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My name is F, I’m doing the QQI Level 4 Guarding Skills Course

with the ICSE. I’m going to demonstrate how do the arrest of a


1) I'm working as a security at the store, I saw a person

entering in the store and approach particular area at work. He
has nothing in his hand, I saw he selecting a product and
putting into his pocket. I watched his actions and I waited for
him to leave the store to make sure he didn't pay for that
product. He just walked out of the store. After this, I can arrest

2) After I am sure the product is in his possession, I call for a

support to wait near to exit door. Have sure I have all my
equipment to make this arrest, like my radio, pen, notebook
and the PPE and make sure my support is in the right place.

3) We have to be careful, because outside the person can

have friends, we don't know how the person will react at this
situation, can be aggressive, violent or have a weapon, say
some offenses or expel body fluids. We need the support near
the door, outside we need CCTV camera for a cover, check the
equipment and a very important thing: safe distance.
4) I will take a 2 o'clock position and my colleague 10 o`clock,
to form a triangle. We use this position because the person
can see a walk route. I keep eye contact with my colleague, a
better route to back to the store and to support each other if
the person try to attack.

5) I will identify me as a security of the store, explain the

person why I stopped him, and invited him to re-enter the
store. I say like this: I am the security of the store, I saw you
putting a product in your pocket and leave the store without
paying, because of that I'm arresting you for theft. Please
could you step inside the shop?

6) After enter in the safe place, I will explain why I arrested

him, ask to empty his pocket, request your personal
information, like his name, address, date of birth. After that,
we check the price of the items and then I call to Gardai.

7) Clearly, I will identify me as a security guard, give them

information about what happened and the Gardai will take
the details of the person and decide what to do with him.

8) If I need arrest a female or a child, we need call for a female

support. Always have a witness, take care when approaching a
shoplifter (because he can have a weapon) and always keep a
safe distance.

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