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A marine sextant has the index arm . Side error

A navigator fixing a vessel's can use radar information
A polyconic projection Series of cones
A position obtained by crossing .running fix
A position obtained by taking.runing fix
a position that is obtained estimated position (13)
a relative bearing is always the vessel's head
A sextant having an index.negative correction
A ship navigating in the . On the right side
A ship’s position is best. Fixed known object on the shore
A single line of pos. estimated pos
A vertical sextant angle gives.The height of a bridge above the sea level
An mercator sailing>>D’long/DMP=Tan Course ..
Distance=D’lat/cos. Course
As a vessel change course. Remains aligned with compass
Because of the reflecting. 30
Civil twilight begins.Venus will have a westerly (12)
Coastal radio navigational . By port and harbour authorities
Controls testing ofbridge equipment Oneto two hours prior sailing
Define the required interval??
deviation in a compass. Influences
During the month october .South and increasing
For navigational purpose 1 (4)
From the following data sextant altitude.38˚17.6’ (1)
Gyrocompass repeaters rep. accurate electronic
How can the error of the Gyro compass By taking a transit bearing
with the gyro.....objects on the chart
If the radar is set into?
If the Radar scanners of one . A 10cm radar
If the strength of the wind . The Closer the isobars are
If the strength of the wind is related to the pressure the closer the
isobars are together the stronger will be the predicted wind.
In LORAN-C.The master stations transmits 9 pulses and
In mercator sailing.D’long / DMP = Tan course (5)
In order to remove index error .horizon glass to make it parallel to
the index mirror with the index set at zero
In the Beaufort Scale of Wind Force, what is the eight(8)
is the location of the. Yes, for the reasons stated in all
it is 1200 local The observer is in time zone -4
lines on a chart which connect. Isogonic lines
Mariners are first warned.marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
On 6 july 1981. It is 1000 7 july
Plotting position using the method of .Two bearing lines from two
different object area available
Spring tides aretides that Havelows lower than normal and highs
higher than normal
The azimuth of a body whose LHA is 195˚ will be.Southerly
The compass binnacle All of the answers provided
The date is the same all. 1200 gmt
The decca green zone has.18 lanes
The difference (measured in degrees) . Meridian angle
The difference in local time. 20 minute
The DMP between latitude 20˚30’N .1863.07 (7)
The drift and set of tidal. speed and direction toward
the gha of the first point 11 hours
the gyro compass can an uncorrected course
the horizon glass of.Silvered
The index error is determined micrometer drum
The LMT of LAN is 1210.0728 (8)
the marine sextant is subject. Prismatic error (6)
the parallax angle will. Venus
the part of a sextant. Index mirror
The position accuracy of Loran-C a result of variation in
the position of the ship substract 5 degrees to the
Therangeof tideis the>> Difference between the heights of high and low tide
The rate of increase.the moon
Thereferencedatumusedin determining is Mean high water
The SHA of star VEGA to .80˚47
The ship is navigating in dense fog True vector
the time interval between 24
The true wind is from 330°T, speed 6 knots. . Cn 090°, 32.5 knots
variation is the angular magnetic meridian and
Vessel required to have an Automatic .speed of the vessel over the
ground or through the water
Vessel required to have an Automatic Radar of the above
vessels required to have an speed of the vessel over the ground
what are the main components. Permanents (9)
What are the required data. Latitude and speed
What chart should be used when navigating ? Thelargestscale chart onboard
for theareawhichis properlycorrected
what could be the reason. The heeling
What describes an accurate.fix
What do you understand by bitter end. Bitter end means the end
link of an anchor cable
What do you understand by: Hydrographic vessel in position this means:
keep well clear of the hydrographic vessel in position.....
What is a nonadjustable error Prismatic error
what is an advantage It is reliable due to it's essential
what is the basic Magnetic materials of the same polarity repel
What is the correct understanding of the term “Isobar” an “isobar”is a line
joining places of equal PRESSURE
What is the direction of wind associated clockwise around the high pressure
What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 215°15'? 144°45'E
What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 232°27'?127°33'E
What is the weather associated light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
What is true concerning. . New editions are corrected
what is understood by the term?
What is the correct setting of the "Anti sea clutter" A few sea returns
remaining on the screen
What methoods could be introduced. parallel index lines
What possible reason could there.To receive information
about ships in the vicinity???
What should a passageplan include Theplan should include the
entirevoyagefrom berth to berth
What will be the D’LONG for departure .76
When must a passage.Beforethe voyage commences.
When should a navigator. Only when fixed aids
When should voyage planning be done? Prior to sailing
When using a radar in a unstabilized mode, fixes are. Ranges
When using the echo.The density of the water
Where can the size of the magnetic. By taking a transit bearing
which aid is not marked Aero light
Which herb, navite to the mediterranean region rosemary
Which nautical chart are?
Which of the following factors.?
which of the following figures. Fig.4
Which of the following methods do .A three point bearing
Which of the four adjustable errors in the sextant Horizon glass
which of the four figures16 figure is correct
which part of the magnetic deviation
Would there ever be the need . Yes, possibly when there is dense
You are on board a ship which is not until -15 derajat
you are proceeding up a channel compass has some easterly error
You would expect to find. Australia
you would find the variation. On the compass rose (11)
Your longitude is 179. 00h 02m on the 6th
Yourvesselistoleaveacrowded Rudder hard to port,full astern... full ahead
while steering a course. ??

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