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Kenyon Ryner 1

Charity Brady

English 2 H

May 23, 2023

The Loop is a novel set in a future where technology has taken over society. Our main

character, Luka, is a teenager who is trapped in a government run facility with some other teens.

In the facility they are being used as subjects for a mind bending VR program called “The

Loop”. The program is designed to turn them into soldiers who will follow every command

given to them. Luka is determined to escape and find his way back to his family. The novel is a

thrilling page turner that keeps you on the edge of your set. The author does an excellent job of

creating a believable dystopian world. The characters are well developed and you can't help but

root for Luka and his friends. The plot is fast paced, full of twists and turns and in general,


Something I appreciate about this text is the way it tackles complex issues. The book

explores themes such as government control, the ethics of technology, and the nature of reality. It

raises important questions about the role of technology in our lives and the potential dangers of

its overuse. The author doesn't shy away from difficult topics and the story is all the more

powerful for it.

Something else captivating about this read is the way it portrays the relationship between

Luka and his family. The love Luka has for his family is what truly drives him to escape and

fight against the system. It’s a reminder that, even in the bleakest of circumstances, there is still

hope and love to be found. The novel is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the

power of family bonds.

Kenyon Ryner 2

Charity Brady

English 2 H

May 23, 2023

In conclusion, “The Loop” is a well put together and thought provoking novel that will

appeal to readers of all ages. It’s a thrilling adventure that explores important themes, and it’s a

story that will stay with you long afteryou finish reading. The Loop is a great read for anyone

who loves dystopian fiction. Its a well written and engaging story that will keep you hooked

friom start to finish. I highly recommend.

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