy that we cannot live
without this needs. Relatedness needs, maintaining interpersonal relationships.
These needs are based in social interactions with others and same with Maslow’s
levels of love/belonging-related needs (such as friendship, family, and sexual
intimacy) and esteem-related needs (respect of others), this is also important
because respecting others can create good intimacy to other people. Finally
growth needs describe our natural desire for personal development. These needs
are same with Maslow’s esteem-related needs (self-esteem, self-confidence, and
achievement) we humans have this esteem-related needs to face other people, to
have a confidence in everyday living and to achieve our goals in life and self-
actualization needs (such as morality, creativity, problem-solving, and
discovery), we humans have a blessing to be creative and solve whatever problem
may happen and to do moral deeds to other people because we have the freedom to
do whatever we wants and to live life more comfortable and whatever trials may
come, we just need to continue life with positivity.

9. Discuss the quote “A great man is one who can make a small man feel great,
and perform great.” (at least 100 words).
Answer: There are other people who have lost their hope to change because they
think that they cannot do what others can do and they think that they are just
low and uneducated person but there are people who are helpful to others and

even if the person is poor they are willing to help because they know that even
if they are poor or rich, we are still equal in everything. And we have all the
right to help, respect and encourage everyone to do their best because every
person has an individual talent and personality. Therefore we should work
together to have a great performance.

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