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REG NO. 22/O1/206.


Examine the problems associated with compilation of bibliographies

and the solutions to those problems.

Compiling a bibliography
Use a single list which integrates all the different types of source material
you have used. The exception is where you have discussed a number of
primary sources (such as novels, films, ancient sources, letters, historical
documents etc), when you should separate your bibliography into primary
and secondary sources. All lists should be ordered alphabetically by first-
named author's surname or organization if there is no named author.
Problems associated with compilation of bibliographies.

 Problem of errors remain in several references by virtue of errors in

quoting authors (including the correct number, order, initials and
spelling), article title, journal title (including proper Index Medicus
abbreviation), volume number, page number and year.

 Potentially more damaging are the errors where the name of one
journal is replaced by another. In many instances, references do not
conform to the uniform medical reporting system. The number of
errors encountered is inversely related to the diligence of the author
and the time spent by him/her in correcting the bibliography. The
magnitude of the problem can be gauged by the sheer number of
articles published on this subject.
 Problem of Ethnic diversities, new forms of materials and the
increasing multilingual imprint, pose a series of separate problems
for the cataloguer, which require professional skills and linguistic
expertise to deal with them. The Anglo- American Classification
Rules Second Edition widely used in Nigeria, is not particularly
helpful when dealing with personal names, and details of the works
of non-western and non-Christian authors, and of corporate and
governmental bodies.
 There is also a lack of any comprehensive retrospective bibliography.
Studies have shown that bibliographical services are not well
developed in that there are no union catalogues, periodical indexes,
serials, union lists, or inclusive national bibliographies. Besides, old
documents are often destroyed before thought is given to keeping
these materials in the proper manner by a responsible agency.
 Undeveloped Services with no union catalogues, periodical indexes,
serials, union lists, or inclusive national bibliographies. Besides, old
documents are often destroyed before thought is given to keeping
these materials in the proper manner.
 Lack of skills, manpower, funds, in the processes used and the
technical equipment available. Lack of adequate funds and effective
management has made this impossible to achieve.
 The swelling tide of printed materials of course creates many
practical difficulties, and ways and means are constantly being
sought to hold it in check. Methods of inventory to maintain a
complete record of production are discussed. National, regional, and
local union catalogs and union lists have been created to locate
materials. Cooperative purchasing agreements have been arrived at,
such as the Farmington Plan for the acquisition of books from
abroad. Regional storage centers are set up for housing little-used
books. Ambitious projects are being carried forward to microfilm
and microprint large masses of material, to reduce their bulk for
storage purposes. Programs are functioning for subject specialization
among libraries, in order to reduce the scope of their collecting
activities. These are some of the devices designed to bring order and
system into a chaotic bibliographical world.
 Lack of confidence: Lack of confidence is one of the most common
problems among others with low self-esteem feel less motivated
thereby affecting the quality of the work. Concern that your focus is
either still too broad or too narrow: This concern is inevitable.

Solutions to the problems faced while compelling bibliographies.

 Determining what resources you have available. Scrapped an initial

process idea of replicating another bibliography study because it
would be too resource-intensive.
 Determining what kind of design and methodology can best use in
compelling. If your questions include words such as “explore,”
“understand,” and “generate,” it’s an indication that your study is
qualitative. Whereas words such as “compare,” “relate,” or
“correlate” indicate a quantitative study. The design comes out of the
study, rather than being imposed on the study.
 Establish classic, foundational works in the process, Current
academic debate is often shaped over many years, with specific
works framing the discussion. For an informed analysis of a subject
area, it is often essential that a select number of specific works be
consulted and understood.
 Provide a guide for independent compelling process.
Bibliographies provide crucial information which can direct
independent research.
 Assist with bibliographer advisory.
Many bibliographers have the experience of feeding the right
monographs and articles right compelling track from the start.
 Help with collection development. Just as universities expand and
create new programs or departments, university libraries must adapt
with them. Bibliographies can offer assistance for developing
collections in these new areas.
 Stimulate ideas for events and displays. Get highlight on specific
compelling. Bibliographies around a theme can provide a leg-up in
this process.
 Take your time with the planning process. “It’s worth consulting
other bibliographers.


i. Powell, Ronald R. 2004. Review of Handbook of bibliography design and social

measurement, 6th ed., by Delbert C. Miller and Neil J. Salkind.
ii. Library & Information Science bibliography 26:110. Uprichard, Emma. 2004.
Review of Handbook of research design and social measurement, 6th ed., by Delbert
C. Miller and Neil J. Salkind. Sociology - The Journal of the British Sociological
Association 38:407.
iii. Bischoping, Katherine. 2005. Review of Bischoping, Katherine. 2005. Review of
Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, 5th ed., by W.
Lawrence Neuman. Teaching Sociology 33:95. methods: Qualitative and quantitative
approaches, 5th ed., by W. Lawrence Neuman. Teaching Sociology 33:95.

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