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1. A small red or orange insect with black spots ladybug

2. A small, brown insect that jumps and makes a loud cricket
3. An insect that can jump high in the air. It makes a grasshopper
sound with its back legs
4. An insect with hard wings and a shiny body beetle
5. A large, green insect that makes a noise that sounds katydid
like “katydid” when it rubs its wings together
6. A black and yellow insect that flies and makes a bee
sweet food that we eat (called honey)
7. An insect with big wings that usually have bright butterfly
8. A group of bushes or small trees that are growing thicket
closely together
9. An animal from Australia that jumps on its strong Kangaroo
back legs and carries its babies in a pocket on its front
10. A dried grape raisin
11. A very small animal that has six legs insect
12. Got away from someone or something escaped
13. A long, thin line of light in the night sky that looks Shooting star
like a star that is falling
14. Jumping high or a long way leaping

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