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Personal Development

Homebased Activity Q4_Modules 4-5

Name____________________________ Grade and Section________________

Module 4: Various Roles of Different Individuals in Society and How They Can Influence People
Through Their Leadership or Followership

I. Directions: Analyze the pictures below. Explain what characteristics of a leader and follower have been
shown here and how can those characteristics influence people.

Process Questions:
1. What have you realized after doing the activity?
2. What do you think are the best role of a good leader and follower?
3. How can you improve leadership and followership characteristics?

II. My organization. Which organizations involving you in our society? (church group, singing/dance group,
community group, youth group, club, school organization, neighborhood association, volunteer group. etc.)

Name of Organization Type of Organization My Position/Role in the organization

Process Questions:
1. What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader and a good follower? Explain your answer.
2. Who influences you most to become a leader or a follower? and how?
Module 5: Social Influence
Write constructive positive and negative comments for improvement process about yourself that you received from
other people using the pie graph below. Use the third quadrant of your paper to present your data.

Process Questions:
1. Why is feedback important in improving one’s strengths and weaknesses?
2. How do you compare your self-perception to others’ perception about you?
3. How can you categorize yourself? Are you a conformist, compliant or obedient? Explain your answer.

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