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1. Related to the things that a particular group of people

have done or believed for a long time
2. To move very quickly from side to side or up and down
3. An instrument with two strings that comes from China.
You play it by moving a stick (called a bow) across the
4. How high or low a sound is
5. An instrument from Australia made of wood that you
blow into and that makes very deep sounds
6. What you use for making or doing something
7. A musical instrument made of wood with holes in it.
You play it by blowing into it.
8. A small drum with metal strings on one side. When you
hit the drum the strings shake against it
9. A drum from Africa that you play hitting it with your
10. A musical instrument that is made up of number of
pipes of different lengths that are connected together. You
play it by blowing across the top
11. A musical instrument from the Middle East that is
made of two pipes that are joined together. You play it by
blowing into the pipes and covering and uncovering the
holes on them with your fingers.
12. A musical instrument that you hold out to the side and
play by blowing
13. A musical instrument that you hold under your chin
and play by moving a special stick across the strings
14. A large musical instrument that makes a low sound
when you blow through it

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