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Contingency Plan

Name of Production: The spooky show Producers Name: Contact Number:

Location / scene Potential problem Effect on production Control Measure Existing measures
Bournemouth The camera equipment The recorded video of our Ensure that all of the cameras are We have learned how to set up these
and Poole may not be set up podcast may be in a low set up before recording cameras properly so that if we have
college properly. resolution and may look to initialize them properly ourselves,
North road – bad, we can.

Bournemouth Recording devices may The audio within our Before beginning recording, test the We have a crew member on set who
and Poole not have properly podcast will feel off, either audio level that we have to speak will be monitoring audio levels, to let
college levelled audio. too loud or too quiet. at. us know if we need to speak up or
North road – speak quieter.

Bournemouth We may forget topics We may not have the Have a board where we can write We have given ourselves an
and Poole that have to be spoken required clips to edit our down all of the things we need to allocated time slot within our
college about, or forget to record podcast properly. cover, along with a time frame for recording session to record extra
North road – specific parts during our this. missing parts of the podcast if we
BH14 OLS podcast. have forgotten, such as a better intro
or if we forgot to record the ad break
Bournemouth Cameras may not be We won’t have any Ensure that all of the cameras are We have a crew member on set who
and Poole recording. footage from our podcast. actually recording before we begin will be monitoring the cameras at a
college the podcast. monitoring station, which should
North road – prevent this potnetial issue.

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