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Gland Characteristics Functions

1.Hypothalamus -a bilateral collection of -controls many

nuclei divided into three processes in our body,
zones surrounding the including our mood,
third ventricle and the hunger and thirst, sleep
mammillary bodies. patterns and sexual
-about the size of an function.
almond, is located below
the thalamus and above
your pituitary gland. It
sits directly above the
brainstem at the base of
your brain.
2.Pituitary Gland -is a small, pea-sized -It regulates growth,
gland located at the base metabolism, and
of your brain below your reproduction through
hypothalamus. the hormones that it
-It’s located behind the produces.
nose at the base of the -The main function of
brain. your pituitary gland is to
produce and release
several hormones that
help carry out important
bodily functions.
3.Pineal Gland -it is solid, pine cone -to receive information
shaped, of red-grey color, about the state of the
approximately 5–9 mm in light-dark cycle from the
length and 1–5 mm in environment and convey
width. It weighs 100–180 this information by the
mg. production and
-attached to the secretion of the
posterior part of the 3rd hormone melatonin.
ventricle, between the
posterior commissure
and the dorsal habenular
4.Thyroid Gland -about 2-inches long and - control the speed of
lies in front of your your metabolism
throat below the (metabolic rate), which
prominence of thyroid is the process of how
cartilage sometimes your body transforms
called the Adam’s apple. the food you consume
-The thyroid gland is a into energy.
ductless endocrine gland
situated in the
anterior/front portion of
the neck. It roughly
resembles the shape of a
5.Parathyroid -are two pairs of small, -plays a role in
oval-shaped glands. They regulating the body’s
are located next to the blood level of calcium
two thyroid gland lobes and phosphorus.
in the neck. Each gland is
usually about the size of
a pea.
6.Adrenal -also known as -produce hormones that
suprarenal glands, are help regulate your
small, triangular-shaped metabolism, immune
glands located on top of system, blood pressure,
both kidneys. response to stress and
-There are two adrenal other essential functions
glands, one on top of
each kidney. The outer
part of each gland is the
adrenal cortex and the
inner part is the adrenal
7.Thymus - a soft gland with two -responsible for
lobes. producing and maturing
-the location of your lymphocytes, or immune
thymus gland is in your cells.
upper chest behind your
breastbone (sternum). It
sits between your lungs
in a part of your chest
called the mediastinum.
Your thymus is just in
front of and above your
8.Pancreas -is an abdominal organ -creates natural juices
located behind the called pancreatic
stomach and surrounded enzymes to break down
by spleen, liver and small foods.
intestine. - It is a vital part of the
-The pancreas is located digestive system and is
behind the stomach in responsible for
the upper left abdomen regulating blood sugar
-located across the back levels. The pancreas
of the belly, behind the secretes digestive
stomach. The right side enzymes such as
of the organ—called the amylase, proteases and
head—is the widest part lipase into the
of the organ and lies in duodenum.
the curve of the
duodenum, the first
division of the small
9.Ovary -solid, ovoid structure -These hormones play
about the size and shape an important role in
of an almond, about 3.5 female traits, such as
cm in length, 2 cm wide, breast development,
and 1 cm thick. body shape, and body
-The ovaries are located hair. They are also
in shallow depressions, involved in the
called ovarian fossae, menstrual cycle, fertility,
one on each side of the and pregnancy.
uterus, in the lateral
walls of the pelvic cavity.
10.Testes -are two oval-shaped -responsible for making
organs in the male sperm and are also
reproductive system. involved in producing a
-contain very fine-coiled hormone called
tubes, called testosterone.
seminiferous tubules and -to produce sperm and
are covered with tough to produce hormones,
membrane, tunica particularly
albuginea. testosterone.
11.Placenta(during -disklike in shape, 3 cm -provides oxygen and
pregnancy) thick, and about 20 cm in nutrients to a growing
diameter. A typical baby. It also removes
placenta weighs about waste products from the
500 g. The fetal side of baby’s blood.
the placenta is shiny -The placenta produces
because of the apposed oestrogen, which helps
amniotic membrane. The to soften tissues and
maternal side of the make them more
placenta is dull and is flexible.
subdivided into as many
as 35 lobes.
-The placenta attaches to
the wall of the uterus,
and the baby’s umbilical
cord arises from it.

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