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Sinsuat Ave, Cotabato City



Year & Course: 4th YEAR-BSED FILIPINO
Date: September 23, 2020

Activity 1: My thoughts



Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions:

1. What are personal characteristics of an ideal teacher?

Answer: The individual attributes of an ideal teacher or educator shows patient in conveying topic both
oral and written in the classroom. A patient instructor can deal with the class in various circumstances.
We all know that each class comprise of different student. Some are mindful, others are instigators and
some are diverted. Being patient is often expressed as being diligent or persevering.

The ideal educator is a model of self-confidence. It is a wellspring of extraordinary joy and they show it in
their outward appearance and in their positive attitude around the school. An ideal educator is open. This
characteristic is connected with eagerness of the instructor to share bliss about his own life to outline a
point or offer how they feel about a given circumstance. An ideal instructor is diversified to his planning.
This diversification trait will empower him to expound and represent the subjects in more influential way.
The ideal teacher is an astounding good example. Being a decent good example to students, educator at
all instructs is probably the best commitment he can make to society. An ideal educator is equipped for
relating hypothesis with training. An ideal educator has good personal hygiene and is well groomed. He is
consistently perfect, clean, and wears sort of dress that is satisfactory in the school working in which he
instructs. He help students experiencing issues. Besides, the person is focused, helpful, disciplined,
cooperative friendly with his colleagues and respectful to the top of the organization.

2. What other needs of teachers can you identify?

Answer: The other needs of teachers that can identify are a secure environment, sufficient facilities,
enough time to plan and collaborate, high-quality professional development, supportive school
leadership, engaged community and parents, an environment of accept as true with and respect, effective
school development teams and appropriate assignments and workload. High-rate salary and additional
incentives for our teachers to boost their morale and inspire to teach quality education.

3. Do you believe that teachers are unfairly treated compared to other professions? Why?

Answer: Yes, teachers are unfairly treated compared to other professions because they are least paid.
From the very begging of our learning teachers are passionate to teach us the basic knowledge in order
to cope up the upcoming difficulties in acquiring knowledge, skills and attitude that we need in real-world
situation. Those professionals like doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, programmer, nurse, etc. mold
through years of education by our educators. It’s enough for them to be paid according to their hardship.
High-rate salary and additional incentives for our teacher are not enough to pay their everyday struggles
in imparting knowledge to the student. Teachers also need to enrol and educate there self to be promoted
to higher position by their own expenses. I hope our government will oversee the actual situation of
educators especially in public schools that are mostly experiencing difficulties. Students are fifty (50) to
eighty (80) in a class, sometimes one teacher handling more than 3 (three) subjects with different classes.
At the same time excessive paperwork affiliated and family are affected.

Activity 2
Determine your education Philosophy. Find out to which philosophy you adhere to what extent does
each statements apply to you? Rate yourself 4 if you agree which the statement always, 3 if you agree
but not Always 2, if you agree sometimes answer 1, if you don’t agree at all.
You write answer on the next pages as provided on the said page, read carefully and understand the
following statements.

4 3 2 1

1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning _∕_ __ __ __

2. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant today __ ∕
__ __ __

as when they were first conceived.

3. The classroom is not a place where teacher pour knowledge __ __ __ ∕


into empty minds of student.

4. School should stress on the teaching of basic skills. __ ∕

__ __ __

5. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own peace. __ ∕

__ __ __

6. Teacher must not force their students to learn the subject matter if __ ∕
__ __ __

it does not interest them.

7. Human being are shaped by their environment. __ __∕ __ __

8. In the classroom students must be encourages to interact with one ∕

__ __ __ __

another to develop social virtues such as cooperation and respect.

9. Help students expand their knowledge by helping them apply their ∕

__ __ __ __

previous experience in solving new problem.

10. Changes environment can changes a person. __ __ ∕

__ __

11. Curriculum should emphasize traditional discipline such as math ∕

__ __ __ __

natural science history grammar literature.

12. Learners produce knowledge base on their experience. __ ∕

__ __ __

13. There is no universal inborn human nature we are born and exist __ ∕
__ __ __

and then ourselves freely determine our essence.

14. An individual is what she/he choose to become not dictated by his __ __∕ __ __

/her environment.

15. School must develop students capacity to reason by stressing on __ ∕

__ __ __

the humanities.

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