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NAME: Erick Sandoval Restrepo

Write a composition about your life story using:
Vocabulary to give biographical information, past tense of regular and irregular
verbs and verb TO BE in past.

Write about your place and date of birth, childhood, school, university, work (if you have worked),
important events, personal life (optional), etc.
Write a minimum of 100 words.
Aspects to be evaluated: Content, Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling.


Hello my name is Erick, I’m a university student at the Universidad of Cacua. Now I will talk a little about
myself, I am 21 years old and I am from Popayan Cacua, I was born here in Popayan at the San Jose
hospital, and I was born weighing 1600 grams when I went to school at the age of 5, and the first days I
broke a pot, my childhood was like that of many children of the past generation: go to the parks, watch
TV, play with friends from the neighborhood, in my school period I changed schools around 3 times, and it
was very normal without anything extraordinary, I graduated on the 7th of December 2018 that was a very
pleasant event for me, in those next 4 years I was an administrator in a video game room, then I went to
study at the seine, but due to the pandemic I did not continue, in 2022 I began to be a waiter at lago la la
marquesa and I entered the university to study administration.

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