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Course: PGS 505: Agricultural Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development

1. Name of the respondent: Abhishek Pratap Singh Chauhan

2. Educational qualification:B.SC.(Hons.) Ag

3. Discipline: Soil Science

4. Name of University/Institute of UG program: Acharya Narendra Dev University of

Agriculture and Technology ,kumarganj, Ayodhya

5. Age:23 years

6. Gender:male

7. Service experience (applicable for in-service students and faculty):

8. Background: Rural/Urban/Rurban Urban

9. School background:

Public school Govt school Other

Residential/Non- Non residential


Medium: English

10. Family: Nuclear/Joint/Extended - Extended family

11. Father’s profession: Service( Govt./ Private sector) /Farming/Business/Farming+

Service/Farming+ business. Govt service

12. Have undergone NCC at school/college level? Yes/No No

13. Have undergone NSS course? Yes/No. No

14. Ideal person of life (Name and field):…Shri Krishna………………………….

15. Leadership experience: ( captain of sports team, member of students’ union, member of
social or political organization, etc)No

16. State three most difficult ethical issues faced in life in order of severity

a.Conflict of interest
b.unethical leadership
c.doing unwanted nothing's which one not want to do , but still doing either due to
financial crisis of family or other circumstances

17. Given below are statements related to ethical behavior. Please express your level of
agreement to these statements by tick marking (√) in the appropriate cell. Kindly consider
what is in practice rather than what ideally should happen. Your views will be highly
confidential and will be used only for learning and academic purpose without ever
disclosing the name.

S.N. Statements Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
a. My Division has a
written code of

b. In my Division there
are procedures for
reporting unethical

c. The penalties for

unethical behavior
are strictly enforced
in my Division.

d. The ethical behavior

is the norm in my

e. The unethical
behavior is punished
in my Division.

f. When I see other

students cheat I feel
compelled to follow
g. I consider the faculty
and instructors in my
major to be
ethical human beings
h. By the time people
reach college age it is
too late to
teach them about
i. Best for everyone in
the institution is the
major consideration
j. In this institution,
people protect their
own interests above
all else.
k. In this institution,
the ethical code of
their profession is the
major consideration.
l. The major
responsibility of
people in this
institution is to
publish papers.
m. In this institution,
people are expected
to strictly follow
n. In this institution,
people are guided by
their own ethics.
o. In this institution, a
respect for the rights
of others is a primary
p. In this institution,
people are mostly out
for themselves.
q. It is important to
follow the
institution’s rules and
procedures here.
r. People in this
institution are
expected to seek just
and fair resolutions in
their decision.
s. People here are
concerned with the
institution‘s interests,
to the exclusion of all

t. The top managers at
IARI demonstrate
high ethical

SET-II (Students’ view of faculty)

17. Given below are statements related to ethical behavior. Please express your view to these
statements by tick marking (√) in the appropriate cell. Kindly consider what is in practice rather
than what ideally should happen. Your views will be highly confidential and will be used only
for learning and academic purpose without ever disclosing the name.
S.N. Statements Always Often Seldom Never
a. The faculty follow the course syllabus
and timetable in teaching course
b. The faculty comes to class well- prepared,
not only with lecture, but also answers to
possible questions 
c. They explain basis of grading on written
d. They thoroughly cover course content
e. The faculty shows patience with slow
f. The faculty respects the opinions and
beliefs of your students
g. The students are allowed to express
opinions or beliefs that differ from
h. The faculty is accessible to students.
i. The faculty fairly evaluates students'
knowledge of material covered in the
j. The classroom policies (late assignments,
absences, etc.) are equitably applied to all

SET-III (Unethical behavior among students)

18. Given below are statements related to unethical behavior. Please express your view to these
statements by tick marking (√) in the appropriate cell. Kindly consider what is in practice rather
than what ideally should happen. Your views will be highly confidential and will be used only
for learning and academic purpose without ever disclosing the name.

