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Detrimental Effects of Social Media on

Social media has become an integral part of society, but its
excessive use among children raises concerns. This exposition
highlights the negative consequences: impact on mental health,
cyberbullying, distorted reality perception, impaired social skills,
and academic decline.
Negative Impact on Mental Health: Increased Exposure to Cyberbullying:
Excessive social media usage affects children's mental Social media platforms enable cyberbullying, where
health, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self- children face hurtful behavior, rumors, derogatory
esteem due to constant comparisons and seeking comments, and online hate campaigns, causing
validation through likes and comments. emotional distress and long-term psychological


Distorted Reality Perception: Academic Decline:

Social media presents an unrealistic version of beauty, Addictive social media usage leads to procrastination
success, and relationships, fostering unrealistic and decreased focus on studies, resulting in lower
expectations and a sense of inadequacy among grades and reduced learning outcomes.

Excessive social media use has detrimental effects on children,

including negative impacts on mental health, cyberbullying,
distorted reality perception, impaired social skills, and academic
decline. It is crucial for parents, educators, and society to
guide children in responsible social media use and maintain a
healthy balance between the virtual world and real-life

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