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For Behaviour

1. _____ is caring, enjoyable, curious, and a hard worker. [He/she] loves

school and is a great classmate. Great work!
2. _____manages and regulates emotions in an appropriate manner and
responds well to feedback.
3. _____ is very good at finishing things which [he/she] begins and makes
sure that the work done completed perfectly.
4. _____ communicates with peers, teachers, and other staff in a highly
effective and respectful manner.
5. _____ is reliable and trustworthy, responds well to leadership and
coaching, and delivers on commitments to himself and others.
6. _____ is responsible for working, behaving, and communicating within
and outside the classroom.
7. _____ has a lot of empathy and always seeks ways to be useful to other
students and staff of the school community.
8. _____ works very well with schoolmates and others on projects and group
activities and is comfortable being a leader and taking charge of the
9. _____has good relations with others and is sensitive to different
perspectives, experiences, and circumstances.
10. _____ manages his/her feelings with maturity and responds
appropriately to feedback.
11. _____ cooperates with other students.
12. _____ is respectful and has decent manners.
13. _____observes the rules of the classroom.
14. _____ responds appropriately when corrected.
15. _____ sets a high standard for behavior.
16. _____ is helpful and friendly to everyone in the classroom.
17. _____ resists the urge to be distracted by other students.
18. _____ maintains a laser-like concentration on tasks at hand.
19. _____ is courteous.
20. _____ transitions between classroom activities without distraction.
For Class Participation

1. is considerate of others in the class.

2. carefully executes group activities.
3. collaborates with peers in a democratic manner.
4. encourages his peers to follow directions.
5. pays close attention to others’ answers.
6. follows directions.
7. replies to what was read or spoken about in class.
8. asks for clarification when needed.
9. remains an active learner throughout the day.
10. puts forth their best effort.
For Social Skills

1. makes friends quickly in the classroom.

2. is well-liked by peers.
3. chooses to spend breaks with friends.
4. enjoys conversation with pals during breaks.
5. appears to be at ease in new situations.
6. empathetic towards their peers.
7. treats other pupils with the utmost fairness.
8. handles disagreements with peers well.
9. doesn’t interrupt others.
10. demonstrates a high level of respect for classmates.
For Communication and Collaboration

1. Listens and follows directions given by the teachers

2. Speaks and writes clearly to express his or her views and ideas.
3. Communicates well with students and educators in different
learning settings.
4. Works respectfully in group settings
5. Listens and values someone else’s ideas.
6. Actively participates in discussions.
7. Speaks confidently.
20 general positive comments on student performance

1. ______ is going in the correct direction. You can remember more

information on the test day if you begin studying early. ______
performance has been excellent this year. 
2. I’ve seen ______ character development over time. I’m proud of their
3. It’s fantastic that ______ is giving it its all. 
4. ______ growth has been massive this year. Keep working hard to get even
greater outcomes. 
5. ______work is excellent. Continue searching for ways to push harder and
strive for greatness.
6. If ______ continues to be consistent with your performance, your grades
will improve massively. 
7. This is ______ greatest attempt, I can tell! I really like your drive. You seem
very committed. I’m extremely fortunate to evaluate your work.
8. ______ excitement is wonderful! Their work is excellent. What a fantastic
vision you possess. 
9. ______  has come a long way. You have quick problem-solving skills. I
want to learn more from you!
10. I am happy that ______ made a fresh discovery in my class. I had fun
reading their essay.
11. ______  has talent and is really wise. I appreciate their ideas in my
12. ______  wrote a wonderful essay on ______  using precise language
and beautiful imagery.
13. Although the examples ______  offered were compelling and
brilliant, providing additional context for how they are related to the essay
is a good idea.
14. ______  has emphasized their points using evocative language.
15. I appreciate that ______ checks their writing for spelling and
punctuation errors.
16. ______ did a fantastic job on this project, but for future ones, strive
to use shorter sentences.
17. ______ completed the assignment on time and with great accuracy.
18. ______ makes astounding observations that are right on point.
Doesn’t it feel great to do such awesome work?
19. ______, what fantastic math abilities you’re displaying!
20. ______ is demonstrating outstanding comprehension. They write
complete, succinct, and straightforward essays.
40 positive attitude comments

1. ______ regularly attends class prepared and eager to learn.

