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Institutional Corrections - refers to those persons housed in secure

correctional facilities.
2. Jail - is defined as a place of confinement for inmates under investigation
or undergoing trial, or serving short-term sentences
3. Banishment - a punishment originating in ancient times, that required
offenders to leave the community and live elsewhere, commonly in the
4. BJMP - (Bureau of Jail Management and Penology) government agency
mandated by law (RA 6975) to take operational and administrative control
over all city, district and municipal jails.
5. Branding - stigmatizing is the process in which a mark, usually a symbol
or ornamental pattern, is burned into the skin of a living person, with
the intention that the resulting scar makes it permanent as a punishment
or imposing masterly rights over an enslaved or otherwise oppressed person.
6. The legislative branch- is responsible for enacting the laws of the state and appropriating the
money necessary to operate the government.
7. The executive branch is responsible for implementing and administering the public policy
enacted and funded by the legislative branch.
8. The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the constitution and laws and applying their
interpretations to controversies brought before it.
9. The Auburn Prison System- the prison system of auburn is a prison system dubbed the
“Congregate System”.
10. .The Pennsylvania Prison System-also known as a Solitary system or separate system to reform
the inmates by isolating them to focus on their crimes
11. Death Penalty – is one of the major punishments during ancient times.
12. Physical Torture – the word torture derives d from the Latin word ‘tortus’ meaning to twist or
13. Social Degradation – A kind of punishment wherein offenders are humiliated in public to help
them realized the weight of their actions
14. Banishment or Exile – the offenders will be separated from society and will be sent to far or
unknown places. They are also prohibited to enter their homeland
15. Slavery- This is a condition wherein someone is owned by another person.
16. Prison Discipline-It is a continuous state of good order and conduct. It involves maintaining
good standards of work, sanitation, protection, education, personal health, and recreation.
17. . Hard Labor – This is a form of prison discipline wherein those people who are stripped of
liberty are forced to perform physical labor as punishment for a violation or for the crime they
have committed
18. Deprivation – You are deprived of everything except the essentials of existence.
19. Monotony – It offers the same food as an “off” diet or allows prisoners to follow a drab or
repetitive everyday routine.
20. Uniformity – All inmates shall be treated fairly. Special treatment has not been tolerated.
21. Mass Movement – It includes mass life in cell blocks, mass feeding, mass exercise, and mass
22. Degradation – is the use of offensive words or languages on the part of prison personnel to
undermine or break prisoner’s faith.
23. . Corporal Punishment – implements harsh discipline or uses physical force to threaten a
convicted prisoner.
24. Isolation or Solitary Confinement – also known as the “lone wolf”. This is a form of discipline
where prisoners are not permitted to have visitors, accept letters or news, and are not allowed
to speak to others.
25. Imprisonment – It places the convict in prison in prison to protect the public from drug crime
and at the same time to rehabilitate the inmates by forcing them to enter formal recovery
26. Parole -is a conditional release of an inmate after completing part of his or her jail term to slowly
reintroduce him or her to free life under the direction and supervision of a parole officer.
27. Probation – a procedure whereby the prisoner is released based on conditions imposed by the
releasing court and under the control or supervision of a probation officer upon conviction of an
offense, the sentence of which does not exceed six years of imprisonment.
28. Fine – An amount is given as compensation for a criminal act.
29. Destierro – is a punishment for banishing an offender from the place where he committed a
crime, forbidding him from approaching or entering the 25-kilometer perimeter.
30. Retribution – The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to
afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable
punishment as might be enforced.

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