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Sherman- Hi Clever

Clever- Hi Sherman!
S- friend Long time no see! How are you?
C- I’m great. Great to see you!
S- Yeah! You too.
C-When did we last see each other?
S- Oh, I think it was before quarantine! So … where are you living these days?
C-Oh, not far from here. I live on Huanta.
S- Yes, That’s really close to the Ayacucho.
C- Mmm. How about you?
S- I live on Ayacucho.
C-How very good
S-I present to you mi friend
Pool- My name’s Gean Paul, by the way.
C- Hi. Nice to meet you.
P -Nice to meet you, too.
S -Sorry, yes – Pool’s my friend of the infancy!
C -Best friend, how very good
S- Look – I’m going to playing football down the stadium Cumana now to meet
Henry, my other friend. Would you like to come in?
C- Yeah, that sounds good.
S- Brilliant! Let’s go

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