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Licensure Examination for Teachers Review

Facilitating Learning

Instructions: Read each item carefully and choose the best answer. Write your answers in
1. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, a child between birth to two years, that is
during the sensorimotor period, does not see things in abstract forms. Therefore, in
teaching mathematics to young children, the:
a. use of pictures may not be necessary.
b. use of concrete objects may not be necessary.
c. concrete stage should precede the abstract stage.
d. abstract stage should precede the concrete stage.

2. When the individual is said to be in the integrity rather than despair stage in Erickson’s
theory, what does this mean?
a. He/She is sure of his/her identity.
b. Individual is able to work positively and creatively.
c. He/she is satisfied with his/her status among his/her peers in work skills.

d. Individual has developed a self-concept that he/she can accept and is pleased with
his/her role in life and what he produces.

3. Cheating is a persistent problem during examination. BJ, a first year high school student
noticed that during their final examination, many of his classmates cheated. Though he
observed this, he did not cheat. In what stage of Kohlberg’s theory was BJ’s action?
a. Law and order orientation c. Good boy - Nice girl orientation
b. Social contract orientation d. Universal ethical principle orientation

4. What theory is illustrated in the following situation? Andy gained knowledge and skills
by talking and sharing his experiences to his teachers, parents, other siblings, and other
a. Learning Theory c. Socio-historic Theory
b. Cognitive Theory d. Psychosocial Theory

5. Which of the following statements refers to students aged eleven years and beyond in
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
a. Able to solve abstract problems in logical fashion
b. Able to solve concrete problems in logical fashion
c. Only have innate reflexes with which to engage the world
d. Use symbolism to represent and understand various aspects of the environment

6. Why should learning be aided by formulating and asking questions? So that:

a. students will have a grade in recitation
b. students will develop their self confidence
c. the teacher will know who among the students can communicate very well
d. the teacher will not always do the talking but the students will be given a chance to do
the same thing.
7. Which of the following statements will not support the concept of individual differences?
a. Use varied activities for a difficult lesson.
b. Consider the uniqueness of each student.
c. Involve all students regardless of what the activity is.
d. Help should be extended to both the gifted and retarded
8. Why should a teacher do a series of observations, not just one, to be able to make a
conclusion regarding an individual’s behavior?
a. To see the consistency of the exhibited behavior
b. to check if the modeled behavior was copied correctly
c. It is better to see the individual show different behavior at different times.
d. It is not always possible to draw accurate conclusions by observing only once.

