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Standardized in-depth interviews were guided by the following question list covering the
key points of this study: (1) What did you think of your doctors’ communication style
during the medical visit? What makes you feel comfortable and uncomfortable? (2)
What is your ideal communication style? What are the obstacles to achieve that ideal
type in your opinion (Specify reasons)? (3) What kind of changes might be desirable?

The list of questions was developed after two rounds of expert discussion and was based
on the grounded theory method and the objectives of this study [27] . The interview was
designed and arranged according to a guideline from a previous published method by
Utarini [28] and based on the publication by Claramita et al. [13] . The original purpose
for using four interviewers was to avoid interviewer bias. To ensure the consistency and
quality of the interviews, the four interviewers were trained by two senior researchers
from the Public Health Department and practice exams were conducted before the real
interviews. Additionally, interviews were recorded for quality control and training
purposes. Interviews lasted nearly 30 min each.

Patient perception and the barriers to practicing patient-centered communication: A survey and in-
depth interview of Chinese patients and physicians - ClinicalKey

Cancer patients' information needs and information seeking

behaviour: in depth interview study
Cancer patients' information needs and information seeking behaviour: in depth interview study | The

Experiences and perceptions about cause

and prevention of cardiovascular disease
among people with cardiometabolic
conditions: findings of in-depth interviews
from a peri-urban Nepalese community
Full article: Experiences and perceptions about cause and prevention of cardiovascular disease among
people with cardiometabolic conditions: findings of in-depth interviews from a peri-urban Nepalese
community (
An exploratory study of the follow-up
care needs of patients treated for
colorectal cancer
An exploratory study of the follow‐up care needs of patients treated for colorectal cancer - Beaver -
2010 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - Wiley Online Library

Striking the right balance in colorectal cancer care—a

qualitative study of rural and urban patients
Striking the right balance in colorectal cancer care—a qualitative study of rural and urban patients |
Family Practice | Oxford Academic (
Symptom perceptions and help-seeking behaviour prior to
lung and colorectal cancer diagnoses: a qualitative study 
Symptom perceptions and help-seeking behaviour prior to lung and colorectal cancer diagnoses: a
qualitative study | Family Practice | Oxford Academic (

คำถามเกี่ยวกับข้ อมูลส่วนตัว
DSpace at Bangkok University: การศึกษาปัจจัยด้านข้อมูลส่ วนตัว ปัจจัยด้านคุณลักษณะการเป็ นผูป
้ ระกอบการ ปัจจัยด้าน
กระบวนการบริ หาร และปัจจัยด้านแรงจูงใจที่มีผลต่อปัจจัยด้านประสิ ทธิผลของผูป้ ระกอบการ Gen Y ในเขตกรุ งเทพมหานคร

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