S.N. Statements Never 1-2 3-5 >5

times times times
a. Copying from another student during a test.
b. Taking unauthorised material into a test –
notes, pre-rogrammed calculator, etc.
c. Giving answers to another student by signals
in a test.
d. Receiving answers from another student by
signals in a test.
e. Getting someone else to pretend they are the
student– impersonating the student in a test.
f. Continuing to write after a test has finished.
g. Requesting special consideration/deferred
exam (eg for illness) knowing that the
conditions are not genuinely met.
h. Padding out a bibliography with references
that were not actually used.
i. Writing an assignment for someone else.
j. Paraphrasing information from a web site,
book or periodical without referencing the
k. Copying information directly from a web
site, book or periodical with reference to the
source but no quote marks.
l. Copying information directly from a web
site, book or periodical without referencing
the source.
m. Copying information directly from another
student’s assignment (current or past) without
their consent.
n. Copying information directly from another
student’s assignment (current or past) with
their consent.
o. Falsifying the results of one’s research.
p. Working together on an assignment when it
should be individual.
q. Preventing other students’ access to resources
required to complete an assignment.

18. Risk Perception about Genetically Modified Crops

How do you perceive about GM crops like Bt cotton being promoted in India? Given below are
statements related to GM crops. Kindly mark the level of your agreement or disagreement with
respect to each statement by putting a tick mark (√) in the appropriate cell.
S.No. Statements Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree

a. GM crops like Bt
cotton will be
beneficial for farmers
b. Adoption of GM seeds
will reduce the cost of
c. Cultivation of GM
crops will ensure food
security for the rapidly
growing population.
d. Cultivation of GM
crops will be risky as
pollen flow from GM
plants will contaminate
other neighbouring
e. Since GM crops carry
genes from different
species they will cause
harm to the human and
f. Entry of GM food in
food chain will cause
health risk
g. Cultivation of GM
crops will harm agro-
h. The production and
trade of GM seeds will
increase the monopoly
of big companies in the
seed market.

i. GM technology is
required for few crops
j. Rigorous scientific
testing is done prior to
release of GM crops
k. Genetic engineering
scientists tend to
conceal data about
harmful effects of
l. Only the large farmers
will be befitted by
genetic engineering
m. Promotion of GM
technology will cripple
indigenous knowledge
n. Promotion of GM crops
will pose a serious
threat to GI marked
high value crops (eg
Basmati rice).
o. Genetically modified
foods should be
labelled for the benefit
of consumers.
p. Information on
biotechnology provided
by mass media sources
is trustworthy
q. Deployment of GM
crops will increase the
cost of cultivation.
r. Prevalence of
secondary pests will
increase due to GM

19. The Ethics Position Questionnaire
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following items by tick marking (√) in the appropriate cell. Each represents a
commonly held opinion and there are no right or wrong answers.
S.N. Statements Completely Largely Moderately Slightly Neither Slightly Moderately Largely Completely
disagree disagree agree nor agree agree
disagree disagree disagree agree agree

1. People should make

certain that their
actions never
intentionally harm
another even to a
small degree.
2. Risks to another
should never be
tolerated, irrespective
of how small the
risks might be.
3. The existence of
potential harm to
others is always
wrong, irrespective
of the benefits to be
4. One should never
psychologically or
physically harm
another person.

5. One should not
perform an action
which might in any
way threaten the
dignity and welfare
of another individual.
6. If an action could
harm an innocent
other, then it should
not be done.
7. Deciding whether or
not to perform an act
by balancing the
consequences of the
act against the
consequences of the
act is immoral.
8. The dignity and
welfare of the people
should be the most
important concern in
any society.
9. It is never necessary
to sacrifice the
welfare of others.

10. Moral behaviors are
actions that closely
match ideals of the
most “perfect”
11. There are no ethical
principles that are so
important that they
should be a part of
any code of ethics.
12. What is ethical varies
from one situation
and society to
13. Moral standards
should be seen as
being individualistic;
what one person
considers to be moral
may be judged to be
immoral by another
14. Different types of
morality cannot be
compared as to
15. Questions of what is
ethical for everyone
can never be resolved
since what is moral
or immoral is up to
the individual.
16. Moral standards are
simply personal rules
that indicate how a
person should
behave, and are not
be be applied in
making judgments of
17. Ethical
considerations in
relations are so
complex that
individuals should be
allowed to formulate
their own individual
18. Rigidly codifying an
ethical position that
prevents certain
types of actions
could stand in the
way of better
human relations and
19. No rule concerning
lying can be
formulated; whether
a lie is permissible or
not permissible
totally depends upon
the situation.
20. Whether a lie is
judged to be moral or
immoral depends
upon the
surrounding the


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