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Seeing a Dentist

Lttle Johnny hated going to see the dentist. It wasn't that his dentist was nasty; it was
that Johnny wasn't too fond of sweets.
His dentist had warned him that his teeth would fall out if he kept up eating candy.
Time and time again, the dentist had told him to cut out sweet food or at least cut
down on the amount he ate.
As he lay down in the dentist's chair, all the horrible memories from his last visit came
back to him. On that occasion, the dentist had to pull out one of his teeth! The pain
was terrible - even with the anaesthetic the dentist had given him. When the
anesthetic wore off it was difficult for him to eat or chew anything at all.
This time the check up was much better. His dentist checked out his teeth, made him
wash out his mouth with pink liquid and then told him to spit it out into the sink. That
was it. No problems and no pain! Johnny was delighted and so was his dentist. Johnny
has finally learned his lesson and was taking better care of his teeth. Well done,

Here's a definition of the phrasal verbs listed above:

1. fall out - repercussions - Influencia de determinada cosa en un asunto o efecto que

causa en él
2. keep up - look after - Ocuparse de una persona, animal o cosa que requiere de
algún tipo de atención o asistencia
3. cut out - ward off - Poner lejos o más lejos a una persona o una cosa
4. cut down - decrease - Hacer que algo sea menor en cantidad, tamaño, intensidad,
importancia, etc.
5. lie down - rest - Hacer una pausa en el trabajo o en otra actividad para recuperar
6. come back - return - Hacer que una persona tenga de nuevo lo que había dejado
de tener.
7. pull out - choose -Seleccionar o preferir a una persona o una cosa para un fin.
8. wear off - change - Desprenderse de una cosa y recibir o tomar otra en su lugar.
9. check up (noun) - review - Examinar o analizar una cosa con atención y cuidado.
10. check out - make - Realizar una actividad que comporta un resultado.

It is about a boy who eats a lot of sweets and

when he went to the dentist, he realized that
his teeth were damaged and they had to be
removed. He couldn't stand so much pain the
last time he visited the dentist that he began to
take care of his teeth and the next visit to the
dentist I congratulate you as your teeth were
well cared for.

wash out - use water or a liquid to clean the inside of something.

spit out - to force something out of your mouth, especially saliva or liquid.

01 Be off
02 Break up
03 Bring up
04 Care about
05 Beat up
06 Blow up
07 Blow out
08 Call off
09 Carry on
10 Cheer sb. Up
11 Come across
12 Come in
13 Come over
14 Dress up
15 Eat up
16 Eat out
17 Fall over
18 Fill up
19 Find out
20 Get down
21 Get over
22 Give in
23 Give up
24 Grow up
25 Go away
26 Go off
27 Hang on
28 Head back
29 Heat up
30 Keep on
31 Look after
32 Look into
33 Look forward to sth.
34 Make up
35 Pick up
36 Put on
37 Sell out
38 Set off
39 Shut out
40 Sort out
41 Work out
42 Turn down

01 sign-in
02 set up
03 pull down
04 go down
05 turn off
06 Go through
07 Hang on
08 Be back:
09 Back up
10 Grow up:
11 Go ahead:
12 Look after
13 Make up
14 Break up
15 Pick up:
16 Carry out
17 Fix up:
18 Turn on:
19 Put on:
20 Get along

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