9. Ms. Alido, an English teacher, pointed out to the students specific statements in making
well-written paragraphs. What element of observational learning is demonstrated?
a. Attention c. Motivation
b. Retention d. Production
10. You noticed that Alvin is very shy and he happens to be a transferee. He does not like to
participate in class activities. What should the teacher do with him?
a. Call on him to recite always.
b. Talk to him to understand him better.
c. Make him the leader in a group activity.
d. Ask one of his classmates to be his friend.
11. You observed that Rio always comes to school late. She is so slow in everything she
does. You observed that she is very thin. What should the teacher do?
a. Make a case study of Rio.
b. Talk to the parents of Rio.
c. Refer Rio to the guidance counselor.
d. Talk to Rio to make her come to school on time.
12. Which of the following would you consider as a teacher of adolescents?
a. Activities given should be from general to specific.
b. Always consider friendship as the basis in grouping students.
c. Tasks to be assigned should be those that will make them feel like adults.
d. There is role confusion which implies uncertainty of appropriate behavior.
13. While you are teaching your class, you noticed that your students ask permission to go to
the canteen to drink. You yourself feel like drinking a glass of cold water, too, because of
the warm weather. Which of the following principles justifies the students’ behavior?
a. One of the basic needs of man is water.
b. The body tends to maintain a state of equilibrium called homeostasis.
c. Development is a product of the interaction of the organism and its environment.
d. The needs of one, like water, are the same for all individuals in order to grow and
14. Lila and Mila are fraternal twins. Lila is an extrovert while Mila is an introvert. Lila likes
to eat spaghetti while Mila dislikes it. On the other hand, Mila gets good grades while
Lila contents herself with fairly good grades. Which of the following principles does
NOT apply in this case?
a. Each individual is unique.
b. No two individuals are alike.
c. Development patterns show wide individual difference.
d. Development is a product of the interaction of the organism and its environment.
15. According to Erickson’s theory, a person undergoes eight psychosocial stages of
development. In which stage is the individual in if he learns to win recognition by being
productive and work becomes pleasurable and learns to persevere?
a. Initiative vs. Guilt c. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Industry vs. Inferiority d. Generativity vs. Stagnation
16. Christopher kept thumb sucking until his adolescence. His needs during his oral
development were not satisfied so he became fixated at this stage. Which of the following
theories is generally applied to the early experiences as an explanation for adult
a. Psychosocial c. Social Learning
b. Psychoanalytic d. Cognitive development
17. In Mrs. Sotto’s kindergarten class of six-year olds, she observed that Lito plays with his
penis. Freud’s view was that children in this stage have matured to the point that their
genitals have become an interesting and sensitive area of the body. Which of the four
psychosexual stages of Freud is referred to here?
a. Anal stage c. Genital stage
b. Phallic stage d. Latency stage
18. Boy’s voice begins to change from soprano of childhood to baritone that characterizes
adult males. Which stage in the life-span development are the boys in with such
a. Late childhood c. Early adulthood
b. Early childhood d. Late adolescence
19. While Grace was cleaning the room, she found a wallet near the teacher’s table. Ana
decided to give the wallet to the teacher. In Kohlberg’s theory, what stage did she
a. Law and order orientation c. Social contract orientation
b. Universal ethical principle orientation d. Good boy – nice girl orientation
20. Kate comes to school on time because it is one of the school’s rules and regulations.
Besides, she does not like to disrupt their class by coming late. In this situation, which
level of Kohlberg’s morality does Kate belong?
a. Universal c. Preconventional
b. Conventional d. Postconventional
21. Punishment is not a good practice in coping with undesirable behavior. Which of the
following is the least effect of punishment?
a. Student may learn to lie or cheat.
b. Student may learn to hate his teachers.
c. Student may become hardened with the punishment.
d. Student may stop bullying when the teacher is not looking.
22. Which is an application of cognitive approach to motivation?
a. Explain the reasons for studying the topic.
b. Create a supportive classroom climate for students.
c. Provide clear and prompt feedback on assignments.
d. Begin lessons with challenging questions and conflicting events.
23. Most students will cheat if the pressure to perform well is great and the changes of being
caught are slim. How can teachers prevent cheating?
a. Giving difficult and tricky questions
b. Create a supportive classroom climate for students.
c. Being inconsistent in enforcing policies regarding cheating
d. Preparing the students for tests, projects and assignments so they can do reasonably
24. The mother of Rhenabi got angry with her because she disobeyed her. She joined the
outing of her “barkada” which her mother thought was dangerous. If Rhenabi did not join
their outing, she will be an outcast in the group. What characteristics of adolescents did
Rhenabi exhibit in this case?
a. Adolescents are care-free and happy-go-lucky individuals.
b. Adolescents do not mind other people as long as they are happy.
c. Adolescents give priority to the demands of peers than to their parents.
d. Adolescents know that their parents will forgive them even if they commit mistakes.
25. Norie and Leonie, who are grade two pupils, observe their teacher after taking her lunch.
They see her brush her teeth, comb her hair, and powder her face. After one week, it was
observed that the two girls did the same thing: brush their teeth, comb her hair and
powder their faces. Which of the following applies in this situation?
a. Children learn by doing.
b. Children learn by repeating.
c. Children learn by observing.
d. Children like to behave like adults.

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