2. ______ possesses a curious and active mind.
3. ______ is eager to do their chores each day.
4. ______ enjoys attending school and studying with their buddies.
5. ______ has a constructive outlook on personal growth.
6. ______ likes to enter the classroom with an upbeat attitude and an open
7. ______ sets very high goals for themselves and works hard to reach them
every day.
8. ______ consistently exhibits excellent behavior in class.
9. ______ is always ready to follow commands.
10. ______ is a diligent and courteous student.
11. ______ never acts improperly in class.
12. ______ is a fantastic example for peers to aspire to.
13. ______ is excellent at adhering to the rules.
14. ______ can always be trusted with tasks assigned to them.
15. ______ consistently carries themselves with integrity and honesty.
16. ______ is forthright, honest, and open about their ideas and
17. ______ offers intelligent and sincere comments.
18. ______ is always eager to examine themselves and offer sincere
assessments of their development.
19. ______ is always eager to pitch in and help with any assignment.
20. ______ is a wonderful helper who never hesitates to provide a
helping hand to anyone who asks for it.
21. ______ participates in all duties. This zeal is admirable.
22. ______ always shows up prepared to participate in the lessons and
23. ______ always offers to help out first when work has to be done.
24. ______ loves to learn by getting engaged and experiencing things
25. ______ possesses excellent self-reflection abilities.
26. ______  is able to recognize its own advantages and disadvantages.
27. ______ takes a moment to reflect on their work and finds
opportunities for development.
28. ______ possesses the capacity to pause and alter their direction
when they spot opportunities for development.
29. ______ is particularly proficient in finding and fixing draft-related
30. ______ has shown a lot of consideration for their own potential.
31. ______ has demonstrated a strong capacity for empathy and
compassion for classmates.
32. ______ has made significant progress in their communicative
abilities since preschool.
33. ______ is a good team player.
34. ______ is a pleasant and kind kid who gets along well with others.
35. During play situations, ______ always shares and keeps others in
36. ______ is a well-liked student who has little trouble making friends
with other kids.
37. ______ always shares and thinks about others during play scenarios.
38. ______ is a popular student who finds it very easy to make friends
with other children.
39. ______ has demonstrated some excellent budding leadership
abilities in role-playing situations.
40. ______ is quite glad to play with and learn from others in groups. 
30 critical comments

1. ______ requires extra help to keep on target.

2. ______ needs some persuasion to finish things.
3. ______ is occasionally disinterested in studying or distracted.
4. ______ is trying to focus more intently on their responsibilities.
5. ______ occasionally have days where they lack motivation in studying.
6. ______ usually arrives at class hesitant to participate in group discussions.
7. During class, ______ needs to improve focus and attentiveness.
8. ______ has made progress in certain areas but is still lagging in others.
9. ______ is losing some of their attention and falling behind in their
10. There is still a great deal of opportunity for improvement, and in the
upcoming months, we’ll be working hard to increase ______ attention and
11. In the future, it would be wonderful to see ______ progress in their
areas of weakness.
12. When ______ gets stuck on a task, I want to see them seek
13. ______ can occasionally disturb their classmates and friends.
14. ______ is occasionally disruptive to other pupils.
15. When returning to class after a hiatus, ______ may get uneasy.
16. ______ can be chatty when doing solo work.
17. ______ could do better if they are more courteous of fellow students.
18. ______ is having a hard time this year feeling at ease in class.
19. ______ has occasionally tried to attract too much attention and
disturbed the flow of teaching.
20. ______ occasionally has trouble participating in class discussions.
21. ______ needs several rewards from outside sources to become
22. Due to a lack of desire to perform to their full potential, ______
works far below her talents.
23. ______ significantly depends on external incentive. 
24. In the upcoming months, it would be wonderful to see the more
intrinsic motivation for success from ______.
25. ______ struggles to find activities that interest them.
26. ______ has a hard time being interested in and involved in the class.
27. ______ will respond favorably to rewards but finds it difficult to take
28. In the future months, ______ has to dig deep and discover more
drive to study.
29. ______ plays with other kids, but in the next months has to establish
cooperative play strategies. They need prodding to engage in more
language-based play-based learning.
30. ______ plays well by himself, but he still has to learn to share and
play with other kids. They are interested in playing with others yet tend to
withdraw out of shyness.
Needs Improvement Report Card Comments

1. Mostly does good work but [he/she] is inconsistent. We

will keep working to help him/her present his/her best work every time –
please continue with the great support at home
2. He/she is easily distracted and has trouble sticking to the task.
3. Usually does quality work, but sometimes focuses too much on doing
independent work too quickly, leading to accuracy issues.
4. He/she struggles to complete his work quickly.
5. ___ has great difficulty understanding concepts for his academic level.
He/she would benefit from reading with an adult every day
6. _____ has a difficult time knowing when it is appropriate to share his/her
thoughts.  He is working on learning when it is a good time to share and
when it is a good time to listen.
7. ____ is not proud of the work he/she does. We are trying to teach him and
cultivate the feeling of being proud of his/her work

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